Interesting ideas for decorating the toilet with plastic panels

Plastic panels are considered the most popular finishing material, as they have not only high performance, but are also presented in a variety of designs. They are especially well suited for tiling surfaces in toilets where strict sanitary standards are required. Thanks to the plastic panels, you can independently create an original interior, since their installation does not require certain skills and tools.

Pros and cons of sheathing
Toilet cladding with plastic panels is considered an ideal choice for those apartment owners who are planning to do budget renovations. By purchasing this material, you can get a double benefit - get a stylish design of the room and save on installation, which can be done quickly and easily on your own. In addition, plastic panels have a lot of advantages:
- ease of installation;
- easy cleaning and washing;
- high resistance to aggressive detergents;
- strength;
- significant wear resistance;
- affordable price;
- the ability to hide all communications during finishing, including electrical wiring and pipes;
- allow you to additionally lay a layer of heat and sound insulation;
Thanks to the vertical installation method, you can visually increase the space of the toilet.

As for the shortcomings, they also exist.
- Despite the fact that the ribs of the panels have increased rigidity, the very basis of them is thin.Therefore, with considerable effort during installation, it can crack.
- Most of the panels are made from quality raw materials, but there are too cheap products that are unsafe for human health. Therefore, before purchasing this material, you should clarify whether it has quality certificates.
- Impervious to flammability, as plastic ignites quickly. To avoid unforeseen situations, it is best to give preference to panels with high fire resistance characteristics.
- Reducing the area of the toilet, since the fastening of the panels has its own characteristics. For small rooms, it is recommended to buy products in light shades, this will create the effect of an increased space.

Although plastic can be used to sheathe all surfaces, they cannot be used to decorate toilets that are located outdoors or in unheated rooms. Plastic will not withstand sudden changes in temperature.
Varieties of PVC panels
To date, manufacturers produce PVC panels in a huge range. If earlier only monochromatic white panels were on sale, now, thanks to modern technologies, it has become possible to produce them in various textures, color palettes, and even with imitation of natural materials. This allows you to create an original design in the toilet. Plastic panels are divided into several types:
- sheet products;
- lining;
- PVC tile type.

In addition, the panels can be wall and ceiling, differ in weight, level of rigidity, price and size. PVC panels are usually produced with the following parameters:
- width - 100, 180, 250, 400, 500, 600, 800 and 960 mm;
- length - 3, 6, 12 m;
- thickness - 8, 10 and 12 mm.

Depending on the thickness of the decorative material it is chosen for cladding various surfaces. So, for example, thick sheets are bought for sheathing wall surfaces, and thin sheets for decorating the ceiling. It should be noted that the distance between the partitions of the ceiling panels is greater than that of the wall panels.
There are also types of panels and the texture of the front part, which can be mirrored, matte and glossy. As for the color palette, manufacturers offer a choice of products, both plain and colored, there are sheets with photo printing, patterns, drawings and ornaments.

By the type of connection, PVC is subdivided into:
- seamless;
- products with a relief surface;
- beveled panels.

Seamless PVC is used for walls and ceilings when you need to get a perfectly smooth surface.... When installed correctly, the connection line between the decorative elements is almost invisible. This is due to the fact that during installation, the panels fit tightly to each other, minimizing the size of the seam.

How to choose?
Wall plastic panels are deservedly popular in the decoration of the toilet, therefore they are presented in a diverse range on the market. At the same time, you can often find on sale both high-quality products and products of unscrupulous manufacturers. Therefore, before buying such panels, it is important to take into account the recommendations of specialists. This will allow you to purchase a good facing material that will have high performance properties and will last a long time. The main criteria for choosing such products include the following.
- The presence in the composition of the material of additives that increase its elasticity. If the panels bend easily, they can quickly break down or lose their shape during operation if they are carelessly moved during installation.
- No visible dents on the surface. When inspecting the product, you need to pay attention to the internal stiffeners, which should not be modified and sagged.

The next condition is the absence of a strong chemical odor.If they are still present, then the purchase of such material must be abandoned. During operation, such pseudo-panels can emit vapors that are very harmful to human health.
Besides, At the time of purchase, you should try to gently bend the panel mounting strip, which is located along the edge and forms a docking lock. In quality products, this strip should immediately return to its original state, leaving no trace of bending. Special attention should be paid to the plane of the panel - through its top layer the stiffening ribs should not protrude and gaps should not be noticed. In quality products, such a surface is characterized by a uniform structure and smoothness.
When choosing a facing material, you need to pay attention to the color palette. It is usually selected in accordance with the style of the room. For small toilets, plain panels in light shades are great. For spacious rooms, you can choose decorative elements with imitation of natural materials or with drawings.

The width of the panels also plays an important role in the purchase. For small-sized toilets, you cannot buy too wide products, since after their installation there will be a lot of waste. The choice of the size and width of the panels largely depends not only on the area of the toilet, but also on its design, the availability of communications that will need to be hidden.
If PVC panels meet all of the above requirements, you should additionally ask the seller whether this product has quality certificates, since it is very important that the product meets fire, sanitary and technical standards.

Wall and ceiling finishes
Plastic panels are widely used in the decoration of many rooms, while they are especially well suited for decorating toilets. Designers recommend not to sheathe only one wall with them. You can use interesting ideas where plastic is combined with wallpaper or ceramic tiles.
If the design in the apartment is presented in several stylistic directions, then it is recommended to experiment with different variants of textures and colors, which will give the interior originality.

In "Khrushchev", where the toilet is small, it is necessary to sheathe only the walls with panels, since after their installation the room will decrease. If the family budget allows, then the ceiling in this case is best designed in the form of a tension structure. Glossy ceiling and PVC panels will visually stretch the space and create an interesting combination. In addition, in "Khrushchevs" the toilet, sheathed with plastic panels, can visually expand, if you use a single-color material in the decoration in a light range.
Often white panels are chosen for toilets. They are suitable for all styles and do not distract attention from the main elements of the interior, ideally in harmony with the snow-white plumbing fixtures and other household appliances.

