Hanging toilets: advantages, disadvantages and recommendations for choosing

Hanging toilets are increasingly seen in modern-style interiors. Such designs always become a stylish accent of space, but sometimes cause certain difficulties during installation and operation.

A suspended toilet began to appear actively in homes at the end of the last century. It quickly gained popularity due to its unusual design, as well as the ability to free the floor and hide communications. In fact, the very system of functioning of the wall-mounted toilet remained unchanged, but the appearance was significantly improved. The manufacturers strove to ensure that only the bowl and the button for rinsing remained outside, and all other parts were hidden behind the false wall.
Compared to traditional designs wall-hung toilets look smaller and lighter, perfect for modern style.

Advantages and disadvantages
A wall-mounted toilet has many benefits. One of the main advantages of this design is free floor, which greatly simplifies the cleaning process. In addition, the absence of a toilet leg allows you to lay out one-piece pattern of tiles on the floor, which significantly changes the perception of the interior. The resulting space is also visually increases the area, since the human eye estimates the volume of a room by the unoccupied space of the ceiling and floor. The same effect is created by hiding various communications.

The absence of a leg allows you to organize a full-fledged "warm" floor. Even the installation of ordinary ceramic tiles is quite simple, since there is no need to cut them. The minimalist design looks original and fits well with any interior, from classic to modern. The space on the floor allows you to place brushes, a rug and other necessary equipment without any problems, if the interior design allows it. All these advantages are characteristic for any model, regardless of the cost of the wall structure.

The presence of false walls creates an additional noise barrier, which is especially important in apartments of old buildings... The very draining and filling of the tank with liquid will also be inaudible. Some pendant models make it possible to save water, as they are equipped with a half-drain system. These structures are reliable, stable and serve for a long time.
If we talk about the shortcomings of such designs, then the main thing is difficult access to communications... If any part of the device breaks down, you will have to dismantle the partition, and then proceed with the repair. And this is considered the best option, because sometimes the functional part of the toilet bowls is walled up in the wall, including the water and drain pipes. Although the room appears to be large, it actually gets smaller. Usually, the need to erect a plasterboard structure or build plumbing into an installation takes at least 15 centimeters of space.

The complexity of the installation of such a structure cannot be ignored. An ordinary toilet can be installed even by a person who has never done this before, but only a master can handle the suspension system. In addition, if you want or need to replace the toilet, you will have to arrange a full repair in the toilet or bathroom. And wall-mounted toilets are still more expensive than classic floor-standing ones.

Types and forms
All suspended toilet structures are usually divided into two main types: frame and block. The frame-type system gets its name from the rigid and large frame that acts as a supporting base. This frame is made of stainless steel, additionally treated with a solution that protects against moisture. Such frames are universal, therefore they are used not only for toilets, but also for bidets and urinals.
They should be mounted on reliable walls, so plasterboard or wooden surfaces are not used in this case.

The frame is fixed either at four points on the wall, or with a pair of bolts to the wall and the same number to the floor. The second option is more optimal, since the structure has additional details that ensure stability. The form of the installation can be classic frontal or angular.... The second is used to save free space, which allows you to place the toilet in the corner of the room. The corner installation is mounted so that it is at an angle of 45 degrees in relation to both walls and is located near the sewer drain.

Block installation functions without a frame. In fact, it is a conventional fittings on which a flat cistern is attached. At the bottom of the simple design, the fasteners for the bowl are mounted, and at the top it allows you to join with the water supply. A block-type toilet should be mounted on a concrete or brick wall, but additionally does not require the construction of a plasterboard structure to hide all communications. It is enough just to hide the drain device and the tank in a small box, which is already fixed on the wall.

As for the form, then the most practical and convenient is either an oval or round toilet... The absence of corners eliminates the possibility of injury, and also greatly simplifies cleaning. An ordinary brush can easily cope with a rounded shape, which cannot be said about any other complex shape.

Not so common, but still common use square, teardrop and rectangular toilet.

