Country toilets: how to choose and properly care for?

When building a country house, it is necessary to take into account all the important nuances. This applies to foundations and roofs, walls and heating, kitchen area and small cellar. Do not forget about such an important part of the dacha as the toilet, because without it it is difficult to imagine a full-fledged rest outside the city, and even more so a long stay in a dacha environment.
Let's take a closer look at the features and arrangement of country toilets, as well as get acquainted with the intricacies of their choice and care for them.

Features and requirements
The organization of country toilets is a rather complicated matter, therefore in the absence of the necessary experience and with the wrong actions, you can create a lot of problems for yourself. The choice of a toilet bowl for a country toilet requires even more careful attention, since it must have some features and a lot of requirements are imposed on it, including a sanitary plan.
For example, the main feature of a country toilet is that it is located not in the house, but separately on the site, most often in a small wooden structure, where there is no water supply and sewerage system, which means that all waste ends up in a cesspool.
Therefore, for such a place, many toilet bowls designed to be connected to the sewer system simply will not work.

A model for a summer residence should be as simple as possible to install, because in street buildings, complex installation can cause many problems, elementary due to the lack of sufficient free space. And since there is no flush in the country toilet, make sure the product has a straight vertical opening. As a rule, such models may not be completely stable, which means that this factor must be taken into account during installation.

However, the toilet model should not only be stable, but also compact, since it will be quite difficult to fit a bulky product into a small space of a country toilet, as well as its subsequent operation will be seriously difficult. Therefore, a product for a summer cottage should be compact, but strong enough to support the weight of anyone.

It is also worth noting that It is strictly forbidden to select too heavy models, as this can lead to rather unpleasant consequences. Since the toilet is installed above the cesspool, often on a wooden and not always strong enough floor, the large weight of the product can unnecessarily load the boards, which can subsequently lead to the collapse of the entire floor structure.

It is recommended to consider a removable mechanism for the toilet, but at the same time in the fixed state, it must be completely reliable. Such a system is necessary so that the cesspool can be cleaned at any time. The thing is that with a strong installation, the inability to remove the product and the absence of other cleaning methods, the pit can overflow, which will lead to very unpleasant consequences.

It is desirable that the product has not too high cost, since in a summer cottage it can be exposed to weather conditions, as well as ill-wishers who are not averse to getting personal benefit at someone else's expense. Therefore, replacing a cheap option will not be as expensive as in the case of an expensive product.
In addition, for the same reasons, it is necessary to make sure that the product is durable and its frost-resistant characteristics. The thing is that the toilets in the country are not heated and are not even always equipped with light sources, therefore in winter, the toilet will be exposed to low temperatures, which can adversely affect a product made of low-quality material.

Nowadays, there are many options for organizing a garden toilet, and manufacturers offer a variety of models of toilet bowls suitable for these purposes, so you can easily find the right product. Let's take a closer look at the most popular and reliable options.
- The most common and successful one can be called wooden toilet model, which is more like a box than a product we are used to. It is presented in the form of a small wooden box with a comfortable height, which has a correspondingly shaped hole in the middle, equipped with the most common seat and cover. This option is quite practical, since the rest of the free surface can serve as a kind of shelf for various toiletries. It is also worth noting that this design often has a lifting cover, which makes cleaning the sump much easier.
It is worth noting that for this option, you can either buy blanks in the store, or make the necessary parts yourself.

- There are many options metal toilet bowls, which are most often presented in the form of a wide straight pipe with a fairly wide seat. This option is quite durable and resistant to various climatic conditions, but if it is securely fixed to the floor, problems with cleaning the pit may arise. The iron product is not entirely suitable for those who live in the country all summer long, since it can hardly be called comfortable, but it will be an ideal option for those who visit their country estates exclusively on weekends.

- Currently, they are quite widespread plastic models, which are also subdivided into several types. Some kneeless designs are portable, while others can be fully installed in a designated area.Plastic models can be presented in the form of dry closets, in which waste accumulates and is destroyed in a few days.
Peat options have a similar principle of operation, but instead of chemicals, peat is used to destroy waste.

- It often happens that garden toilets are installed earthenware and ceramics with a comfortable seat and cover. Such options, although they have a place to be, are still not entirely suitable for garden conditions. However, if you prefer such a model, then you should make sure that the product does not have a water seal.

It is also worth noting that almost all models are floor-standing, so you don't have to attach them to walls or use them in a wobbly position. All of them have reliable support, thanks to which you can avoid various unpleasant incidents.
In addition, absolutely all models of country toilet bowls are non-freezing, which greatly simplifies their operation at any time of the year. This feature is due to the fact that none of the models is connected to the water supply, and waste disposal is organized in a different way. But this does not mean that the surface of each of them is resistant to severe frost, since some models may still not withstand the harsh climate.

Popular models
There are many manufacturers in the assortment of which there are toilets designed for summer cottage use.
For example, Oskol ceramics is a well-known brand that specializes in the production of ceramic products for any conditions, be it a house, apartment or even a country toilet. The model for the latter option is a low bowl with a wide opening, which allows waste to immediately fall into the cesspool without lingering on the walls of the toilet bowl.
The advantage of this brand is also the fact that ceramic products are highly durable and have a very low cost.

