How to make a topiary on March 8?

A handmade topiary will be an excellent gift for any lady on March 8th. A woman of any age will be very pleased to receive such an unusual tree of happiness. On the one hand, this is a purely symbolic gift, as it should be for this date, on the other hand, it is much more pleasant than any other unnecessary present. A colorful craft will delight the eye for a long time and can become a real interior decoration.
Usually women look forward to March 8 with great impatience, because on this day they receive congratulations everywhere. That is why men ask in advance what to give their beautiful ladies, so as not to seem trivial, presenting traditional sweets and a bouquet. Topiary is now at the peak of popularity. If we consider the original crafts for March 8, then this gift can be very useful.

Topiary will also be a great opportunity for children to please their mother, grandmother, sister or teacher.
Fashionable trees of happiness came to Russia from Europe. This jewelry is notable for the fact that it is made by hand, which means that there are truly no limits to the variety. There are compact models with a height of 7-20 cm, and there are crafts that reach 1.5 m - this directly depends on what place in the general interior will be assigned to them. The smallest topiary is usually placed on a desktop or bedside table, models 40-50 cm long become a decoration of a living room table, window or fireplace, while tall ones are usually placed on the floor - they decorate voluminous spaces.

Topiary can always be ordered by a professional master, but it is much more interesting to make it yourself, while you can always take into account the subtleties of the interior in which it is located, choose materials and color palette, as well as think over the accompanying decorative elements. The handmade tree is gaining more and more popularity in recent decades, as it represents one of the brightest opportunities for self-expression - any woman will surely appreciate such a gift.

Materials and tools
There are many different options for decorating a topiary as a gift for March 8th. Novice craftswomen most often use corrugated paper, from which beautiful flowers are made. Trees can be created from beads, beads, satin ribbons, fabric, sisal, threads and many other improvised materials are used - the imagination is limited only by the materials available.

A foam ball is most often used as a basis, but, given the peculiarities of the holiday, you can make a frame yourself in the form of an eight made of cardboard or soft plastic.

And also for work you will need the following working materials and tools:
- large beads;
- pots, glass, cup, jar or any other container;
- glue gun;
- scissors;
- gurgles or similar devices;
- foam sponge.

Before starting work, think over the details of your composition and color scheme. If you plan to use combinations of several shades, then they should complement each other harmoniously. Considering that we are talking about preparing for the spring holiday, it is worth giving preference to delicate floral colors (pink, lilac or white). Experienced craftswomen often make flowers consisting of two elements of different shades - this gives additional volume to the topiary, makes it more festive, elegant and magnificent.

How to do it yourself?
There are many different options for making topiary for March 8th - they all use different materials and have a different look. However, if we are talking about the crown, trunk and pots, then the technique for their manufacture is the same in any case.
The crown is usually presented in the form of a heart or a small ball. The base can be purchased in shops for craftswomen, or you can do it yourself - for this, several newspapers are rolled into a tight lump, and then wrapped in a chaotic manner with threads to give a round shape.

To make the barrel, you can use one of the following materials:
- wooden branch - please note that in this case its thickness should not exceed 5 mm;
- stick for rolls and sushi;
- base from paper towels;
- Drumsticks;
- dense wire, twisted in several rows.

To give a decorative look, the trunk is wrapped with satin ribbons, jute thread or colored paper. If desired, it can be painted with indelible paint.

Any topiary needs a pots. The easiest way is to use a flower pot for this - it is painted in a theme corresponding to the upcoming event. For small trees, you can use a nice glass, cup, or even a jar. The easiest way is to decorate the pots with a floral mesh, and a bow is glued on top.

After that, a plaster or alabaster solution is prepared. To do this, the powder is diluted with water, stirring, and brought to the state of heavy cream. When the composition begins to solidify, the topiary is immersed in it and held in an upright position until the alabaster is completely solidified.

Next, all that remains is to take the threads for knitting, confuse them a little and place them on top of it as an additional decorative element, in addition, you can use artificial moss, grass or sisal.

From satin ribbons
One of the most common materials for making topiary is satin ribbon. Craftswomen love this material for its spectacular look and ease of twisting shapes. All that is needed to create beautiful flowers is only sharp scissors and a candle or a lighter to fix the cut points.

