Making heart-shaped topiary from coffee

Coffee topiary is perhaps the most popular variety of this decorative tree. If you choose a heart as the basis for a composition, you will be able to make a wonderful gift for a loved one with your own hands.

What is required?
To create a coffee topiary, of course, you need a large amount of coffee beans. It is recommended to use a high-quality product, that is, all the grains should have approximately the same size and color, which means they should be evenly roasted. Since the particles have to be glued not only flat, but also overlapping each other, it is important that their preliminary drying is efficient.
It is recommended to use a heart-shaped foam blank as a basis for the tree. If necessary, the crown can be created from cardboard or a crumpled wad of newspapers.

Besides, for work, you will need threads of a suitable color, brown paint, a wooden stick or tube for the barrel, a glue gun with rods, plaster of Paris, scissors, double-sided tape and a support vessel. Homemade vessels, vases, beautiful cups, and ordinary plant pots are suitable as this container. To decorate a coffee tree, you can use carnation stars and cinnamon sticks, ribbons, beads and lace.

How to do it?
To make a heart-shaped topiary from coffee with your own hands, you must follow the instructions of the master class step by step. At the stage of preparation for the trunk, you will need to pick up a thick aluminum film, 50 centimeters long, and for a tree stand - a regular yogurt glass. To create a heart-shaped base, you will need cotton pads, cardboard, scissors, a pencil and white thread.

In addition, a glue gun, brown gouache paint, coffee beans themselves, acrylic varnish, satin ribbon of brown, pink and beige shades, crepe paper, rhinestones and scotch tape are useful for work. To make a pot filler, you will need to combine cement, alabaster and sand, taken in a 1: 1: 2 ratio, and clean water.

First of all, you need to cut out a heart of such a size on cardboard so that it turns out to be about a centimeter less than the intended crown. It is created immediately in two copies. The ends of the wire are rewound with tape to ensure better bonding. One of the parts processed in this way is placed in the center of the cardboard blank and fixed with hot glue. From above, the wire is again coated with glue and covered with a second template.

For so that the crown of the tree turns out to be voluminous, its surface is laid with cotton "pancakes" and rewound with a thread many times. Next, the heart must be painted in a coffee shade and left to dry. At the next stage, the surface of the crown is covered with coffee beans, and the work starts from the edges of the workpiece and proceeds to the center. Each grain must be fixed with hot glue and laid out with a chisel down. When the surface is full, it is necessary to form a second coffee layer, but already positioning the beans so that the chippings look outward.

The finished heart is varnished. The wire, which acts as a trunk, needs to be twisted into spirals using a wooden skewer, around which it is twisted. Next, it should be decorated with a satin ribbon, the ends of which are fixed with hot glue. A glass of yoghurt is made with crepe sheet, planted with glue. From above, the container is tied with a neat ribbon bow to match the paper.

Pink satin ribbons are used to twist flower buds, which are then fixed on the surface of the coffee heart. A bow is formed from the remnants of the same ribbon, which will need to be tied at the base of the crown. The finished design is slightly decorated with small crystals. The diluted filler mixture is poured into a yoghurt glass. It is important that its consistency resembles paper.

The tree trunk is inserted evenly into the cement mortar and left to dry for several hours. When the surface of the "earth" has hardened, it can be painted with acrylic paint. In principle, when making a coffee heart, you can lay out the beans in the form of a pattern, or you can place them on the butt-end. The particles should adhere to each other as tightly as possible. You can also decorate the surface of the pot with coffee beans if you grease it with glue first. The finished design is decorated with bows, beads and ribbons.
The topiary will look very unusual, the crown of which is decorated with a dried orange slice and a jute bow, and the surface of the "earth" is covered with coffee beans and decorated with a pair of cinnamon sticks and dried citrus. Instead of a pot, in this case it is recommended to use a large cup.

Beautiful examples
A cardboard blank for a heart can be made through. Thus, the crown will visually look lighter, and the topiary itself will look rather non-standard... The coffee heart itself is adorned with cinnamon sticks and carnation stars, and the spiral jute-upholstered barrel is fixed in a miniature watering can. Another unusual solution is to decorate half of the coffee crown with pink and blue fabric roses. Such a solution will give the product the necessary brightness and make the appearance of the "blooming" tree more memorable.

For information on how to make a heart-shaped topiary from coffee, see the next video.