Topiary for beginners: features and interesting ideas

If you are fond of needlework, then you have probably heard of decorative topiary. Today in our material we will talk in more detail about these products, and also offer you some simple but interesting ideas for consideration.
Manufacturing rules
Generally speaking, the word "topiary" in translation means "tree of happiness". For the first time in history, these decorative souvenirs were made on the territory of Ancient Rome. Topiary does not lose its relevance to this day, with skillful execution, they can become an exclusive decoration for the interior of any room.

It is not difficult to make a topiary - not only an experienced person in needlework, but also a beginner can cope with this task. The main thing is to follow simple rules and instructions, and also not to be afraid to show your creativity and creativity. Let's consider a few standard principles.
- In appearance, topiary resembles a tree. Accordingly, when making it, you must reproduce all the necessary elements. So, in the process of creating a tree trunk, you should use only strong, reliable and sustainable materials, since this component will become the basis and base of your craft.
- In the process of decorating the crown, before attaching the material, which will serve as decoration, it is recommended to paint the base itself. It is advisable to choose the color as close as possible to the shade of the decorative elements that will be applied later.
- Almost any material can be used as a filler for the stand. The main thing is that it must hold the base of the craft as securely as possible.
- When creating your author's composition, use only high-quality materials, especially for glue and paint - they should not emit extraneous odors. Ignoring this rule can lead to the fact that you will be completely disappointed with the final result.
- If desired, you can create several crowns within one fake. It doesn't have to be limited to just one basic element.
Thus, following simple rules, you can create a unique home decoration that will delight your household and guests.

What can you do?
If you decide to make a topiary, then the first question that will arise will concern you with what materials you can create a composition. In general, there are no restrictions, you can use almost any materials at hand.
As mentioned above, a topiary is a composition that consists of several parts (as a rule, there are 3 of them). Let's take a closer look at what materials can be used to create this or that element.
- Experienced needlewomen recommend starting the creation of a topiary by making a stand for it. So, as a basis, you can take a flower pot, a mug, or any other container of a small size and suitable in shape (for example, you can cut off the bottom of a plastic bottle). In no case should this container be left empty - it must be filled with material. In this case, you can use silicone, foam, rubber. Remember that the filler should be as reliable as possible, since it will hold the trunk - the basis of your future composition. The outer part of the stand-container can be decorated with any decorative material of your choice (for example, beads or beads, grains, buttons or even plain colored paper).
- The next step is to create the trunk of the topiary. For making, you can use materials such as tree branches, skewers, tubes, sushi sticks. In order to give the trunk a finished look, it is recommended to use threads or tapes for winding. In addition, if you want to create a more pliable trunk that has the ability to bend and take different positions, then you can opt for a regular wire (you can use either a single piece or separate trimmings).
- Any materials can be used as the final element (the so-called crown). In this case, it is recommended to start directly from the idea and finishing decor. For example, polystyrene can act as a soft base, hard options - plastic or plastic.

The final decoration of the topiary should be carried out taking into account the interests and personal preferences (your own or the person to whom you want to present a present).
So, for example, children will like topiary decorated with bright candies, and banknotes can be used to create a men's topiary.

Simple topiary
Topiary is a relatively simple craft that you can do yourself at home. You can present such a present to your family and friends for any reason (for example, for a birthday or New Year's). Let's take a closer look at easy step-by-step instructions and master classes on the technique of making simple topiary.
The most popular type of flavored topiary is the composition using coffee beans. This material not only looks attractive in appearance, but also emits a pleasant aroma that will fill your home with coziness and warmth.
To make the composition, you will need the following materials:
- foam (for a spherical base);
- tree branch (for the trunk);
- you can use a cup as a stand;
- coffee beans (for decoration);
- gypsum solution (as a filler);
- newspaper;
- paints;
- glue.

So, for a start, the harvested foam must be shaped into a ball, and then put on one of the ends of the branch (for a more secure attachment, it is recommended to use glue). Next, we glue both elements with newspaper, and then paint the entire surface with brown paint (to match the coffee beans). Then we pour the plaster solution into a mug and place the trunk with the base there, wait until everything dries. The last stage is decorating all elements with coffee beans (you can also use other decorative elements if you wish).
Helpful advice. If you want to be creative and create an unusual composition, you can create the base not in the form of a ball, but in a different shape - for example, a "floating" cup will look very stylish and unusual.

Money Tree
The preparatory steps in this case are the same as in the case of making a coffee composition. However, in a money tree situation, it is recommended to choose a more reliable base (for example, wire). You can use a tray or plate as a stand. In order for your topiary to become truly "cash", it is recommended to decorate it with coins and banknotes (they can be printed using a printer). Cash topiary is a great present for the New Year.

The base of sweet topiary is made according to the standard scheme. However, in this case, special attention should be paid to the selection of the stand - it is desirable that it be small in size, but very bright and memorable. Various candies are used as decorations - for example, multi-colored dragees, caramels in bright wrappers, small chocolates. Such a composition will make an indelible impression on every child or adult with a sweet tooth.

When creating your winter topiary, don't be afraid to be creative. So, as a stand, you can use a transparent vase, a snow-white mug or any other container, which can later be painted with snowflakes. Christmas decorations, branches of conifers, ribbons are suitable for decorating the base. In order to create a truly Christmas and winter decoration, try to give the base not a spherical, but a well-defined shape (for example, the shape of a Christmas tree).
This can be done easily with a flexible material (such as Styrofoam).

Obviously, the spring topiary should be as bright and floral as possible. This homemade craft is a great present for your mom or sister. Use artificial flowers and ribbons for decoration.

In order for you to be satisfied with the result at the end of the creative process, it is very important to follow a few simple recommendations of specialists.
First of all, when choosing decorative materials, it is important to make sure that they all fit together... This is the only way you can form a single composition.
Traditionally, it is customary to make the base of the topiary in a spherical shape. However, if you wish, you can abandon this rule and approach the creation of a fake in a more creative and creative way. So, for example, if you want to present such a composition as a birthday present, then you can make the base in the form of numbers (focus on how old the birthday person is). Thus, you will create the most unique craft.

For the features of topiary for beginners, see the next video.