Products for embroidery

Everything you need to know about the hoop

Everything you need to know about the hoop
  1. What is it and what is it for?
  2. Description of species
  3. Materials (edit)
  4. Forms
  5. How to determine size?
  6. Accessories
  7. Selection Tips
  8. How to use it correctly?

Embroidery has been and remains one of the most popular types of needlework. To make the work more comfortable, and the result neat, use a hoop. What they are, how to choose the right model - we will tell you in our review.

What is it and what is it for?

The hoop is an embroidery tool, its main purpose is to facilitate the embroidery process. They stretch the fabric in such a way that it is much easier to work. Using the hoop, the craftswoman may not be afraid that the line will be pulled in, and the pattern will come out crooked. The tool can be used for stitching, cross stitching, and also when working with beads.

The hoop can be used for different purposes. The modern industry offers a wide range of models in wood, plastic and metal. They are given the shape of a square, circle or oval.

There are mobile hoops that you can take with you on a trip, and there are machines - they are used permanently.

Description of species

All the variety of hoops presented in stores can be divided according to several criteria.

By tension method

The most widespread are double-strand models. They are suitable for satin stitch embroidery, cross stitching, ribbons and beads. Each frame includes a pair of hoops of different diameters - before embroidering, the material is placed on a smaller hoop and closed on top with a large one. The design provides a latch handle, by means of which fixation is performed. Such models are often equipped with a special screw-type clamp.While tightening, it firmly fixes the fabric in the required degree of tension.

The double-arm hoop has its own advantages:

  • light weight;
  • strong fixation of the canvas;
  • mobility.

There is only one drawback, however, quite significant - the limitation of space by the size of the rings. As a result, the need for constant movement of the hoop on the working canvas. This may cause the finished part of the embroidery to become jammed. The threads in this place are deformed, the fabric wrinkles and spoils the general appearance of the picture. In addition, in the process of work, the fastening weakens, therefore, re-tightening is required from time to time.

Another popular solution is the frame hoop. Their design includes four strips, which are twisted together by means of bolts. In this case, the embroidery fabric is stretched horizontally, while the tension along the edge line is absent or very weak.

The material on the slats can be attached in several ways:

  • by splitting the planks with low lateral tension through the clamp with planks;
  • with tape / braid, fixed to glue or with a stapler on the upper bar - an embroidery cloth is sewn to it;
  • plastic clips - so that the matter does not slip, it is advisable to put it on the slats on double-sided tape.

The advantage of this hoop is an unlimited working area... This eliminates mechanical impact on the embroidery, the material does not wrinkle, and the threads are not deformed. In addition, during embroidery, there is much less need to move the canvas, so the picture does not get greasy in the palms and retains its clean and tidy appearance. However, there are also disadvantages. First of all, this is the absence of tension on the sides. In addition, the frames are heavy, so they cannot be called mobile in any way.

Not so long ago, the self-hoop hoop appeared in the world of creativity. They are distinguished by their structural reliability and ease of use. The model is represented by a pair of wheels, externally made of strong plastic, internally made of metal, it has special ears.

The blade is clamped as a spring. The springs of the smaller hoop are pulled together and allow you to easily fix the ring in the channel of the larger one. Inside the frame itself, the tension of the matter is carried out by another spring, which also allows you to hold the canvas during operation. The main advantage is the creation of quick and practical fabric tension without folds on the fabric interfering with embroidery.

Among the minuses are:

  • the need to apply physical strength to secure the hoop and remove it;
  • self-tightening hoops of large sizes usually have a plastic stopper, which greatly complicates the tightening process;
  • in the area of ​​contact with the material, the metal can leave an untidy hall.

Stationary and mobile

You can embroider anywhere - at home, on the road or on a walk. The most important thing is to choose the right tool. Many embroiderers do not part with their favorite pastime on trips and travels, especially if the road is planned long. To while away the journey, they take with them the work they have begun. At the same time, it is important that the hoop is placed in the bag and does not cause discomfort either to the craftswoman herself or to those around her. In this case, mobile hoops of small dimensions, up to 30 cm in diameter, will be indispensable.

However, when working on large canvases, embroidering tapestries, decorating blankets and tablecloths, a large hoop is usually used. These are bulky structures that are difficult to handle. Therefore, they are represented by models of a stationary type - machine tools.

The advantages of machine tools include:

  • the ability to adjust the angle of rotation of the frame, as well as the height at the request of the user;
  • no need to hold work with your hands;
  • if necessary, the machine can be supplemented with holders;
  • the model provides free access to the back of the embroidery.

The machines have a more complex structure, their dimensions are much larger than those of mobile machines. However, they completely free your hands, they can be used for both threads and beads. Working on such a tool, you can create real works of art, minimizing the risk of deformation of the canvas.

At the same time, most of the models offered for sale have many options for fixing the tissue, which is very convenient during work.

Floor-standing models are very popular. This instrument is installed on the floor using stands and stands. Modern manufacturers offer floor hoops that differ in the size of the working area, the length of the legs and design features. Desktop machines do not lag behind them. They are fixed with a clamp to any horizontal surface. On sale you can find both ready-made sets with various hoops, hoops, and individual holders. In the latter case, they can be fixed in any hoop, familiar to the needlewoman.