Experienced needlewomen know many techniques to make flowers from satin ribbons. For beginners, we recommend roses. Making them involves a few simple steps.
- Take a 35 cm tape and fold the top corner away from you. After that, twist the ribbon along the bent edge into a small roll and secure with a needle and thread.
- Then the tape is bent again, but in the direction towards itself, capturing a small corner from the previous fold.
- These actions are performed until the tape ends. After that, the atlas is twisted into a bud, bending the ribbon towards itself at a right angle.
- Upon completion of the work, all the petals near the base are stitched with a thread and a needle and carefully straightened.

Thus, the required number of flowers is made, as a rule, at least 30 are needed for topiary.
After the blanks are made, you can proceed directly to decorating the crown of your tree. To begin with, on the surface of the base ball, make small holes with an awl and insert the resulting roses into them, securing them to the glue gun.

Please note that there should be small gaps between the flowers. Similarly, cover the entire surface of the bases. If you use flowers of different colors, then they need to be alternated in shade.
In the lower part of the base, you need to make a larger hole and insert the barrel into it. - it can be a dry branch, a wooden stick, a skewer and other workpiece.

The next step in this tutorial is to create green leaves.
You will need a green satin ribbon to make them. Circles of several sizes are cut out of it, each workpiece is folded 4 times and the edges are melted over the flame, pressing against each other until the atlas heats up and the edge melts.
After that, the edges are treated with glue and the petals are inserted between the roses into free areas so that the entire base is filled with decorative elements.

From beads
Beads are very popular in the manufacture of topiary. This material has a presentable appearance and a fairly democratic cost. The undoubted advantage is its durability and exceptional ease of use. That is why trees of happiness made of flat beads are so popular with all hand-made lovers. The shape of the crown is usually selected depending on the skills of working with beads and the characteristics of the interior. The most common shapes are cone, ball and birch.

It is best for beginner craftswomen to use the technique of making coral - it is the simplest and fastest. For the manufacture of topiary, it is necessary to screw 2-4 dozen pieces of wire to the tree trunk - they will act as coral branches. The required number of beads is put on each one, in some areas branches are formed and beads are strung on them again. These steps are repeated several times so that each subsequent branch is shorter than the previous one.
When all the branches of the coral have been processed, you can start finishing the trunk. It is greased with glue and wrapped with a thread, with beads strung on it.

The finished topiary must be decorated in such a way that it takes on a spectacular look. To do this, the base is painted or pasted over in the same style as the trunk, usually stones, tinsel or shells are used to create decoration.

It should be noted that such a tree is undemanding to care for - to clean it from dust, you just need to sprinkle it with soapy water from a spray bottle from time to time.
From coffee
One of the most popular options for making topiary is a coffee tree, and its creation is much easier than all of the above works. For a coffee gift for a spring holiday, you will not need to separately prepare decorative elements. All you need to do is just buy a pack of coffee beans.

A nice addition to such a decorative present can be an expensive coffee package or a set of small cups.
Step-by-step work on making coffee topiary includes several stages.
Hot glue is dotted onto the foam ball and the coffee beans are fixed. Try to fix the details as close to each other as possible so that the base does not show through the grains. Experienced needlewomen put the seeds alternately with the convex and smooth sides up. In those places where gaps will be noticeable, you can stick the coffee beans in two layers.

Jute is used to decorate the trunk - the branch is tightly twisted with braid, and so that it does not unwind during operation, each layer is coated with PVA glue, and the tip is fixed on a glue gun or with a stapler. If you used thick wire to make the trunk, you can bend it slightly - in this case, the tree will look more natural and realistic.

Flowers from ribbons and fabrics will help to add color to the topiary, you can use ready-made flower arrangements - be sure that all female representatives will be delighted with such a gift.

Coffee trees can become a real decoration of the interior, and their delicate aroma will create an atmosphere of warmth and comfort in the room for a long time.
Beautiful examples
If all your thoughts are busy looking for an unusual gift for International Women's Day, then handmade topiary can be a pleasant surprise for the fair sex. There are many variations of the tree of happiness - each of them is an original embodiment of a creative flight of imagination.

Eight-shaped topiary is very popular. However, it is not necessary to focus on the date - you can always create any other light, airy and truly spring decor.

Delicate shades look very harmonious - pink, white, green and lilac. They personify the onset of spring days and inspire women to be positive and smile.

Topiary can be large or small. The smallest ones can even be attached to a magnet, while the larger ones will become a real decoration of the living room.

For how to make a topiary on March 8 with your own hands, see the next video.