What is Selanic and where is the fabric used?

Such a popular and demanded fabric by users all over the world, like knitwear, is made by tightly tying together rows of strong loops in a certain order. If at the base of such knitting of loops lies high-quality cotton, then as a result a universal fabric called selanik will be released, from which wardrobe items can be worn almost in any season of the year.

What it is?
Selanik is a unique soft knitted fabric that differs from similar materials for its delicate texture and special hygiene. You can often find fabrics with a combined composition, when synthetic fibers are added to natural components.
The production of Selanik fabrics began in Europe in the second half of the XX century, when products from the new knitwear fabric became fashionable. At first, this kind of fabric was intended for sewing light sweaters and sweaters. Today, Turkey is considered the main manufacturer of this fabric - knitwear is produced here in large quantities, both the fabric itself and ready-made products made from selanik.

This material is different good density, its front surface is an enlarged eraser, and the wrong side has a not very large, but at the same time very beautiful fluffy pile. The canvas is quite pleasant to the touch, elastic and very delicate. The fleece is very soft. Such fabric is dyed only in one color, but at the same time in all kinds of colors - from black and gray to snow-white, milky and sand. The fabric, which will later be used to create products for children, most often has bright pink, sky blue, yellow or green shades.

In the description of the selanik material, you can find a large number of positive features.
Practicality.Selanik clothes can be worn in any weather, except for extremely hot or too rainy days, as the fabric is quite dense.
Form stability. The fabric will very delicately fit the body, but at the same time, due to the presence in the knitwear, it can pass air and guarantees excellent thermoregulation.
Softness. This fabric is often used for the production of children's clothing.
Aesthetic appearance.
Elasticity and low creasing.
Wear resistance.
Hygiene and hypoallergenic.
It absorbs and evaporates moisture well.
Convenience and comfort in use.
Easy to care for.
Inexpensive fabric compared to similar materials.

Selanik differs from other knitted fabrics in the first place by a special type of weaving.
Clothes made of it will not constrain body movements, will not wrinkle, and will not cause any special inconvenience. These qualities are very important for toddlers and those who love the most active lifestyle. Selanik fabric can be easily worn both separately and in combination with other fabrics.
For all its positive aspects, selanik fabric is not always perfect. Several factors can be noted among the main disadvantages.
Low light fastness... Unfortunately, this tissue can be destroyed by direct sunlight. Because of this quality, many consumers are afraid to purchase things from this unique canvas.
When worn for a long time, the right side of the garment may roll off strongly.

Selanic is actively used for the production of interior design elements, which are distinguished by a special comfort, warmth and softness, which is why it can easily be found when decorating a room.
Various items of modern wardrobe and home textiles are sewn from selanik, for example:
lightweight sweaters for women and men and almost weightless turtlenecks;
original sweaters and fancy blouses;
dresses of various styles and lengths;
sportswear for fitness and yoga;
versatile children's clothing;
light blankets, warm blankets.

Care rules
What are the features of the care and use of such an unusual knitted fabric like Selanik? To begin with, it is worth clarifying that for this material the same recommendations apply that can be considered common for most knitted materials:
it is impossible to actively rub things from selanik when washing;
do not twist them too much;
you will have to completely abandon the use of aggressive chemical detergents;
experts advise against stretching things during their subsequent drying.

Washing Selanik is actually not that difficult. Machine wash can be carried out with proper observance of a certain temperature regime - no more than 40 degrees.
It is best to dry this kind of fabric in a natural way - in a straightened state, preferably on a horizontal surface. So clothes made of Selanik can become even under their own weight, and then they do not have to be ironed.
Ironing and steaming of the material is strictly prohibited.

Store things from selanik should be turned inside out, always folded, on a shelf, and not on a hanger. The storage area should be dry, well ventilated and dark.
Due to its special softness, unique elegance and good hygienic properties, Selanik is often used for the production of high-quality children's clothes. The material fully complies with all the existing requirements for such things: an increased degree of environmental friendliness, excellent practicality, 100% safety, good wear resistance. Even with frequent washings, a material such as selanic will not cause any particular problems.

The peculiarities of full-fledged care will be directly influenced by the unique composition of Selanik. High abrasion synthetic fibers help improve the strength characteristics of the fabric.If you take good care of your belongings and take proper care of them, then they will be able to serve much longer than the prescribed period. And throughout the entire period of operation, these products will delight you with their beauty and excellent quality.