What is waffle fabric and how to care for it?

Waffle cloth is a versatile type of material, perfect for wiping surfaces. This fabric will not leave pile hairs after use, it is able to absorb a significant amount of moisture. This canvas originally appeared in Turkey - it was first mentioned in the 18th century.

The fabric "waffle" got its unusual name due to its external resemblance to all known waffle dessert.
Description and properties
Due to the special type of weaving, the front side of the fabric is described very much like a waffle. The texture of the waffle fabric is not very large, with a visible depression, even cells with low sides. Such an unusual type of structure of the canvas is able to increase its area, due to which much more dirt and moisture is removed from the surface. This same characteristic helps to provide a high-quality body massage, therefore robes and towels are made from fabric. The composition can be cotton, sometimes linen is found. Inexpensive variations may contain an admixture of synthetic fibers. A good waffle fabric must comply 100% with all available GOSTs.

Positive characteristics of waffle fabric:
natural composition, due to which there is no possibility of an allergic reaction;
low cost;
almost instantly will be able to absorb moisture (3 times more than other cotton fabrics);
increased density and strength, excellent wear resistance, has a long service life;
environmentally friendly and will allow air to pass through well, allowing the skin to "breathe";
able to retain heat well;
very soft, as pleasant as possible for the body.

The density of this fabric is approximately 80 to 240 grams per square meter. A thin type of cloth is very similar to compacted gauze, but it is very rarely bought, and therefore it is inexpensive.
Initially, the production of wafer material after the weaving process results in a very harsh fabric. Here, a primary cotton thread is used with all the available impurities. The second stage is finishing. Here, garbage and all kinds of impurities are removed from the material. As a result, a snow-white and very soft material comes out - the first type of bleached fabric. After that, a printed type of fabric or one dyed canvas is made of white material. The weave of the fabric is called combined. Low-type overlaps are placed in the recessed part, elongated and weft ones allow you to make beautiful sides.

The harsh canvas has a beige color with a gray tint. It is quite tough and does not absorb moisture as well as other types. It is used most often for technical purposes or goes further into processing. Bleached types can be of 3 variations.
Bleached fabric can be found most often. It is produced from a harsh canvas and is completely free of impurities. Quite soft to the touch, monochromatic fabric, perfectly absorbs, has a beautiful white color.
Plain dyed fabric first they are bleached, and only then 1 uniform layer of the coloring composition is applied on top. It is forbidden to boil or wash such a cloth in water with a temperature above 45 degrees.
Printed canvas decorated with colored and original designs of different structure.

Material width parameters may vary:
45 cm is one of the most popular and standard options, it is very convenient to use it for cutting towels;
50 cm - can be found much less often, since unnecessary trimming often remains after cutting;
80 cm - used quite often, also to create towels, but only with larger parameters.

Relatively speaking, the “waffle” fabric, having a width of 40 cm, is a piece of fabric 80 cm wide, neatly cut in half, sometimes having one raw edge.
The sizes of the squares of the wafer cells will vary greatly: from 1 mm to 10 mm. Cloths with small cells are more common for the production of kitchen towels. Medium-mesh textiles are used in the manufacture of napkins for cleaning companies and technical work. The large cage is characterized by a fairly high density and excellent rigidity. It is perfect for sewing massage towels, light types of shoes.

Waffle fabric has become very common both in everyday life and in modern production. Consider what is made of modern waffle material.
Towels, small in size and quite large. These can be products for use in the kitchen or in a bath, sauna, massage, for personal needs (intimate hygiene) - the type may directly depend on the available density of a particular product. These towels are often used by athletes as they are highly absorbent. Towel fabric is also very soft. On trains, hotels, kindergartens and hospitals, you can often see just this kind of towels: they easily boil, are not very expensive and will last a fairly long time.

- Robes for various purposes are sewn. Sometimes these are bathrobes, but you can also find robes for everyday wear. It is quite comfortable to sit in such a robe after visiting the steam room, as the fabric will quickly absorb all the sweat. And also from such a material excellent soft slippers, comfortable turbans for drying hair are obtained.

- Kitchen textiles - these are different potholders, small towels for cleaning, thick covers for the kettle, large tablecloths.From a large piece of material, you can cut napkins of the desired size and small towels to effectively wipe washed and therefore damp dishes, wipe a noticeable speck of fat from the table. Such a rag can then be easily washed, while it is not at all a pity to throw it away and take a new one. You can sew this kind of rag for everyday cleaning yourself.

- Cloths and rags for complete cleaning are in great demand in medical institutions, companies providing cleaning services, in kindergartens and schools. They are suitable for high-quality wiping of glasses and mirrors, they can be used to wipe glasses, various surfaces of the car and its parts, you can wash dust from office equipment. Waffle cloth is used during repairs: you can quickly wipe off fresh paint and varnishes from the skin.

- Due to its resistance to high temperatures, the fabric is often found in the oil industry, in the metallurgical industry..

- And also often the "waffle" fabric is used as a very convenient and cheap shock absorber in the production of furniture. In containers, it is used to protect fragile furniture items.

Care Tips
Waffle fabric is considered to be a low maintenance material. The main rules are the following:
white or gray fabric can be washed in any available mode and at any temperature;
colored products can be washed in water at a temperature not exceeding 40 degrees;
any powder can be used;
ironing the fabric is not at all necessary, but if necessary, it is best to use the "Cotton" mode;
when ironing, do not press on the fabric with an iron, so as not to deform its structure, but you can make the process softer by using steam.

In the house of any modern housewife, you can find a beautiful waffle towel. And all because no other matter will have such qualitative characteristics. She always looks smart.

When choosing, you should take into account customer reviews about a particular manufacturer.