Toilet bowls Ideal Standard: models and their characteristics

The bathroom is one of the most visited rooms in the house, so its arrangement should be approached with all seriousness. The choice of plumbing equipment should be deliberate and balanced, because the purchased toilet or shower will have to serve you for more than 1 year. Today, on the plumbing market, you can find a huge number of both foreign and domestic companies specializing in the production of toilets.

About company
Ideal Standard International is a European brand of bathroom solutions that has been on the market for over 100 years. The holding has its representatives not only in Europe (Germany, England, Italy, Belgium), but also since 1995 in Russia. Ideal Standard products are a combination of impeccable European style and high build quality. The company is engaged in the production of not only plumbing equipment, but also furniture and all component parts, which allows you to easily find the necessary parts in the event of a breakdown.
The company presents a wide range of products in the field of sanitary services (more than 10,000 items):
- toilets;
- bidet;
- washbasins;
- shower sets;
- baths;
- mixers;
- mirrors;
- countertops;
- handrails and much more.

Today, the products of this company can be purchased in more than 1000 stores throughout the Russian Federation. In addition, 38 service centers for the maintenance of Ideal Standard brand goods have been opened in Russia.
Advantages and disadvantages
Over the years of experience in the production of sanitary equipment, Ideal Standard products have gained worldwide popularity thanks to a number of advantages that make the products of this brand so popular among buyers:
- the materials from which the Ideal Standard sanitary ware is made are high-quality porcelain, ceramics, faience;
- European assembly provides a long-term service life of the bathroom;
- the convenient shape and size of the toilet bowl make it possible to place it both in offices and in apartments;
- the compact design of some models allows them to be installed in small-sized rooms, taking up a minimum amount of free space;
- lifetime warranty for many Ideal Standard products;
- easily cleaned with soapy water and simple products, while it is forbidden to use household chemicals with a whitening effect;
- thanks to the stylish design, the toilet bowl can become a decoration of the bathroom interior;
- a wide range of products of various types and designs allows you to choose the ideal option for any style of the toilet.

Of the minuses, we can note the high cost of Ideal Standard plumbing products, as well as the build quality in some models.
Varieties of toilets
Depending on the type of attachment, Ideal Standard toilet bowls are available in the following versions: floor-standing, attached, suspended.
Floor toilets
The most popular version of the toilet, which can be found both in apartments and in various public institutions. Such a model is easy to install; in case of breakdown, access to the pipes and the tank is not limited by anything. There are 2 types of floor-standing bathrooms: compact and monoblock. The first type is in greatest demand, because any of the parts, if necessary, can be easily replaced with a new one.
A monoblock toilet looks more original than a compact, however, if one of the parts cannot be repaired in the event of a breakdown, you will have to buy a new bathroom. The only plus of this design is the price is lower than the compact.

Attachable toilet
It is attached in the same way as the floor version. The only difference is that add-on models are mounted close to the wall. The cistern can be visible or installed in the wall. This saves space in the bathroom. Such a bathroom is suitable for those who like massive bowls and are not limited by space.

Wall hung toilet
The most compact option in terms of dimensions. Great for small bathrooms. The original design of the product looks stylish and neat in modern interiors. The provided installation system facilitates the simple installation of such a device. The cistern is hidden in the wall, and access to it becomes possible thanks to the installation of a small window, which is cut in the wall behind the toilet.
This type of bathroom is the most hygienic, since cleaning the bowl is the most convenient of all. Such a product does not have hard-to-reach places.

Corner models of toilet bowls are produced specially for non-standard parameters of premises. They have an identical fastening to the floor-standing toilet. They differ only in the original solution for placing the product in the bathroom. Recently, rimless toilets have become popular - a new technological solution in the field of plumbing. Of course, the price for such a product is considerable, however, the comfort in use justifies the significant expenses.
The absence of a flush rim, which guides it during flushing, makes this type of toilet the cleanest and most hygienic. After all, it is under the rim that the greatest number of microbes and dirt accumulates. Special control over the flow of water makes it impossible for the bathroom to leak.
You can clean such products with light disinfectants and detergents.

