Original topiary from coins

Topiary - a spectacular tree that can be created from different materials. It all depends on the imagination, taste and purpose of the souvenir. The most common decor for topiary is coins and bills, but there are many additions and chic details that can be used. You can make a topiary yourself, and without any special skills. It is enough to connect your imagination and study several master classes.

Topiary of coins - a souvenir that is created from money, and therefore it is valuable not only from the point of view of aesthetics. Only new coins are suitable for him, otherwise you will have to spend a lot of time to polish them to a spectacular state or decorate them additionally. The new coins shine and look aesthetically pleasing on their own. The money tree in the form in which it appears in the topiary was invented in ancient Rome.

The design of the crown of such a plan looks very neat and beautiful.
The modern art of creating topiary is very well developed, today not only monarchs and rich people in their gardens can acquire them... A cute money tree is a symbol of good luck, anyone can make it. A variety of materials and decor are used, which allows you to create real works of art, original and distinctive. Plastics, flowers, ribbons, twine, yarn, cones, coins and coffee beans are often used. As for the shape of the crown, it depends on your desire. The most common options are:
- heart;
- oval;
- circle;
- square.

What do you need to make?
The money tree made of coins allows you to realize the most daring creative ideas and creative ideas. Therefore, the materials can be used differently. There is a set of necessary parts and tools that you cannot do without:
- base - most often it is a foam shape of the desired type, for example, a ball;
- coins of different or the same denomination, preferably new, you can use souvenir;
- thermal gun;
- aluminum cable;
- PVA glue;
- container for wood: a mug, plastic cup or pot;
- acrylic paints;
- alabaster and breeding water;
- various decor: rhinestones, coffee, ribbons, ribbons, lace, yarn and so on.

It is not recommended to use a crumpled newspaper base because it is difficult to make it perfectly flat. It is also important that the surface of the figure is not too smooth or slippery. To do this, you should use paper or newspapers and glue the base. It is most convenient to glue coins with a thermal gun, this must be done carefully, not chaotically, thoughtfully, otherwise the crown will be ugly. As for the number of coins, it is worth considering - they are glued with an overlap and in two layers.

That is, the number of coins should be 1.5-2 times larger than the base area.
Interesting options
Before you start making a souvenir with your own hands, you must come up with an idea, design for a future topiary. After preparing all the necessary items and tools, you can start making. A step-by-step master class for beginners should be mastered with the principle of sticking coins. Then it will not be difficult to make a topiary. The principle of operation is as follows:
- first, one coin is glued, two above it in such a way that they overlap it like scales;
- this area of three coins is glued on from different sides, gradually filling the entire area;
- don't forget to leave room for the tree trunk.

A beautiful crown depends entirely on how neatly you glue the coins.
Golden flower
This simple option does not require much time and special skills, while it looks elegant and expressive.
Features of execution:
- for the trunk, you can take skewers or wire, depending on which trunk you want to get - straight or flexible;
- you can combine different materials for the barrel for a more effective composition;
- a decorative pot can be purchased specially, or a simple cup will do.

Algorithm of actions:
- pour the diluted alabaster into a container, put the trunk, let it dry;
- the trunk can be decorated with decorative-type leaves with glue;
- cut a small foam ball in two, wrap one half with adhesive plaster and glue the bead in the center;
- you can use whole small balls for buds;
- around the bead, coins are placed with an edge in the order of chess, the reverse side is pasted over in the same way, here we leave a place for the hole;
- pour glue into the hole so that the hitch is reliable;
- the second bud is done in the same way, or you can cut out an oval and make a half-open bud, the gluing technique is similar to the first;
- we install the inflorescences on the trunk, wrap it with rope or tape;
- we paint the composition with golden paint, decorate to taste and desire.

Money Tree
This souvenir will require a little more time and effort. The execution algorithm is as follows:
- a thin wire is cut for the stamens, we put a bead on the tip and bend the end;
- the other side is twisted in a spiral onto a knitting needle, so we do 3 stamens;
- we create side branches from a wire on which a bead is put on, beads, then we do the procedure similar to stamens, you will need 2 branches;
- we attach the stamens to the foam base;
- glue a coin in the center, stamens around it, the second row is glued at an angle;
- similarly, we glue over ½ of the ball, then turn it over and continue the procedure, leaving room for the barrel;
- we make the trunk from thick wire and wrap it with a tape with a sticky layer, wrap it three times, attach branches to it;
- put on the ball, do not forget to pour glue into the base;
- for winding the trunk, you can use tape, threads, yarn, you can add foliage, beads to the composition;
- we decorate the container with a cover or paint and decorate with beads, beads, ribbons;
- at the bottom, you can place the load, install the trunk in alabaster, after it dries, glue the coins.

Using coffee beans
Coffee topiary - the perfect solution for those who love the aroma of coffee. Algorithm of actions:
- we form a trunk from a wire cable, it bends perfectly; we dilute gypsum or alabaster, pour it into a pot, cup or other container; fix the trunk in the center, leave it to dry; the decor of the trunk is carried out according to the type of the previous version, you can paint it;

- we wrap the base with threads and cover with glue, in which coffee is poured, leave the hole for the trunk free;

- glue the coins in 2 rows so that they occupy no more than one eighth of the entire area; install the crown by pouring glue into the hole; with a lightning, you need to proceed as follows - a part is painted in a brown tone, it is glued to the base; glue the coffee beans tightly to each other;

- we decorate the trunk and the pot with twine, coins, grains, the container should be painted.

Work examples
Works from coins with decorative elements look spectacular souvenir banknotes.

Topiary coins are used of any denomination.

Flowers - a very elegant piece of decor that will fit into any interior.

Chic topiary - a great gift option.
Money Tree - an elegant solution that will become a real interior decoration.

For information on how to make topiary from coins, see the next video.