Unusual designer interiors require designs original form. It should also be mentioned that all toilets are subdivided into those that are equipped with a shelf in the bowl, and those that have a anti-splash system.

As for the type of drain, then in wall-hung toilets, it comes in two varieties. It can be circular, that is, reverse, horizontal, or straight. Horizontal drainage is simpler. The system works due to the fact that water enters from behind, then, under pressure, washes the entire bowl and goes into the drain. The disadvantage of direct draining is splashing, and the main advantage is the affordable price.

Circular drain works due to the fact that water flows from several holes at the same time. This provides better cleaning of the bowl due to the formation of a funnel, but less water is wasted. It will be possible to further improve the system by installing a double drain button.

Manufacturing materials
In most cases, buyers choose between earthenware and porcelain toilet bowls. They differ in composition and properties. The composition of porcelain contains about 47% of kaolin, that is, white clay, and the amount of this element in faience is only 20%. As a result, the first material turns out to be more durable and reliable. In addition, the finely porous translucent surface of porcelain absorbs moisture poorly, which affects its durability. Perfectly smooth walls keep dirt out and easy to clean.

Faience, being the owner of large pores, absorbs unpleasant odors, absorbs liquids and is not particularly durable. To improve its quality characteristics, it is required to additionally process the walls with special glaze. As for the appearance of the toilet bowls, it is the same in both cases.

There are both porcelain and earthenware designer models, however, only earthenware is stained, and therefore all colored models are made from this material.
There are also pendant models made of stainless steel. Of course, such a solution will not fit into every interior, but the structure has a long service life and is very easy to maintain.

Glass toilets look stylish but are extremely expensive and require frequent cleaning. It is better to use plastic toilet bowls in the country, since the structure is of low strength and quickly deforms. Outside the city, the season for the operation of plumbing, as a rule, is limited to the summer months, and therefore polymer plumbing will be able to serve longer. Polymer concrete toilets look impressive and are reliable, but they are very expensive and are susceptible to acidic conditions.

Typical dimensions
All wall-hung toilet bowls are usually divided into three main categories. The first group is compact toilets with a maximum length of 54 centimeters.... They are also called shortened. It is customary to install such models in small bathrooms and toilets. This group also includes corner compact devices that make it possible to use every free square centimeter wisely.
Slightly smaller devices are included in the second group and have a length of 54 to 60 centimeters.
Such a toilet is standard, and therefore designed for use in ordinary apartments.

The third group includes toilets with a length of 60 to 70 centimeters. These models are usually installed in the homes of people with disabilities or simply in large washrooms. For example, such a device is suitable for a person who weighs up to 400 kilograms.

When deciding on the size of the toilet, it is necessary to take into account not only personal wishes, but also the ratio of the size of the bathroom. If a small plumbing fixture is installed in a spacious room, it will be "lost", and in a small room, on the contrary, it is important not to occupy them with too many scarce square meters.

Design options
The classic color of the toilet is definitely white without any patterns.

However, today the classics are increasingly giving way to experiments, and therefore preference can be given not only to various forms, but also to shades or even patterns.
One of the most popular non-standard solutions is considered wall-hung toilet in blackthat looks extremely stylish and fits into most modern interiors. Most of these designs are made in the style of minimalism. In these toilets, the bowl has a rectangular or oval shape, and the main shades are black and white.

There are no decor or protrusions on it, since minimalism itself tends to be laconic and free from overload. The flush button is made as neutral as possible, and in order not to attract attention to itself, it is mounted directly above the toilet.

Classic solutions are characterized by the presence of rounded shapes and neat rounded protrusions. For more "chic" interiors, bronze or gilded fittings are also used. The color of the toilet in a classic interior is usually snow-white - it goes well with the dominant pastel shades.

For styles like hi-tech or futurism, it is customary to choose an egg-shaped bowl, no protrusions and a modern system with various auxiliary functions. The color of the bathroom fixtures can be either neutral, merging with the general interior, or contrasting, allowing the toilet bowl to become a bright accent.