Brand name Colombo also specializes in the production of various ceramics, among which there are options for a country toilet. The peculiarity of the most popular summer cottage model is that it has a slightly narrow, oblong hole, which implies the presence of a drain with a good water pressure.
In the absence of water supply, the operation of this version of the product may be slightly difficult, since you will have to resort to flushing the waste in other ways. The toilet has a very attractive price, therefore for country toilet stalls with a flush system, it will be an ideal option.

A compact country toilet can be found in the model range of the Keramin manufacturer. The product has a wide opening and does not imply a drainage system, so it can be safely installed in any garden conditions. It should be noted that this brand is not yet so widespread in Russia and around the world, therefore, production is concentrated mainly in Belarus. When delivered to the territory of Russia or when sold through dealers, products may have a much higher cost than stated by the manufacturer.

Plastic products can be purchased at major hardware stores such as Castorama, Obi, Leroy Merlin and others... In addition, such models can be ordered in large online stores and on global online trading platforms. They are quite small, so this compact option is suitable even for the smallest street buildings.

As for the external design, we can say that most of the products have a color identical to the natural color of the material from which they are made, except for plastic models, which can be painted in absolutely any shade and even have a pattern.
Ceramic products, for example, are most often white or milky, and varnished wood products are light or dark brown.For metal models, a steel gray color is characteristic, but it is worth noting that it is quite possible to repaint them in any tone.

How to choose?
Nowadays, the assortment of various kinds of goods is quite large and shop windows are filled with all kinds of offers. Therefore, the choice of a toilet bowl for a toilet in the country can become not just a difficult task, but a real test. But if you follow a certain sequence in your actions, you can avoid wasting time and money.
First of all, it is necessary to measure the room in which the toilet will be located. After that, you need to calculate the required free space, which should remain for a comfortable visit to the toilet, as well as the space that will be reserved for the product itself. Based on the calculations obtained, models that are suitable in size should be selected. It is worth noting that the product may be slightly smaller than the calculation results, but it is undesirable for it to be more cumbersome. It is very important to choose the right sizes, this will affect not only your personal comfort, but also the stability of the product.

It is also necessary to pay attention to the material from which the item of choice is made. When it comes to a ceramic product, you should make sure that it is free of cracks, scratches, defects and chips. All these disadvantages do not have serious consequences when it comes to ordinary home conditions. But when it comes to a country toilet, constant temperature changes and exposure to conditions of a different kind, one cannot be sure that they will not affect the structure of the material and will not lead to further destruction of the toilet bowl.
The same goes for plastic products. If low-quality plastic is used for the manufacture of an item, then it will not serve you even for a couple of weeks with active use. Cracks, chips, thinning of the material - all these are clear signs that you were sold a fake, and not a quality product. That is why it is recommended to choose plastic country toilet bowls in regular stores, and not online.
As for the weather conditions, then even the highest quality PVC will not be able to resist the scorching sun or severe frost, therefore, when choosing a product for an outdoor toilet, it is better to give preference to more durable and wear-resistant options.

Earlier it was already stipulated that most outdoor structures do not have a drain system, so it makes no sense to choose a regular toilet, so you need to make sure that it is designed specifically for summer cottages. The first sign of belonging to this type of product is the absence of a cistern, that is, the product is a bowl with a hole on the rack, complemented by a lid and seat. Such models, in addition to general functionality, are also quite compact and space-saving.
Care advice
It's not a secret for anyone that in the absence of proper conditions of maintenance and care, a country toilet can turn into a real breeding ground for microbes, an unpleasant odor will appear in it, and insect larvae may even start, which are not only unpleasant, but also dangerous for the human body. That's why it is necessary to comply with some sanitary standards and adhere to certain rules for caring for a country bathroom.
To prevent your country toilet from becoming a source of stench, you need to take care of regular, timely cleaning of the cesspool. Besides according to SanPiN standards, it must be properly equipped and hermetically sealed from below - that is, the waste should not come into contact with the soil and be absorbed into it.
Also, the depth of the pit should not reach the groundwater, as this can adversely affect the environmental situation at your summer cottage.

Many summer residents know a simple way to block most of the unpleasant odor and prevent its spread. It is enough to put sawdust into the toilet after each visit to the toilet.They not only absorb the odor and neutralize it, but also contribute to the acceleration of the waste decomposition process.
In addition, sawdust perfectly absorbs excess moisture, making the pit cleaning process much easier.

For the same purposes, you can use chemical additives that can participate in the processing of the contents of the cesspool, as well as have a powerful antibacterial effect. Use such products with extreme caution, avoiding contact with the skin. Care must also be taken to ensure that no chemical residues remain on the toilet seat or rim, or on the door handles.
It is recommended to regularly ventilate the washroom and keep it clean. This may even require cleaning the floors, and in some cases the walls.

Of course, it is necessary regularly wash the toilet with special products. You must also make sure that the detergents contain disinfectants, and if there are none, you will have to separately disinfect the surface after washing.
In addition, it is recommended to use various insect traps, otherwise they will annoy anyone who wishes to use the toilet. For these purposes, folk methods are also suitable, for example, branches of wormwood or tansy, which will help clear the room of flies, and also neutralize the smell as a pleasant bonus.
Undoubtedly, cleaning the toilet bowl and toilet in general can be a lot of trouble, but it is a necessity, which is strongly not recommended to be ignored. To avoid this, you need to follow a simple advice - observe order and remove even the smallest dirt in time, preventing them from accumulating.
For information on how to choose the right country toilet, see the next video.