The lineup
Taking into account the preferences of each client, the engineers of Ideal Standard have developed several collections of toilet bowls, which differ in design and technical characteristics. For ordinary people, economical bathrooms from the collections are on sale Ecco, Tempo, Ocean Junior, Evrovit, and for buyers with broader financial frameworks, they produce premium models from the collections Connect AquaBlade, Ventuno, Active, Tesi and others. Among the wide range of toilet bowls, the following models can be distinguished, which are the most popular among buyers.
Toilet compact Ideal Standard Ecco W904201
Manufacturer - Belgium. Floor-standing model made of porcelain and duroplast in a modern style. It has 2 modes for flushing the tank, which is performed using a mechanical button. Horizontal water outlet is provided. A classic white model suitable for both home and office installations. The cost of the toilet varies from 10,000 to 10,500 rubles (2019).

Wall hung toilet Ideal Standard Tesi T007901
Manufacturer - Belgium. An oval-shaped rimless bathroom made of high quality faience. The drain mechanism and mode is set taking into account the installation system. A seat with a soft-closing lid function can be purchased separately. Cascade drain and anti-splash system eliminate the possibility of leakage. Cost - from 13,000 to 13,500 rubles (2019).

Toilet compact Ideal Standard Tesi AquaBlade Т008701
Manufacturer - Belgium. The floor-standing model of porcelain with a rimless bowl will ensure the sterility and cleanliness of the bathroom for a long time. The cistern that comes with the kit has 2 drain modes, which will help to significantly reduce the waste of water for flushing the toilet. Optionally, you can separately purchase a seat with a microlift, which is very convenient in a house where there are children. The average price for such a model ranges from 16,200 to 16,800 rubles (2019).

Attached toilet Ideal Standard Connect AquaBlade Е052401
Made in Belgium. A modern model of a rimless bathroom made of faience. It assumes a hidden system for attaching the tank (to the wall), the drainage mechanism depends on the installation method. The product kit does not include a seat cover, however, it can be purchased separately. The price of this model is from 16,800 to 17,300 rubles (2019).

Wall hung toilet Ideal Standard W880101
Made in Germany. The set with this toilet model comes with an installation with a flush button. Thanks to good installation instructions, the ready-made kit can be easily installed even without the help of specialists. Also included with the product is a seat cover with a smooth lowering function. The cost of such a product ranges from 20,400 to 21,000 rubles (2019).

Toilet compact Ideal Standard Connect Space E119501
Made in Belgium... The corner model of a floor-standing bathroom is perfect for bathrooms with non-standard dimensions. The product comes with a cover seat with a microlift. There are 2 drain modes - for 3 and 6 liters. The bathroom has a shortened bowl, which allows it to be placed in small spaces. The average price for such a product is from 26,000 to 27,000 rubles (2019).

Wall hung toilet Ideal Standard Active Т319501
Made in Belgium... This model is made of ceramics, it assumes a hidden installation of a cistern. The drainage mode depends on the installation system. The seat cover can be purchased separately on request. The powerful cascade flush ensures high-quality flushing of the bathroom and allows you to keep the toilet clean for longer. This version of the toilet belongs to the most expensive Ideal Standard models, its cost ranges from 32-33 thousand rubles (2019).

Customer Reviews
After analyzing numerous customer reviews of Ideal Standard toilet bowls, it is clear that people's opinions differ. Some note the excellent quality of foreign assembly, clear instructions for installing the product, the smoothness of the faience, the convenient shape of the bowl, the powerful drain, the advantages of having a seat-cover with a microlift. Others, on the contrary, noticed only the manufacturer's shortcomings - a discrepancy between price and quality, noise when filling the tank with water, difficulty in finding the parts needed for repair, a weak drain flow, poor-quality fittings.
Some people note that after filling, the tank lets water through. It was concluded that the quality of the bathroom depends on the model chosen, therefore, before buying, you should definitely read the reviews of users of Ideal Standard bathrooms.

For an overview of the Ideal Standard Connect wall-hung toilet, see the following video.