Additional features and functions
Hanging toilets are often equipped with various devices. Most often, the design is improved using the anti-splash system, which prevents the spread of splashes when flushed. The center of the drain hole is displaced, resulting in splash damping. Quite often, the surface from the inside is covered a special glaze that prevents plaque and rust stains.
Many designs have a microlift, which is responsible for smoothly raising and lowering the toilet lid.

Other possible options include aeration, drying and blowing. The toilet can have a bidet function or be remotely controlled using a remote control. In addition, in country houses, suspended structures with heating and the ability to change the temperature of the toilet seat are quite often installed. The most advanced models even analyze the contents of the toilet bowl, providing the owner with information about his health. As you might guess the more complex the additional functions and the greater their number, the higher the final price of the sanitary ware turns out to be.

Popular models
- One of the most popular models of hanging toilet bowls is considered Gustavsberg Hygienic Flush WWC 5G84HR01equipped with a deep flush system. The snow-white plumbing made in Sweden is rimless. The bowl itself is made of sanitary porcelain, and the seat is made of duroplast. The device is equipped with an anti-splash system and a microlift. The flush button is double, and the water itself is drained along the entire perimeter of the bowl. The weight of the toilet itself is 15 kilograms. The disadvantages of this attractive design include the complicated assembly and the slow lowering of the cover.

- Another interesting model is considered Jacob Delafon Patio E4187-00... Made in France, the toilet is equipped with an oval bowl, anti-splash system and a special anti-pollution coating. The seat is made of Thermidor and improved with a microlift. The weight of the structure is 15 kilograms. The disadvantages of this model include the complexity of installation, as well as the need to purchase a large number of elements.

- Toilet bowl Roca The Gap 346477000 made in Spain and has several variations. The one that is made of sanitary faience, equipped with a horizontal outlet, "anti-splash" and a cascade drain is very popular.The snow-white color looks especially impressive in the presence of a rectangular bowl. The seat also has a microlift system. The weight of the toilet is 21 kilograms. Unfortunately, the width of the structure is not wide enough for large users and is only 34 centimeters, and its seat is not strong and often cracks.

- Toilet bowl Cersanit Delfi Leon New S-SET-DEL / Leon / TPL / Cm-w is a high-quality, but at the same time, a cheap wall-mounted product that requires installation. The Polish construction is made of sanitary faience and, in addition to the traditional anti-splash system, also has a shower flush. The oval bowl is made in a classic snow-white shade. The duroplast toilet lid is equipped with a microlift. The chrome flush button is double. The disadvantages of this model are considered to be its insufficient strength and, again, the complexity of installation.

- Grohe Solido 39186000 is a German model equipped with all the necessary functions. The toilet is made of different materials: plastic, steel, white sanitary ware, and duroplast. Draining is carried out using two buttons. The disadvantages of the product include a rather short warranty of only 60 months, the complexity of installation and very difficult disassembly in the event of a breakdown.

- VitrA S50 9003B003-7200 made in Turkey and is a classic solution. The bowl itself is made of porcelain, and the lid is made of duroplast. The model has all the necessary systems, including anti-splash and microlift. The volume of the tank is 3 or 6 liters. Users note such design drawbacks as the inconvenience of buttons and installation difficulties.

- Model Grohe Sensia Arena 39354SH0 made in Germany. The design has the additional function of a bidet, triple flush and a special coating that protects against bacteria and dirt. The innovative model is equipped with a hairdryer, filter and even a remote control. The weight of the structure is 40.5 kg. This stylish model has only two drawbacks: a short warranty period and a cost of 146 thousand rubles.

- Laufen Florakids 8.2003. specially designed for children use. The system, created in Switzerland, weighs only 14 kilograms. The white oval bowl matches the high-tech style and is made of porcelain. The disadvantages of this model are called a short service life (5 years), as well as the need to purchase additional components.

- Ifo Special RP731100100 is a specialized model purchased by people with disabilities. The toilet was created in Sweden. The main production material is sanitary porcelain in a classic white shade. The shape of the bowl is rectangular. The lack of an anti-splash system, as well as the minimum equipment are the main disadvantages of this model.

