Original heart-shaped topiary

Since ancient times, symbolism in the form of a heart has meant love, tenderness, warm feelings and relationships. This meaning has survived to this day. Today, lovers give their halves hearts in different styles of performance. They can be made in the form of a postcard, a balloon, or an image on a box or mug. However, handmade hearts are more popular in modern fashion. Only handmade, not purchased jewelry in the store. In this case, it is worth considering the option of topiary, thanks to which it turns out not only to tell about your love, but also to show how strong the feelings are.

Topiary - This is a decorative product, in appearance it resembles a tree with a crown of an unusual shape. For production, you can use coffee beans, beads, ribbons and other decorative options.
Decorations on display come in a variety of shapes and sizes, but most often they are designed small so they fit easily on a bedside table or shelf. However, the masters who professionally deal with topiary are ready to offer their clients gigantic jewelry.
Their volumes and heights can reach several meters.

The root of the word topiary has a Greek meaning. Its literal translation is "tree of happiness." In ancient times, Greece was famous for its masters of art, namely sculptors and decorators. However, at that time, a real tree was presented as a topiary, the crown of which was processed in a certain form.
The heart has always been a symbol of love. Without it, it is impossible to talk about your feelings or to please your loved one.Hearts in different types of performance are widely spread on the eve of Valentine's Day. The presented tree of happiness with a heart-shaped crown becomes a talisman of relationships and a keeper of tender feelings. The main thing is that the topiary is placed in a conspicuous place, for example, in the living room.

Materials and tools
The most remarkable thing is that to create a topiary different materials and tools can be used... "Tree of happiness" can be decorated with beads, beads, flower decorations can be made.
The heart base should be painted in a color that matches the idea. For example, red is a symbol of love and tenderness. It is suitable for decorating decorative wood in a pink style. The trunk of the topiary is framed with a thread of jute or satin ribbons. As the basis for the crown, you should use a ready-made layout or make it yourself from a piece of foam.

To frame the composition, you can take satin ribbons, lace, rhinestones, buy or make artificial butterflies with your own hands... If you want to create a rich topiary entourage, you should go to a jewelry store and purchase precious stones. However, such a tree will turn out to be very expensive, and so that the purchase of material does not hit your pocket, you should use artificial pearls. It can be found in any hardware store.
For topiary you need to choose correct trunk. It is best if it was corilus branch... It is strong, durable, easily tolerates the effects of glue and dyes. Wire can be used as an analogue.

The finished tree trunk should be in a special container. Flower pots are ideal. Their size should correspond to the dimensions of the tree.
It is important to think over what material will be used to fill the topiary in the container... It can be gypsum or plaster mix.
As a decoration for the crown of the tree itself, you can use coffee beans, rice, buckwheat, even pasta, wet wipes, cinnamon sticks and much more.

Interesting options
The topiary looks very impressive, having crown in the form of a heart, decorated with coffee beans... The finished result turns out to be very cute and even acts as a flavoring agent. To make such a topiary with your own hands, it is proposed to consider a step-by-step master class.

First of all, you need to prepare the following materials and tools:
- thick paper or cardboard;
- coffee beans;
- scissors;
- sponges;
- a simple stationery pencil;
- universal glue;
- sewing thread;
- plastic container;
- wire;
- brown paint;
- satin ribbon.

Next, you need to prepare the workplace. It is important that the room has good lighting.
- First of all, you need to make sample in the form of a heart. This will require cardboard. A contour is applied to it and cut out with scissors. With a template in hand, it’s much easier to create a composition you’ve intended.

- Next, cotton pads are taken. With their help, the template becomes three-dimensional. Each sponge must be dipped in PVA glue, and then put on top of the cardboard blank.

- A voluminous heart is required rewind and put aside until completely dry.

- After the glue has set, it is necessary paint the heart brown... This gives the base a color similar to that of coffee beans.

- While the heart shape dries up, one can do trunk... Wire is taken, twisted into the required shape and wrapped with jute thread. The main thing is that the ends of the rope are firmly fixed, otherwise the winding will come loose.

- Now you can return to the "heart" workpiece. In its central part, it is necessary to make a loop of tape and fix it tightly. Next, starting from the center, glue the coffee beans. It is important that there are no gaps between the grains. They can be laid out in the form of an unusual pattern or end. In a similar way, it is necessary to arrange the reverse side.

- The final stage of the master class requires the assembly of ready-made elements of the topiary... The barrel is lowered to the bottom of the plastic container and poured with a solution of gypsum or putty. Next, you need to wait for the mixture to completely freeze. Then the top of the solution is greased with all-purpose glue and sprinkled with coffee beans. The last step is to fix the heart in its proper place. Beads or pearls can be used as an additional decoration.

Another interesting design option is topiary in the form of a romantic heart with ribbons and flowers... Such a decoration can be the perfect valentine for Valentine's Day.
To work, you will need to prepare the following tools and materials:
- silk ribbons of small thickness in several shades;
- wire;
- container for placing topiary;
- alabaster;
- universal glue;
- stationery knife;
- scissors;
- artificial flowers in two different shades;
- straw used by florists to make bouquets.

The heart base for drawing up the topiary can be purchased at the store, or made by hand.
- At the bottom of the heart it is necessary make a hole corresponding to the thickness of the trunk.

- Required cut silk ribbons strips, after which each roll up in the form of a voluminous bow. The wire must be cut into 2 cm pieces. The rolled tape is attached in the middle with a small drop of glue. For the bow to be firmly fixed, it is necessary crochet the tape to the wire... Prepared flowers must be left aside until completely dry. Then their fastened on wire stalks also with all-purpose adhesive.

- The hole made in the heart is filled with glue, and the trunk of the topiary is inserted into it. Next, prepared flowers are glued to the decorative crown and rewound with tape. Crystals are glued to the surface of the tape winding, imitating dew drops.

- Alabaster mixed with water is poured into the container... It also contains the lower part of the topiary's trunk. After the alabaster dries up, its surface is coated with glue, on top of which floristic straws are laid out.

Having figured out the rules for creating a topiary, you can easily turn this interesting art form into a personal hobby. It is only necessary to start with the simplest compositions.
Beautiful examples
- Every modern girl wants to receive a topiary made by the hands of her beloved as a gift. Here's the perfect option for Valentine's Day, for example.

- Such beauty can decorate the table of the bride and groom at the wedding. Hearts are the symbolism of love in gentle colors.

- Ideal for congratulating your beloved on her birthday. Real spring in one masterpiece.

- With such a decoration, the son-in-law can congratulate his beloved mother-in-law on March 8. The only pity is that the fruit is artificial.

- A great way to wish a Happy New Year. Christmas tree decorations, artificial flowers and fruits were used as decoration.

For information on how to make a heart-shaped topiary with your own hands, see the next master class.