How to make a face toner at home?

Facial skin care is an integral part and guarantee of beauty, youth and health, and one of its most important aspects is dermis toning. On store shelves, you can find a large number of cosmetics intended for these purposes, however, you can make a face toner yourself at home.

Features of the homemade tonic
Nutrition and hydration in the form of various masks and creams need to consolidate the result, a tonic is used for this. The procedure for toning the face is also recommended to be carried out immediately after washing. This will help solve common problems associated with early pigmentation, various rashes, imbalances in the skin with the negative influence of water containing chlorine.

Since our skin has individual characteristics, then it is recommended to carefully select toning agents, and sometimes it is better to make them with your own hands from herbs, having received a good face remedy at home. Indeed, in the refrigerator and kitchen cabinets of any woman, you can often find the right ingredients for making toners.

Homemade tonics accelerate interstitial metabolism, improve blood circulation, have an antiseptic effect and remove toxic substances from the pores.
With daily use, the activity of the sebaceous glands is normalized, the aging process of the skin of the face and neck slows down. This is because the products are manufactured using fresh, natural ingredients without preservatives or other chemical additives.

The procedure for creating a tonic at home must begin with determining the purpose of the preparation: cleansing, moisturizing, refreshing, matting, toning. Means to prepare the most is not difficult, since they are mainly prepared from a decoction - water with the addition of various plant elements. Ingredients for homemade toners can be purchased at any convenience store.

It should be noted that in the recipes described below for making tonics it is recommended to use non-carbonated water, preferably bottled, since such water is thoroughly filtered, and the presence of toxins and chlorine-containing components in it is minimal.

Let's consider the basic recommendations for making a homemade natural tonic.
A cleansing tonic can be obtained from vinegar. Apple cider vinegar is known for its leveling, smoothing, normalizing and moisturizing effects on the skin of the face.

To make a tonic, we take apple cider vinegar in a volume equal to 1 tsp for a glass of water, and you can also add a couple of sprigs of mint or a couple of drops of mint-based essential oil. Peppermint has antibacterial properties. After you have prepared the components, you need to let the water boil, then pour the mint with it, and then leave the solution to infuse for 20 minutes. When adding essential oil, you need to take a liquid at room temperature. Next, filter the water and add a spoonful of vinegar.
The solution can be used repeatedly, but it is necessary to shake it immediately before use.
The advantage of using this tonic is its relatively long shelf life - when kept in a cool environment, it is able to retain its properties for a couple of weeks.

Cucumber tonic is made from one large cucumber, green tea in a volume equal to 50 ml, lemon juice in the volume of a teaspoon. My cucumber, grate, pour the mixture with tea and add lemon juice. It is necessary to insist the tonic for about a couple of hours in a place protected from sunlight. After that, filter and pour into a convenient container. The shelf life of such a tonic is three days.

Bay leaf tonic is one of the most affordable. To prepare it, you will need bottled water in a volume of about 100-150 ml and a bay leaf - 5-6 sheets. Boil water, then add bay leaf to it. Cook over low heat for no more than 10 minutes, then remove the leaves from the solution and let it cool. After cooling down, it can be used as directed.
The shelf life of such a tonic is no more than 1 week.

Nettle tonic can be made with 2 tablespoons of nettle and water. It is necessary to pour the nettle with a glass of hot water, leave the solution for about 30 minutes. After you strain the infusion, it will be ready to use.

It is recommended to use a chamomile toner to solve the problems of moisturizing the skin of the face, and also aloe-based toner works well. Chamomile tonic is prepared on the basis of pharmacy chamomile, packed in small sachets. So, take one bag of chamomile and fill it with a glass of hot water. For brewing, 10 minutes is enough - after cooling, the infusion can be used.

Aloe tonic can be made with one cucumber that is not overly large, a couple of aloe stalks, a quarter of a grapefruit, and mineral water. For the convenience of extracting juice from aloe, it is recommended to wrap the stems in gauze, place the bundle in a bag and keep it in the refrigerator for 24 hours. Then you need to grind the aloe and cucumber in a blender, then squeeze the juice. Add grapefruit juice and mineral water to the resulting mass. Within three days, the solution will retain its nutritional properties and is suitable for use.

As a refreshing agent, the mint tonic described above can be used. You can also make a tonic from rose petals. This will require about 200 grams of red rose petals. They should be poured with mineral water and boiled until the color changes.Cool the tonic and apply after washing the face and neck.

