All about candy topiary

Sweet gifts can be called a universal offering to any person and for any occasion. but in order not to be too banal, appearing with another box of chocolates, you should think about an unusual design - for example, in the form of a topiary.

What it is?
Modern topiary is a small artificial tree, usually with a spherical crown. Its peculiarity is the use of rather unexpected objects as decoration: lollipops, shells, coins, coffee beans, animal figurines, as well as artificial natural elements. Thus, a sweet topiary made of sweets is a tree, the crown of which is decorated with all kinds of sweets.

What are they?
It is clear that the main component of sweet topiary is sweets, the choice of which is limited only by the imagination of the master. Of course, it is best if these are the birthday boy's favorite delicacies, be it curly gummies in the form of bears, "Rafaello" or "Ferrero Roche". A good solution is to alternate candies with artificial flowers, for example, felt. Such a solution will allow, even when taking out the candies, not to leave the tree completely "bald" and immediately deprive it of its visual appeal.
In the case when the topiary is to perform only a decorative function, the candies should be replaced with candy wrappers filled with crumpled paper.

Themed sweets topiary designed for a particular holiday look very original.
For example, on March 8, a girl can be presented with a tree made of Rafaello sweets, each of which is hidden inside a paper rose or felt tulip. On February 23, a gift that combines dark chocolate and black and red artificial flowers will become relevant.When creating a topiary for Valentine's Day, you will need to make a base not in the form of a ball, but in the form of a heart, and then fill it with candies in a red, pink and golden wrapper.

The Christmas tree should be decorated with curly Santa Claus and Snow Maiden. Wedding topiary is created from expensive candies in gold or silver wrappers.

Manufacturing technique
In order to make a candy topiary with their own hands, it is better for novice needlewomen to pick up some simple master class and follow its instructions step by step. For example, you can build a tree decorated with simple caramels or simple chocolates wrapped in candy wrappers.
Ideally, it is better to take those sweets whose candy wrapper is twisted into a small tail - this will greatly simplify the fastening process.
The work begins with the fact that candy is glued to the tip of a small wooden stick with ordinary tape. This action is repeated as many times as there are candies in total - therefore, initially it is better to prepare more material so that “bald spots” do not appear on the crown.

Either a foam ball or a cork ball is used as the base of the tree. Having created a puncture on the surface, it is necessary to pour hot glue inside, and then insert a skewer with candy "on top of the head" there. Repeating the sequence of actions, it is necessary to cover the entire surface of the crown with sweets, except for a small area in the lower part. It is there, taking a thicker stick, that it will also be necessary to fix the topiary trunk with glue. Having picked up a suitable container - for example, an ordinary flower pot, its internal space must be filled with either gypsum or polyurethane foam.

The tree is evenly located in the middle of the pot and is set aside until the filler hardens. In the end, the finished composition is additionally decorated. The trunk of the tree should be wrapped with a satin ribbon or jute rope, the pot should be painted with paint in the color of the composition, and the surface of the "earth" should be masked with cloth or sisal.

It is even simpler to create topiary from candies on a stick - that is, lollipops and similar lollipops. In this case, you can skip the item with wooden sticks and insert the chupa-chups immediately into the foam ball. Lollipops should be used to fill the entire surface of the ball except for a small area at the bottom where the hole for the barrel will be located.

The crown of the tree is fixed on a stable wooden stick with hot glue, after which the finished topiary is placed in a container already filled with polyurethane foam. Before the next step, you must wait until the filler is completely dry. For the final decoration of the candy tree, ribbons, buttons, rhinestones, beads, pieces of fabric and other materials are suitable.

Marshmallow topiary, often referred to as "Marshmallow Cloud", looks very gentle and attractive. To create it, you need to prepare several packages of Marshmello gummies., a ball-shaped foam base, a wooden spoon or plastic tube, and a small flower pot. Either plaster or gypsum is suitable as a filler. In addition, sweet icing or chocolate, double-sided tape, pieces of artificial moss and satin ribbons will come in handy.

It all starts with the fact that a wooden spoon with its end is inserted into a foam blank, which is then wrapped in cling film. Thus, both the trunk and the tree of the future topiary are immediately formed. The diluted gypsum mixture is poured into a stand container, and as soon as it begins to thicken, a spoon is placed inside with its wide side down. It is important to set the tree evenly so that the whole composition looks neat and balanced. Wait for the pot filler to thicken to proceed to the next step.

Pink icing or melted white chocolate is used as glue for marshmallows. The spherical base is processed with a silicone brush with an adhesive substance, after which sweets are tightly fixed on it.
Experts recommend that you first glue the right and left sides, then let the topiary harden for 10 minutes in the refrigerator, and then process the top and bottom of the crown.

The trunk of the tree can be decorated with a white satin ribbon, and the filler in the pot can be masked with pieces of artificial moss. The finished design is decorated with a pink bow and a decorative brooch attached in the middle.

Basically, when creating any sweet topiary, it is important to consider a few basic points.
- The spherical crown should be as bright and "alluring" as possible, immediately indicating that the gift is not only beautiful, but also tasty. This effect can be achieved if you initially choose candies in a colorful wrapper for decoration.
- The trunk, which is most often played by a wooden stick, must withstand the entire weight of the crown and have the correct diameter.
- A stand - a pot, mug or other container should be correctly decorated in the color of the tree itself. The container filler must be heavy enough to prevent the structure from toppling over.
- If it is difficult to find a foam ball, then the base can be made using the papier-mâché technique.
- You can decorate the crown not only with wrapped candies and chupa-chups, but also marshmallows, gummies, lollipops or even cookies in packages.
- Ribbons, bows, sequins and rhinestones, flowers and coins are suitable as additional decor.
- The trunk can be simply painted, or it can be decorated with sequins, bows and rhinestones. It is convenient to disguise the pot filler with pieces of moss, pebbles and decorative stones, coins, beads and small candies.

In the next video, you will learn how to make marshmallow topiary.