Features of chambray fabric

Chambray fabric is of natural origin and is made exclusively from cotton, which makes it stand out from other materials. Despite the fact that this material appeared in France, it is in demand all over the world and is famous for its excellent characteristics and ease of maintenance.

What it is?
Chaumbray is a two-color, moderately dense fabric made from natural raw materials. It is because of this that this material is very popular among people who are allergic to synthetic fabrics.
A distinctive feature of chambray is that its color scheme is always muted, so the product after sewing seems a little shabby and aged. Because of this, it is sometimes difficult to find the front and back of the material.

Basic properties
In appearance, this canvas is quite strong resembles denim with unique elastic properties, so many people who do not understand this issue can easily confuse chambray and thin jeans.
However, this fabric is a separate type of textile that can boast of its unique characteristics and properties. In the production process of linen, natural cotton threads are used, which are usually interwoven with the simplest method.

If you look at the fabrics close, you can see the melange effect, which appears due to the fact that the plain weaving method is used. In most cases, the fibers are dyed in shades of blue, which is why very often chambray is confused with a material such as denim.
The main difference between chambray is that this fabric is made in a linen way.As for the scuff effect, it can be achieved thanks to chemical and thermal treatments.

This fabric provides a high level of comfort due to its elasticity and soft texture, which also boasts airiness and the ability not to wrinkle on the surface.... That is why chambray is actively used for sewing elements of outerwear, as well as in the process of creating blouses and T-shirts. Among the main advantages of this material are its softness, resilience and elasticity, as well as strength.

In addition, the fabric is renowned for its durability and wear resistance. Even after many years of active use, clothes made of such a material do not fade and do not lose their basic properties. The lack of shrinkage allows you to create blouses and other similar items of clothing from this material, which are usually bought with an exact match to the size.
The main disadvantage is that this material dries for a long time and accumulates static electricity, which sometimes leads to problems during operation.

The unique properties of this material make it an excellent choice for sewing almost any wardrobe item. In most cases, chambray is actively used to make shirts and blouses, but you can also find shorts, trousers and other types of clothing on sale.
This fabric is distinguished by its specific color scheme, therefore, experts advise to wear no more than one item to create a harmonious image. If you combine a shirt and chambray trousers at the same time, then the bow will turn out to be too colorful and eye-catching.

Very often chambray is used for sewing elegant scarves. It is this material that is the basis for accessories for gentlemen in European countries. And this is not at all strange, because he not only looks extremely solid, but also boasts of his premium appearance, which is an integral aspect in creating a business image.
Recently, you can also find children's clothing items on the market that are made from this fabric. Its main advantage is that it is very soft and pleasant to the touch, which is extremely important for a child's skin. In addition, it is a completely natural product, therefore it is hypoallergenic and does not cause any allergic reactions in the infant.

Care Tips
Chaumbray is one of the easiest materials to maintain, but in order for the product to retain its original appearance as long as possible, you must follow the recommendations.
- It is allowed to wash products in water with a temperature of no more than 40 degrees. The main problem is that natural fibers can shrink at too high temperatures, and this cannot be fixed. In addition, chambray can lose its softness due to exposure to high temperatures.
- During the washing process, it is allowed to use not only a liquid detergent, but also an ordinary detergent powder.... The main thing is to make sure that there are no bleaching components in the product, as this can negatively affect the color scheme of the material.
- Due to its excellent strength, the product can withstand any type of spinning... You can also remove moisture by hand, but do not twist too much as this can cause the fibers to become brittle and damage the product. If you dry things inside the washing machine, you will have to take a little more time to smooth them.
- Drying your clothes is one of the most important steps in using chambray products. It is best to dry outdoors, as this has a positive effect on the condition of the fibers and allows the fabric to retain its original appearance for as long as possible.In order for the ironing process to take place as quickly and simply as possible, it is best to dry the products on a special hanger.
- There is no need to use conditioners for clothes, since chambray is an extremely soft fabric and in itself is already pleasant to the touch, so there is no need to soften it further.

The ironing process will not be difficult, since this material is easily smoothed, even if you use a low-quality iron. In this case, it is imperative to use gauze, which will provide reliable protection of the fibers from combustion. The lack of serious care of this fabric makes it an excellent choice for everyday wear. With a competent approach and the use of high-quality detergents, you can ensure the durability and attractive appearance of products for many years.
Thus, chambray fabric is one of the most popular on the market due to its huge number of advantages... The unique performance properties of this material make it possible to use it in the production process of any garment, and the ease of maintenance makes products made of this fabric extremely practical.
The composition of the matter is completely natural, so it is not capable of causing allergic reactions.