Monoblock toilet: features and recommendations for choosing

Arrangement of a bathroom is an important, but not the most difficult task. The main thing is to correctly select all the necessary plumbing devices. The main component of any toilet is a high-quality toilet.... Modern monoblock format models are in great demand. They are found in many retail outlets and are presented in a large assortment. Today we will take a closer look at these plumbing items and learn how to choose them correctly.

What it is?
The monoblock toilet is a product of the injection molding method of manufacturing sanitary equipment. Samples are produced from a simple plaster template. Industrial-type casting is a procedure that uses clay and silicon solutions. When manufacturing monoblock toilets, raw material is poured into a special mold. When the product is half-cured, all the necessary holes are cut into it.
This is followed by the drying of the structure, which usually takes about 36 hours in open air. The next step is to dry in a special cabinet (this takes 12 hours). As a result, the surface of the product is carefully sanded, all dust and residues of materials are removed from it using a jet of compressed air. The monolith toilet is painted in most cases by hand. In rare cases, robotic technology is used for this. The finished structures are fired in an oven at a temperature of +1167 degrees throughout the day.

It usually takes about 3 days to produce one monolithic type toilet.
Advantages and disadvantages
Monolithic toilets are very popular nowadays and are found in many homes.These products are produced by many well-known brands, therefore consumers always have a chic selection of different models. Before you go to the store to buy the perfect monolithic toilet, you should understand all the pros and cons inherent in such plumbing devices. Let's take a look at the benefits.
- In terms of their configuration and configuration, these models of toilet bowls are as simple and understandable as possible. The main ones in them are only 2 components - a tank and a bowl, which are a single whole. Due to the simplicity of the design for such products, consumers do not have to buy other necessary elements.
- A monolithic toilet usually has a simple and very comfortable shape. Thanks to this feature, it will be comfortable for all households to use such a device. This applies even to those cases when plumbing is in use by people with disabilities. Not every modern toilet model can boast of such qualities.
- Monoblock toilets are characterized by their durability. This is one of the most reliable, strong and durable products on the market today. These qualities are due to the fact that in the construction of the toilet bowls there are special sealing parts and gaskets that prevent leaks.
- Monoblock type toilets are produced by many brands today. They are presented in a wide range, each consumer can choose for his home the best option of decent quality for an adequate price.
- In most cases, monolithic toilets are very small, so you can buy them for small toilets where there is not a lot of free space. Such devices are considered a good alternative to modern suspended structures, which can not be installed in every bathroom.
- Such plumbing fixtures are made of materials that are resistant to precipitation and mud accumulation. Dirt and other elements do not accumulate on the glazed casing. In care, such products are unpretentious and retain their visual appeal for many years.
- Most monobloc toilets are manufactured with water savings in mind in use. A complete flush will be carried out using the minimum volume of fluid.
- Monoblock designs are distinguished by a long service life. Such a toilet bowl lasts up to 20 years or more. During this period, the owners do not have to constantly call plumbers or solve various problems related to the operation of the device.

These plumbing fixtures have several disadvantages.
- The main disadvantage of monoblock Uniates is at their high cost. Often it is this factor that makes buyers tend to purchase a different, more affordable model.
- May have problems, structures associated with the drainage system. Despite the fact that manufacturers assure that such defects will not happen to their products, they can still happen even with the most expensive and high-quality models - no one is protected from such failures.
- It is unlikely that it will be possible to repair the tank fittings in such a design. Most likely, you will have to resort to replacing the drain unit. That is why experts recommend that you immediately purchase a spare kit in order to be on the safe side, if in a few years such parts cannot be found on sale.

What are they?
Monoblock toilet bowls are presented in a large assortment. Different models may differ from each other in many basic parameters that should be taken into account when choosing the best option. All monoblock toilets differ in the materials of which they are made. This characteristic is very important if you want to purchase a really high-quality, reliable and durable product. Most often, models from several materials are on sale.
- Porcelain. The most reliable and strong options are those made from porcelain.This material is a combination of white clay and special mineral additives. Porcelain products are wear-resistant, look neat and aesthetically pleasing, serve for a long time, but are more expensive than affordable earthenware models.
These structures, unfortunately, are not designed for serious mechanical impact from the outside. Porcelain models are easily damaged or broken.

- Faience. This material is simpler, but not even every specialist will be able to distinguish it from porcelain externally. Today, it is faience toilets of all types that are more often found in stores. They are presented in different price ranges, buyers often choose them.

