Compact simulators: varieties and selection rules

Losing health and physical fitness is easy, but getting them back is not at all easy, sometimes even impossible. Poor environmental conditions, constant stress and a sedentary lifestyle make themselves felt in the form of problems with the spine, heart pathologies and the appearance of excess weight. To avoid such consequences, you must regularly exercise on simulators. However, there is often no time to visit sports clubs, and not everyone can afford to install massive equipment at home.

How to choose?
If a person has made a firm decision to lead a healthy lifestyle and play sports, then you should not go to the store and buy the first available sports equipment. Before buying a home simulator, you should consider many nuances and study the main characteristics of the proposed models. - only in this case it is possible to choose the optimal model.
First of all, it is important to define your expectations and answer the question of what results you need to achieve during training.

It's one thing when a person comes to an equipped gym and receives a load on all muscle groups there. But it is completely different if he acquires a compact model for the house. A single simulator will not be able to cover all muscle groups, but there are some that use a little more of them.

Typically, men and women buy an exercise machine in one of the two cases described below.
- They dream of losing weight. In this case, preference should be given to cardiovascular equipment, which not only help to lose weight, but also, with regular exercise, increase muscle tone, and also improve the work of the cardiovascular system.
- Planning to build muscle. In this case, the person wants to remain in the same dimensions, but so that the forms become embossed, and the muscular frame is stronger. The optimal solution here will be the strength models of simulators.

Slimming simulators
Physicians have proven that the maximum fat burning in the body occurs after the heart rate increases by 40-60%. For this, the minimum physical activity is best suited, but at the same time it should be maximum in duration. These can be activities such as jogging, jumping, aerobics, and other types of exercise that do not immediately tire you. In order to create the necessary conditions at home, you can use several effective simulators.

This is a full-fledged mini-simulator that simulates climbing steps, moreover, with weights. The exercise is monotonous walking with the ability to change the pace.
In order to achieve a noticeable effect, you need to engage in at least 3 times a week for about half an hour, and it is better to take no more than 10 minutes for the first sessions, gradually increasing the training time.

Steppers work on different muscle groups, but the maximum load falls on the thighs and lower legs. This simulator works effectively with excess weight, but monotonous movements are tiring, so many novice athletes do not like this type of activity. However, in order not to get bored, you can always "walk" while watching your favorite TV series.

Mini exercise bike
This design consists of pedals and a flywheel. A person can always put it under the table and pedal while doing his job. The load that the muscles receive as a result of exercise is minimal, so you need to exercise every day for at least half an hour.

Skipping rope
Undeservedly forgotten, a jump rope is the simplest and cheapest equipment, which can be compared with a full-fledged simulator in terms of efficiency. The fact is that this "toy" gives a fairly high aerobic load on all muscles of the legs, back, buttocks, abs and arms.

Modern models are additionally equipped with special sensors that read the pulse, so during training, a person can track his heartbeat. The most advanced models also have a timer and calorie counter, thanks to which the use of the rope becomes more functional. You can store the rope anywhere, and you can practice everywhere: at home, in the yard, in the park. The most important thing is to have a desire.

Roller trainer
This simulator has become famous since the days of our mothers. Outwardly, it is a small wheel, on both sides of which there are handles. In order to start training, you need to take the "sitting position" and, holding on to the handles, roll forward and then back.
Such exercises place a complex load on the arms, back muscles and abdominal muscles. In one workout on a roller, you can burn up to 300 kcal.

For those who want to get rid of excess volumes, a hoop was invented. The modern sports industry has seriously modified it, providing the inner surface with a large relief. The bumps act on the waist, have a massage and draining effect.
In order for the result not to keep you waiting, you need to practice every day for at least 30-45 minutes.
If a person does not have initial physical fitness, then the first training time should last 5-7 minutes with short breaks.

Mini trampoline
Some people believe that the trampoline is nothing more than child's play. In fact, this is also a good simulator, with which you can easily get rid of a few extra centimeters. Jumping allows you to achieve the same level as cardio loads, at which fat begins to burn. For this reason, the combination of the useful with the pleasant is obtained.
Theoretically, home mini-trampolines allow their owner to soar up 3-4 m, but the conditions of city apartments do not allow setting records, and height is not so important for losing weight.

For to lose pounds, jumps should be low, amplitude, always with a frequent change of legs... During jumping, you need to perform as many activities as possible: cross or raise your legs, perform swings. Only in this case, a person will be able to burn as many kilocalories in half an hour of training as on an exercise bike. However, this is 70% less than what will go away with a jump rope.
The advantage of the trampoline is that it does not cause complications on the joints.

Health disc
This is another well-known simulator, which consists of a pair of discs that slide freely on top of each other. Modern models are also complemented by expander, which not only rotates, but also tilts downward. Thus, during training, you have to maintain balance, which makes the machine especially useful for the muscles of the abdomen, buttocks and waist.

The health disc gives a minimum load on the body, therefore it is recommended for those who are taking their first steps towards a healthy lifestyle... Some people think that such a simulator "does not work". But this is not so, because it increases the heart rate up to 120 beats and thereby starts the processes of burning fat.
It is worth noting that you should not expect a miracle from exercising on mini-simulators. They are effective, but only in combination with proper nutrition, massage and lymphatic drainage sessions - only with a complex effect, the result will not be long in coming.

Strength training equipment
To lose weight at home, you can purchase a variety of compact exercise machines. But with power options, the situation is not so simple, because almost all the necessary equipment takes up a lot of space and simply cannot be placed in typical city apartments... The only machine options available are bars and dumbbells with weights.

The bars can be hung in any doorway, because they will not prevent household members from passing from one room to another. Exercise has a noticeable effect. They build muscle mass, of course, not much, but a person can easily become the owner of a dry lean body.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that before training, you should definitely consult a doctor.
The fact is that for many diseases, training is contraindicated. For example, people with spinal hernias, scoliosis, osteochondrosis, and also with radiculitis should not pull themselves up.

Dumbbells and kettlebells
Unlike the barbell, which takes up a lot of storage space, weights and dumbbells can be stored discreetly. The advantages of such simulators include:
- versatility - you can deal with them in any conditions (at home, in the country, in the yard, if you wish, you can take dumbbells with you on a trip and do exercises in nature);
- when exercising, a large number of muscle groups are involved;
- democratic cost.
But it was not without its drawbacks: before starting training, you should definitely study the technique of performing various exercises, otherwise there is a high risk of injury.

There are quite a few models of compact simulators with which you can keep yourself in great shape. However, before starting training, you should definitely consult with your doctor.

The following video provides an overview of a compact stepper that allows you to do sports at home.