All about topiary from foamiran

The interiors of apartments and houses are often decorated with a topiary - a tree of happiness, created by hand. Many ways to create and decorate it have been invented in recent years with the advent of new modern materials for crafts. One of these materials is foamiran. Foamiran topiary - bright, original art objects. This material allows the needlewoman to realize her creative fantasies and test her abilities.

Foamiran has several names. It is also called plastic suede, foamed rubber. Initially, foam was produced in Iran, so the word “Iran” was added to the word “foam” - this is how “foamiran” turned out. Foamed rubber is also produced in other countries, but Iranian foam is more valued among craftswomen. Features of creating topiary from foamiran lie in the properties of this material:
- pleasant velvety;
- elasticity when heated;
- waterproof during operation;
- the porous structure allows you to paint it with paints;
- easy to stick;
- retains its shape after processing.
The main technique in the work is shaping the heated element of a flower made of foamiran, which, like plasticine, takes the shape that the craftswoman sculpts with her fingers. Therefore, foamiran is used in many types of needlework: in scrapbooking, floristry, jewelry and jewelry making.
The industry produces plastic suede in different varieties. This foam is glitter - one side of the sheet is covered with sparkles. Delicate marshmallow foam is 0.5-0.8 mm thick.
Working with him requires experience and skill. For the manufacture of flowers, a foam with a thickness of 0.5-1.0 mm is used.

Product variants
A variety of bright colors are used to create foamiran roses that decorate the topiary. Lovers of other flowers can easily make them from a leaf that matches the color.

For example, pink and white produce delicate rosehip flowers. The inner petal of the flower is dark, each subsequent row of petals is lighter. The last petals are completely white.

A sunflower is made from yellow, green and black materials. For autumn flowers, there is also a foamiran of a suitable color.

The crown of the topiary is made in various forms. For example, making a Christmas tree made of bright green foam is a great gift for the New Year.

Topiary in the form of a pink sakura will appeal to lovers of oriental interiors. Small Japanese cherry blossoms adorn the crown of a tree made of natural materials.

A popular tree of happiness with a crown in the form of a heart. A heart decorated with roses is a pleasure to receive as a gift for a birthday or Valentine's Day. A wedding celebration will also decorate this tree of happiness.

Foamiran flowers are organically combined with such material as sisal. They are used to decorate the top of a pot or flowerpot. The sisal that matches the color is laid out at the base of the tree trunk.

Materials and tools
Topiary can be made literally from improvised means. This is what experienced craftswomen do. But for topiary from foamiran, a little more materials and tools will be needed. You need to prepare:
- the basis for the crown is a foam ball of the required diameter;
- trunk for a tree;
- flowers from foamiran;
- container in the form of a pot or pots;
- ball paint and flower pastels;
- plaster or alabaster to secure the trunk;
- decorative items for decoration.
Foam balls with a diameter of 3 to 15 cm are bought at handicraft stores. If this is not possible, the ball is made with your own hands from a wad of newspaper. To give a round shape, they are wrapped with threads or decorated in another way available to the needlewoman.
The diameter of the ball and the diameter of the pot must be the same. Sometimes the pot may be smaller. If the barrel height is 25-30 cm, the ball is needed with a diameter of 12 cm.
When all the parameters of the topiary are met, the tree looks organic.
The trunk can be straight or curved in the form of a branch. It is covered with paint and fixed with varnish for shine.

Manufacturing steps
Making a topiary with your own hands is not a very difficult task. The main difficulty lies in creating flowers from foamiran to decorate the base of the crown of the tree of happiness.

Making roses and other flowers
Before starting work, choose a foamiran that will correspond to the type of flower. Foam with a thickness of 2 mm is suitable for making a flower, if heat treatment is not used during work. Flower petals are cut out of a shiny, glittering foam. This method of making flowers is suitable for beginner needlewomen.
To create flowers and roses using heating, you need the following tools:
- foamiran with a thickness of 0.5-1.0 mm;
- scissors for creativity;
- glue heat gun;
- iron or other heating device;
- embossing molds;
- wooden sticks or toothpicks;
- the base of the bud for roses;
- thin wire.