Criterias of choice
When choosing a hanging toilet bowl for the toilet, first of all, you need to decide how much money can be spent on it. This will determine its material, and what additional functions it will have, and what quality of the product can be expected. Further, the scale of the room and, accordingly, the size of the plumbing device are determined. It is necessary to take into account how much weight this or that model can withstand and how this relates to the weight of the inhabitants of the apartment.

Please remember that the drain button is often not included and will have to be purchased separately.
The drain system is most often chosen double. Its essence is that pressing one button empties the entire tank, while pressing the other only empties half of the total. With one button, the volume of liquid is adjusted depending on how long the button is pressed - the longer, the more. Lovers of modern technology should definitely pay attention to the sensory toilet. This model does not have a button, but there is a special system that reacts to the presence of a person.The sensory mechanism notes the arrival of the person and then his departure, after which he turns on the drain.

Of course, having solved all the technical issues, it is necessary to evaluate how this or that model fits into the chosen interior. Usually, universal options allow you to quickly cope with this task.

Examples in the interior
- Even the simplest model of a wall-hung toilet significantly transforms the interior and adds originality to it. The white structure has an oval shape and a classic snow-white shade, which looks extremely advantageous against the background of colored swamp-colored tiles on the walls and a warm yellow tone of the flooring. The drain button is mounted remotely from the bowl, which, in principle, makes its use even more convenient, since there is no need to bend over to drain the water. The key is double, which indicates the ability to choose between full or partial drain. This part is metallic and has an attractive gloss that echoes the adjacent toilet paper holder.

- Another model of wall-mounted sanitary ware, also made in white, fits perfectly into a minimalist bathroom. The rectangular bowl model is complemented by a stylish light blue box that serves to hide communications. The flush plates are hidden on the side panel of the auxiliary box. The chosen colors are ideally combined with the shade of the wall and floor coverings, as well as the furniture in the bathroom.

- For modern styles such as hi-tech or futurism, and the toilet requires an unusual... For example, it can be an egg-shaped structure, which, when the lid is closed, has nothing to do with plumbing, but more resembles a giant stone. The pastel shade that matches the color of the sink works to visually expand the space and add lightness to it. As a rule, such systems are distinguished by their high cost, but also by the presence of additional functions.
The button is mounted in the wall at a height that is comfortable for a standing person. It is made of shiny metal.

- In the monochrome interior, decorated in black and white, the toilet bowl, made in glossy black, looks amazing. The rectangular shape of the toilet looks very advantageous, and with the lid closed, it does not even remind of its true purpose. The steel button is wall-mounted and has a convenient rectangular shape. Such a toilet looks good against the background of a snow-white wall and black matte tiles on the floor. Next to the toilet is a bidet, made of the same glossy black material and of the same shape and size.

- Generally, the combination of a wall-mounted toilet and a bidet is a fairly common technique... Both plumbing fixtures can be made in sand color, have a matte surface and a shape close to a square. The systems look very laconic and look perfect in almost any design. The flush button in this interior looks like a metal circle enclosed in a rectangle.
The color of the toilet itself is chosen in such a way that it looks advantageous against the background of a light wall and is combined with unusual tiles on the floor.

- People who are ready to experiment should think about the toilet, possessing not only original color, but also patterns. Dark brown was chosen as the main color, complemented by stylish geometric patterns in a light shade and a horizontal gold line. The rounded shape and rich colors blend perfectly with a simple white background. A laconic bidet in a similar design is mounted next to the toilet.

Review overview
Suspended toilets are very popular with buyers, despite the rather high price. Most of them write that the structure is easy to use and easy to clean. The drain button is built into the wall, which looks stylish and original.Despite the external lightness of the structure, it is reliable and can withstand a lot of weight.
However, according to experts, wall-mounted devices have a risk of pipe breakage, and given that it is either hidden behind a plasterboard structure, or mounted directly into the wall, there are many problems with repairs. You have to first remove the wall covering (usually tiles), then dismantle the partition and only then repair the plumbing.

Tips for choosing the type of toilet in the video below.