In the event that the toilet is combined with a bathroom and has large dimensions, then light shades can be replaced with more contrasting and dark onesthat visually narrow the space and give it originality. In such rooms, the walls are usually sheathed with panels with drawings. The design looks good with plastic panels on the surface of which images of geometric shapes or abstraction are applied. Lining the bathroom with materials imitating stone, marble and wood is considered a stylish solution, which gives the room a special chic and grace.

PVC panels can be installed both around the entire perimeter of the room, and they can be designed as separate inserts, combining them with wallpaper or painting. To hide all communications from prying eyes, you should additionally install plumbing shutters. They combine well with decorative finishes and provide free access to pipes in case of emergencies.

Despite the fact that the most popular color of wall panels among the population is white, it should be remembered that it will be difficult to keep the toilet in a state of perfect cleanliness with such a finish, since any dirt will be visible on it. White panels are usually used to sheathe the walls in the toilet, where the design is in a classic style. To make the design unusual, the room is decorated with stylish accessories, lamps and paintings. As for the ceiling, in this case, a suspended structure is well suited.

Finishing the bathroom with plastic panels of light green or light green color would also be a good option. They can be either plain or patterned. Green has a positive effect on the psychological state of a person, gives confidence and soothes. If the room is small, then only the walls should be sheathed with panels, and the ceiling should be covered with plaster. For spacious rooms, a design is suitable in which both the ceiling and walls are covered with panels, as a result, a single interior image will be obtained.

Lovers of bright contrasting colors can give preference to materials of yellow, red and orange colors. When decorating the walls, it is worth using panels of different shades, or decorating them in dark colors, and the ceiling in light colors. In this case, it is not necessary to cover the entire surface of the room with plastic from floor to ceiling.

You can dilute the uniformity in the design by combining PVC panels with liquid wallpaper and mosaics.
Nowadays such stylistic directions as hi-tech and loft. Wall and ceiling decoration is ideal for them. metallized and snow-white plastic panels. The main emphasis in such a design should be on the facing of the central wall, which can be decorated with brickwork. This combination of materials creates a stylish room.

A good choice for lining the toilet will be PVC panels in light colors with pictures. But a large print is not recommended for small rooms, as it can visually make the area even smaller. Alternatively, only walls can be sheathed with such panels. As for the ceiling, then it is best to make it snow-white. If a beige color is chosen for the walls, then the ceiling can be decorated with panels of a milky shade.

Installation recommendations
Plastic panels have many advantages, the main one being ease of installation. It is not difficult to fix the finishing material on the walls in the restroom, so this work can be done without the help of specialists. The most important thing is to select high-quality material in advance and stock up on the following tools:
- a hacksaw for working with wood and metal;
- electric drill;
- screwdriver or screwdriver;
- hammer;
- roulette;
- ladder.
When everything is ready, it is important to correctly measure the surface that you plan to decorate. This will allow you to calculate the number of panels for cladding and select the option of their fastening (rack, gluing).

With the first method of installation, you will need to carefully prepare the surface of the walls, cleaning them from the previous finish and leveling with plaster. Then the plastic panels should be brought into the room, remove the protective film from them and proceed with the direct installation.
When choosing the second installation method, you will need pre-prepare a crate of slats or beams, screwing them to the wall using fasteners (screws, dowels), observing a certain distance. If the ceiling is sheathed, then the distance between the slats should not exceed 30 cm, walls - from 30 to 40 cm. The slats are fixed to the base strictly perpendicularly, according to the direction of the panels. After such cladding, it will not be possible to remove mechanically damaged panels, they can only be thrown away. Therefore, when installing the elements, you should fasten the material to the crate carefully, and when punching holes, make sure not to damage the integrity of the panels.

In addition, experts recommend that beginners take into account the following points.
- It is best to start installation work with fixing the finishing and corner elements (fittings). When installing panels up to the ceiling, it is imperative to attach the ceiling skirting boards and only then insert the panel with the narrow side into the fastening element, and with the wide side - fix it to the rail. As soon as the plastic is evenly attached to the base, you can proceed with the installation of the next panel. It is important to observe the maximum fit, the final panel in the row should be inserted between the fittings and the last part. If you have extra parts, you need to cut them off with a knife.
- When installing ceiling panels, the entire procedure is performed in the same way as installing wall panels, but in this case, a distance of 15 cm must be left for spotlights. Holes for lighting devices must be marked and cut out in advance.

Successful examples of interior design
Despite the large assortment of facing materials, most apartment owners prefer wall cladding with plastic panels. Due to the fact that they are available in various textures and colors, it becomes possible to embody any design idea into reality. To decorate the toilet, you can choose the following trim options.
Small toilet in country style
For connoisseurs of everything natural, the wall cladding in the bathroom with panels imitating wood is suitable. They perfectly repeat the texture and shades of the array, look great in combination with snow-white ceramics. To visually expand the space in a room with a limited area, material should be purchased in a light brown shade. In this case, the ceiling can be sheathed with wood-like slatted panels, and porcelain stoneware in darker shades can be laid on the floor. The result is a harmonious composition that will fill the room with a special atmosphere.

Bathroom in a snow-white design
This option is perfect for both large and tiny toilets. In such an interior, white PVC panels decorated with small flowers and lettuce leaves will be appropriate. Thanks to delicate shades, the room will visually expand. It is best to install the panels on one of the walls, while other surfaces are simply plastered and painted white.

The process of finishing the toilet with plastic panels in one day, see the following video.