In most models of monolithic toilets, a side connection of the supply pipe is provided. In this case, all the shut-off valves are located in the upper half of the tank, therefore, until the tank is filled, the characteristic noise of water in the drain system will be emitted. A monoblock floor-standing version with a side connection is most often found in stores. Especially popular are copies in which it is provided "Silent" filling of the cistern (water in them comes from the bottom).

Monoblock type toilets can also differ in the type of bowl. Models are made in which this element is made with a large slope or with a dish-shaped structure. Inclined versions are distinguished by the fact that they leave a lot of splashes during use. But dish-type bowls do not always look hygienic, and unpleasant odors can also emanate from them.

Monoblock plumbing devices are also divided according to the location of the branch pipe. There are the following types:
- horizontal;
- vertical;
- at an angle of 45 degrees.
Most often, models are installed in apartments in which there is a horizontal outlet of a branch pipe or an angle one. Vertical bend structures are usually purchased for installation in private houses and some Stalin-era buildings.

Monolithic structures can also vary in color. If earlier only classic white versions were on sale, today you can find more original red, black, beige, green and many other items in stores.

Manufacturers rating
One of the important criteria for choosing a high-quality monoblock toilet is its manufacturer. It is recommended to buy only branded products made under strict quality control. Consider a small rating of the most popular manufacturers that produce high-quality monolithic toilets.
- Arcus. A well-known brand that produces monolithic toilets made in China under an Italian license. Designs made of cast faience are especially popular. The assortment includes products in different colors (the Arcus 600 model is available in 6 colors).

- Laguraty. Good Chinese-made toilets go on sale under this brand. Reliable and economical copies are produced with a two-mode drain, a microlift system. For example, the popular 2160 A product is made from snow-white earthenware with a glossy surface.
This instance is made in high-tech style and has additional functionality.

- Vitra Zentrum. The next in our rating is a famous Turkish manufacturer that produces beautiful white porcelain toilets. Many models are equipped with a durable and wear-resistant Geberit (Switzerland) flush mechanism. Branded products are sold with a 5-year service guarantee.

- Melana. Initially, this manufacturer produced kitchen sinks, but faced with the best characteristics of earthenware, he began to produce high-quality sanitary equipment. Models are made of white clay, which does not have a porous structure, so plaque or dirt does not appear on it.
The operation of the tank in structures from this brand is noiseless - this is one of the most significant advantages noted by customers.

- Marlin. A well-known English manufacturer that produces good and reliable monolithic toilets with a microlift system. Products from Marlin serve for a long time, do not cause problems for the owners and look neat.

Criterias of choice
A monolithic toilet bowl for a bathroom should be chosen, starting from a number of basic criteria.
- Material. Choose toilets made from sturdy and durable materials. The most expensive are porcelain options, but you need to be careful with them, because they are "afraid" of mechanical damage, but they look gorgeous, unpretentious and durable. A simple, faience specimen, which is outwardly difficult to distinguish from an expensive "brother", will cost less.

- Functional. Experts recommend buying toilet bowls that have a water saving function. Such designs have long shown themselves to be on the good side. With their help, there is a tangible savings in water. Another useful function is a microlift. Microlift devices are usually more expensive, but they are more convenient to use.

- Color and design. We must not forget about the design of the monoblock toilet bowl. Plumbing should blend harmoniously into the bathroom environment. On sale you can find designs of different styles, so that buyers have the opportunity to choose the best option for ensembles in any key. The standard color is white (it fits easily into any setting), but you can find a more original, bright or black model.
Choosing the perfect piece depends on your surroundings.

- Build quality... Since monolithic toilets are not designed for routine repairs, as is the case with simple models, it is recommended to carefully examine them when buying them, to study all systems.
It is advisable to enlist the help of a professional consultant who can answer all your questions. The structure should be free of damage and any defects.

- Manufacturer. As mentioned above, if you want to buy a really high-quality, reliable and durable monoblock toilet, you should look for the ideal model in the catalogs of well-known manufacturers. Branded products are often expensive, but they serve for a long time, do not cause any special problems and demonstrate themselves as more wear-resistant.
In addition, branded options usually come with a guarantee that an incomprehensible, unknown manufacturer that is not responsible for the quality of its cheap products cannot give you.

For an overview of the Laguraty monoblock toilet, see the following video.