If you plan to decorate the tree of happiness with roses, then you need to follow the step-by-step instructions for creating a rose. Here is a master class for creating a rose from foamiran.
- Create a template for cutting the petals and leaves of the rose. The size of the template will depend on the selected flower size. If the diameter of the rose is 9 cm, cut out three squares with a side size of 3.3 for the petal template; 3.7; 4.5 cm. Use scissors to shape them into petals. The sepal template is cut from a circle with a diameter of 9.5 cm in the shape of a five-pointed star
- Using templates, cut petals from foamiran. To do this, attach the template to the material and circle it with a stick or toothpick along the contour. For the first row, cut 7 petals of 3.3 cm. For the second, 10 petals with a height of 3.7 cm. The third row will consist of 15 petals of 4.5 cm. The petals can be of a different size.It depends on the size of the rose being made. It is important that each subsequent row is larger in size than the previous one.
- Again, the bud, on which the petals will be glued, do it yourself, twisting the foil tightly with a ball and giving it an elongated cone shape. Or buy ready-made flower buds on a wire in a handicraft store. When gluing the petals to the base, it is convenient to hold it by the wire.
- Using a sponge, apply the pastel to the tips of the petals.
- To give the workpiece its natural petal shape, slightly heat it on an iron. To prevent the petal from sticking to the iron, set the heating mode for silk and wool. Squeeze the heated lower edge of the petal with your fingers, you get a natural fold. Tighten the upper heated part slightly, and the workpiece will take the form of a rose petal. All petals are prepared in this way.
- Glue the prepared petals around the base with hot glue. The first row is small petals. Then, in the intervals between the glued petals of the first row, a second row of larger petals is glued on top. Then the third row of the largest petals. In this case, each row is displaced upwards by 1 mm when glued.
- When the rows of rose petals are glued, flatten the bottom of the flower to make it easier to glue the flower onto the base of the topiary. To do this, cut off the lower part of the bud with scissors, giving it the appearance of a platform.
- After that, a sepal is glued from below, which has undergone heat treatment on an iron.
- Rose leaves are created using mold. Molds for leaves and petals of various colors are on sale. To make a rose leaf, cut out a template and heat. Attach to the mold - and all the veins and bends of the leaf will be printed on the blank. Make relief cuts at the edges of the leaf with scissors. Glue the finished sheet from below to the sepal of the rose.

Novice needlewomen make flowers from foamiran easier to make. Bright yellow dandelions with green leaves look spectacular on the crown of the topiary. To create a dandelion, no petal templates are created, only a sepal and leaf template.

To make flowers, two yellow strips of foamiran with a height of 2 cm and a length of 20 cm and 15 cm are cut off. Each strip is cut along the long side in the form of cilia. At the end of the workpiece, leave 5 mm uncut. Heat the workpiece and wind it with a spiral onto the tip of the wire, starting from the uncut end, at the same time working with glue. With each turn, move the edge of the strip up not 1 mm. It turns out a dandelion flower. Tumble with your hand and glue the prepared sepal at the bottom.

From a 15 cm segment, a smaller dandelion is obtained.

The core of a sunflower is made in the same way. To do this, use black foamiran. Craft yellow-orange petals using a template. After heating, give the petal a natural shape by crushing and pulling it out with your hands.

Assembling the topiary
When the elements of the topiary from foamiran are prepared, you need to carefully and consistently make the craft.
- First, connect the prepared crown with the trunk of the tree of happiness. To do this, make a hole in the ball with a sharp tool and insert the barrel blank there. Secure with glue for reliability.
- Fix the other end of the trunk at the bottom of the pot, glue it. A safe method is to fill the pot with a solution of gypsum or alabaster and wait until it hardens.
- When the trunk with the crown is fixed, we decorate the trunk. One option is to wrap it with green or brown floral tape. Or decorate with a satin ribbon. Can be painted with acrylic paint.
- After that, glue the prepared flowers onto the crown ball with a heat gun. To avoid a gap between the flowers, decorate the gaps with organza or satin ribbons. Some needlewomen paint the ball green or any other color so that the white gaps between the flowers are not visible.
- Decorate the pot with sisal.To do this, glue the sisal at the base of the trunk and decorate with small flowers. Decorate the topiary with beads, beads, and other decorative elements. The decor depends on the imagination of the needlewoman. A brutal option is to wrap the pot in burlap and fasten it with jute thread, decorate the crown with figures of birds and insects.

With each new craft, the skill of making topiary from foamiran improves, new ideas appear.

There is no limit to perfecting the skill in creating the tree of happiness.

What are the topiary from foamiran, see the next video.