Parsley tonic can be used as a mattifying agent. To make it, we need a glass of boiled water, 30 grams of parsley, 20 grams of freshly squeezed orange juice. When boiling water, you need to add finely chopped parsley, boil it over low heat for about 10 minutes. Then strain the broth and add orange juice.
This tonic also has a brightening effect and reduces the oily skin of the face.

The tonic made from dried bird cherry has a mattifying property. This will require 2 large tablespoons of bird cherry and half a tablespoon of honey. It is necessary to brew the berries of bird cherry with boiling water - a liquid in the volume of half a glass. Then let the broth brew for 1 hour and add honey. This product tightens pores, ideal for oily skin. This remedy is not recommended for dry skin as it may feel tight.

One of the gaining popularity is oatmeal tonic. Ingredients: 200 grams of oatmeal, a glass of hot milk or water. It is recommended to grind the oatmeal in a coffee grinder, then pour over them with hot liquid. Insist the resulting mass for half an hour and squeeze. The infusion can be used both in the morning and in the evening.

Lemon tonic is made from grapefruit juice (you need about 100 grams), lemon juice (20 grams) and 30 grams of vodka. The components must be thoroughly mixed and infused in a convenient container for three days. This product copes well with the oily sheen of the T-zone.

Rice tonic is also quite easy to make. The ratio of rice to water is approximately half a cup of rice grains per cup of liquid. To make a tonic, pour water over the rice and let it brew for one night. In the morning, strain the liquid and boil it. Rice infusion copes well with skin pigmentation, as it has a lightening effect.

And also you can use Long-term herbal tonic made from calendula flowers, chamomile, parsley seeds and hazelnut oil. This agent has an anti-inflammatory effect. To prepare it, all herbs must be taken 4 teaspoons each, add 12 drops of oil and pour in hot liquid. The infusion must be held for about an hour in a warm place. After pumping, the toner is usable for 5 days.

Green tea toner can even out skin tone, brighten it and solve many common problems. To make it you will need 5 drops of tea tree oil, 1 ml of geranium oil, a drop of eucalyptus oil, a few pinches of acai berries and a green tea bag. In this case, it is better to take green tea without additional flavors and other components. The ingredients must be brewed and insisted in a tightly closed container until they cool completely.

Calendula tonic is also made from calendula tincture, boric acid, salicylic solution, chamomile decoction and essential oil. You can choose any oil depending on your individual preferences. All these ingredients can be purchased at the pharmacy, the cost is relatively small, but the effect is amazing.
It has an antibacterial effect, prevents the appearance of blackheads and blackheads, perfectly cleanses the skin from the remnants of makeup and foundation.

We take a decoction of chamomile, cooked in a steam bath. This method will maximize the preservation of the beneficial properties of chamomile. Cool the solution to room temperature and add a few drops of essential oil. Add the contents of all the bottles purchased at the pharmacy, mix thoroughly - and the tonic is ready for use.

Storage rules
Toning agents have a lot of beneficial effects on the skin: toning, matting, refreshing and whitening effects, moisturizing.They are unique in removing impurities in the pores of the skin and can nourish tissues as well as branded masks and creams. It should be noted that These homemade tonics are not for long-term storage, since all products are natural and do not contain preservatives, artificial impurities and stabilizers.
So, most alcohol-based tonics can be stored for no more than two weeks, the average storage time for non-alcoholic infusions is from 3 to 5 days.

The funds must be stored in a dark place, protected from direct sunlight. Some herbal toners last for about two days, so watch out for color and odor changes in homemade products. And also it should be noted that to preserve the nutritional properties of solutions, it is necessary to choose a container made of darkened glass.

One of the secrets of cosmetologists is the fact that These homemade tonics can be frozen in the ice cube trays that come with most modern refrigerators. It is recommended to wipe the face with ice both in the morning and in the evening to enhance the toning effect on the skin of the face.
This will have a firming and rejuvenating effect on the muscles of the face.

If you have some free time, then you can spend it at an unpretentious occupation - the creation of cosmetics, feeling like a beautician. When using such products, your skin will acquire the desired healthy, radiant and rested appearance, so do not neglect the secrets of home cosmetology.

In the next video, you will learn how to prepare a natural face toner in 1 minute.