Chair hoops are less common. They have one leg with a large paw, with which they can be installed on any surface. A characteristic feature is the low height, so you can even do your favorite embroidery on the sofa in front of the TV. There is only one drawback of machine tools - it is cumbersome and massive structure, it deprives the machine of mobility.

In addition, in small rooms it can be problematic to find a place for it. Most often, such machines are installed in a specially equipped corner for creativity.


There are several types of special hoops.

  • Couch... Such devices resemble a regular embroidery frame on an extended leg. These models are convenient because they can be fixed not only on a table, but also on a sofa, armchair and even a bed.
  • Tapestry... They are rectangles made of wood. They suggest non-standard options for fixing the fabric - the fabric is sewn to special strips exclusively from the top and bottom, therefore, as the fabric is filled with threads and beads, the fabric must be scrolled in any necessary direction.
  • For embroidery on a typewriter... The main task of such tools is to uniformly tension the matter. However, it should be borne in mind that there are simply no universal versions that are suitable for machines of all types and embroidery options. The hoops differ in configuration and material of manufacture, in size, as well as in fastening options. At the same time, each type of embroidery machine can choose a narrowly limited range of hoops.

Materials (edit)

The hoop can be made of plastic, wood and metal. The cheapest material is plastic - its surface is smooth, so the canvas stretches well. Such devices are lightweight, they are mobile, so they are often bought for practicing their favorite hobby on the road. However, plastic is short-lived and can break at the most inopportune moment for this. Wooden models are more durable and have a long service life. Although with prolonged use, burrs sometimes appear on them. However, this drawback can be easily eliminated by grinding.

However, it must be borne in mind that wood is a rather heavy material, therefore, together with matter, needlework is not easy at all. If the canvas is large, it will be extremely uncomfortable to hold the embroidery in your hand for a long time. Metal hoops are used extremely rarely; needlewomen consider them inconvenient and do not recommend them for work. This is due to the fact that the metal causes fabric creases and often leaves dark circles on the fabric. Therefore, if you decide to use just such a model, then before starting embroidery, it is advisable to wrap the hoop with any soft cloth.


The most widespread are round hoops, they are considered a universal solution... Such models look like a pair of rings of different diameters. Depending on the design, they may have a fastening mechanism or not. The diameter and thickness of the rings vary, their sizes are selected taking into account the embroidery format. The round hoop can be made of any material - wood, plastic or metal.

Less commonly used are square and oval fixtures. They are distinguished from round ones only by their shape, in all other respects the principle of operation is completely identical.

There are no functional differences between models of different shapes, so the choice depends solely on the personal preferences of the embroiderer.

How to determine size?

The size of the embroidery hoop should be selected depending on the scale of work. To create small paintings, frames with a diameter of 40 cm will fit. Larger works that require a significant area of ​​fabric are embroidered on massive frames. The main requirement for choosing a hoop, taking into account the size, is that during the creation of the embroidery the work had to be moved as little as possible. The ideal solution would be a frame of such a size that the entire pattern is inside it.

A little tip: Select the hoop so that the width or circumference of the frame is 3-5 cm wider than the working surface of the canvas. It is impossible for the picture to be pressed against the edge, this can lead to deformation and distortions of the finished picture.


If desired, you can embroider on any canvas. However, for embroidery, especially when it comes to cross-stitching, they often buy a special cotton or synthetic canvas, in which the weaves of threads are clearly distinguishable. This allows you to give the crosses the most correct shape. Some types of canvases are removed from the finished job when embroidering is completed. However, in recent years, canvas has become the most widespread, which remains in the embroidered product. A variety of needles are used for different types of work. Conventionally, they can be divided into two large categories - with a sharp or blunt tip.

For cross stitching, needles with a blunt tip are more preferable, they easily fit into the cells of the canvas. For the smooth surface, on the contrary, the use of pointed needles will be more effective - this is the only way to reproduce the desired pattern as accurately as possible. Double-sided needles will be a useful purchase for lovers of embroidery, however, to master their use, some skill is required. A fabric cover is considered a useful accessory. It protects the canvas at the edges from greasing and staining.

In addition, it allows you to hide the fabric hanging along the edges so that it does not interfere with the embroidery.

Selection Tips

Before choosing a hoop for your work corner, there are a number of factors to consider.

  • Appearance. Regardless of what materials the tool is made of, its outer and inner surfaces should be perfectly smooth, well polished and sanded. If you find any defects, it is better to refuse to purchase, as it can significantly impair the finished look of your work.
  • Colour... It is better to give preference to models of neutral colors. Too bright can leave marks on the working surface.
  • Clamp... If you buy a hoop with a screw, then before buying, be sure to test the fixation, the fixer must create and hold the optimal tension of the web.

How to use it correctly?

The use of different types of hoops has its own characteristics. To achieve drum tension with a simple, screwless hoop, you need to place the inside of the hoop on the table, put on the canvas, and then fix it with the outer rim. When working with a screw hoop, threading is almost the same. Only first of all it is necessary to slightly loosen the retainer.

Once you hoop the fabric, you need to tighten the embroidery frame to a suitable size so that the tension is even. If you need to take a break from work, remove the hoop from the fabric. Otherwise, there is a high risk of creases.

When using a wooden hoop, it is best to pre-wrap it with silk ribbon - this will make it easier to pull on and hold the canvas better.

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