What if the fabric sheds heavily?

Often housewives are faced with the fact that things fade when washing, and this problem can affect both low-quality and high-quality things. How to check a product for the durability of staining, how to care for a fading thing and what to do if it has lost its former brightness, we will describe in detail in this article.

How to check the color fastness?
Any product can shed, regardless of its cost. Most often this applies to low-quality wardrobe items, in the production of which the technology of dyeing the fabric was not followed.
However, it also happens that a high-quality thing begins to fade, subsequently losing its brightness and color, and therefore it is recommended to check any wardrobe items for staining strength.

To find out how much a new item will shed and whether it will shed at all, you can use several methods before washing at home.
- The simplest of these will require water, an iron, and white paper. So, a small area of clothing needs to be moistened. After that, press the sheet tightly to the wet place, and pass it over the product with a heated iron. A trace of paint on paper will indicate that the thing is heavily painted and will lose its brightness in the future, which means that it must be looked after in a special way.
- There is another verification option, it is more complicated. It requires you to cut a small piece of fabric at the location next to the seam. Alcohol is poured into a separate container. A piece of matter is lowered there. Next, this piece should be compared in color with the product itself.If the thing turned out to be brighter than the alcohol-treated piece of fabric, this will indicate that the thing will fade in the future.
- There is another option that allows you to check the wardrobe item for the degree of staining strength. So, a piece of cloth must be put in a bowl of warm water, in which it is necessary to dilute the washing powder in advance. Next, this piece is wrapped with a white cloth. All this is squeezed out. If, as a result, you see a colored spot on the white fabric, then this will indicate that the thing is fading, which means that you need to take care of it more delicately.

How to wash properly?
In order not to spoil the thing, you need to familiarize yourself with the features of washing a fading product, otherwise it will be quite difficult to save it later. The first thing to remember is sorting things by color, because everyone knows that it is better not to wash white with red. Divide things. Set black to black and red to red. Even if the thing fades during washing, the colors will not mix, and the things will remain visually beautiful.
It will also be useful to purchase a special powder that helps to fix the color. But stain removers and conditioners for such coloring products should not be used.
It is best to wash such things in cool or warm water with a temperature of up to 40 degrees.

It is not worth using bleaches for such things, since they will only lighten the thing and contribute to the destruction of chemical bonds. This will negatively affect not only the shade of the thing, but also its condition. Subsequently, you simply have to throw it out.
If your garment sheds too actively, losing its brightness and color with each wash and leaving marks on the skin or other fabrics, then in this case, you can change the washing process. For example, if it comes to jeans, you can try to remove the coloring pigment.
You can do this as follows: soak faded jeans in warm water, rinse the product under cool water, and then soak again for an hour. This will help remove most of the paint. Next, the product needs to be rinsed again and soaked again, achieving the moment when the excess pigment is completely eliminated. After that, the jeans are washed in the washing machine with the addition of a powder that helps to preserve the color.

How to fix the color?
If the fabric sheds too much, then in this case you can not only be guided by the rules for washing such things, but also try to fix the color. This can be done with vinegar, because acid is an excellent paint fixer. It is necessary to use this substance to fix the color in the correct proportions.
The process itself proceeds as follows:
- the item must be soaked in cool water for 30 minutes, if desired, powder can be added to the water;
- then the water is separately mixed with vinegar at the rate of 5 tablespoons per bucket, it is there that the thing is put after washing;
- after that, the item is rinsed several times in clean water and dried without twisting, while the product should dry on its own.

Most often, products made of wool shed. Such wardrobe items, even despite the high price tag in some cases, fade very actively, which is especially noticeable after the first wash. However, on a woolen thing, the color can also be fixed with your own hands at home, using only improvised means.
To fix the paint on a woolen wardrobe item, you will need ordinary ammonia, which can be purchased at the pharmacy. First, rinse the woolen garment well, adding a softening concentrate. After that, the thing should be wrung out, thereby removing excess moisture. Next, add one tablespoon of ammonia to warm water. A woolen product is placed there and rinsed thoroughly.

After all this, the woolen item should be washed in the conditioner, adding ½ teaspoon of vinegar during washing.Next, the thing should be wrung out and dried in the shade.
For some things made of this material, ironing is also required - this can be specified on the item's label.
You can also use anti-discoloration wipes to help protect things. These wipes help fix the pigment. It is enough to put them next to a colored product when washing, with a high probability the thing will not lose its original appearance.

How to fix?
If you overlooked, and your thing has already shed, then you should not be upset. Even so, the product can be saved. To do this, it is worth resorting to soaking, and the restoration of the original shade can be facilitated by special solutions that help restore its former brightness. You can prepare such solutions with your own hands at home, using only improvised means, which can be found in almost every home.
So, to create one of these solutions, you need salt. Stir it with water and powder, then put the faded product there, having washed the thing before that in ordinary water.
And ordinary salt mixed with water will help save dark and black items.

If the color has lost the red product, then in this case you can resort to using a solution based on soda, which you just need to mix with water. Liquid ammonia can also help bring back the color of the garment when it comes to blue and bright red wardrobe items. Usually they proceed as follows: five drops of ammonia are added to the water, after which things are soaked in the resulting solution.
In general, it is not so difficult, and not expensive, to return the lost color to a faded product. If home restoration methods turned out to be ineffective for you, then in this case you can resort to using a special tool designed to paint wardrobe items. You can buy such a tool in a specialized store.

Care Tips
In order for a fading thing to retain its color for a long time, be wearable and please its owner with its appearance, you need to adhere to some care tips.
- So, for a start, you should use the following products when washing: vinegar, salt and a gentle powder for hand washing. These tools will help set the color.
- But soap and soda should not be used for hand washing, on the contrary, since they only provoke leaching of the pigment. It is best to use liquid laundry gels as they dissolve faster in water and are easier to wash out of the fibers of the fabric.
- When washing, the water temperature should not exceed 30-40 degrees, and before starting it, it is necessary to carry out the procedure for fixing the color, which will help maintain the brightness of the product.