Toilet bowls with a sink on a cistern: device, advantages and disadvantages, recommendations for choosing

Rational use of natural resources is a priority direction in the field of natural resources. The constant increase in the world's population, as well as global warming, has led to the depletion of natural resources. Humanity is experiencing a particular shortage of water resources. This problem forces to look for new ways to solve it not only ecologists, but also engineers and designers who are working to improve household appliances, as well as to increase their energy-saving characteristics.
One of these developments is a toilet bowl with a sink on a barrel, the action of which is aimed at rational use of water and saving the interior space of the room.

Features of the device
A toilet with a sink on a cistern is a unique development, with the help of which every inhabitant of the planet can use water and living space more rationally. This type of plumbing simultaneously combines a toilet bowl with a washbasin. Manufacturers produce a wide range of 2-in-1 devices that differ in shape, color, size, design and price range.

Regular use of these kits will lead to water savings of 25%, which will have a positive impact on the state of the family budget.
In order to fully understand and present the principle of the novelty, it is necessary to carefully study its design, which often surprises even professional plumbers. This type of product consists of two parts.
- Toilet bowl - an object that has a classic shape and some features in the internal structure. Distinctive features - the lateral arrangement of the drain lever, automatic drainage of water with a full set of the tank, dividing the water tank into 2 parts, into one of which, if necessary, water gets from the central water supply.
- Wash basin - a standard product that does not have a siphon. The product is fastened with a special threaded pipe and screwed in with an overflow neck.

Principle of operation
Despite the wide range of toilets with a built-in sink on the cistern, the principle of their operation is absolutely identical and consists in collecting water from the sink in the cistern. The liquid collected after washing hands, if necessary, is used to flush waste products down the drain. The mechanism is based on the principle of a water seal. This system is equipped with levers, float and seal, which perform the functions of water supply, accumulation and discharge.
Some models have 2 separate containers inside the tank, one of which receives used water, and the second with clean tap water. If there is no liquid from the sink, you can always use tap water.

Particular attention must be paid to the operation of the drain system. In order to adjust the volume of the liquid discharged, the specialists provided for the possibility of the tank operation using 1-2 buttons. When you press two buttons together, the contents of the tank will be drained, but the second mode will allow you to empty only part of the tank, which will significantly save your monthly water consumption. The draining method has a direct impact on the noise emitted during operation and can be of two types:
- straight - the classic way, in which the water moves in a forward direction;
- back - a noisier and more efficient method, which involves changing the direction of flows.

New models of combined toilet bowls are equipped with special filters that purify water from chemical impurities and soap, as well as disinfect it and remove unpleasant odors and dangerous bacteria.

Advantages and disadvantages
Like any household item, combinitase has a number of advantages and disadvantages.
- saving the internal space of the bathroom;
- the ability to use premises of a very small area;
- rational use of water;
- ease of installation and operation;
- reliability;
- long period of operation;
- the absence of the likelihood of flooding the apartment;
- the presence of a special protective coating;
- wide range of;
- no need to use special cleaning agents for cleaning;
- reduction of financial costs for payment of utility bills;
- the possibility of installation both in city apartments and in private houses;
- reduction of time for hygiene procedures;
- modern design.

- inconvenient approach to the washbasin;
- low sink location;
- the inability to operate the device in the event of a breakdown of one of the parts;
- lack of hot water;
- the need for regular filter replacement;
- inability to brush teeth, wash and shave;
- psychological discomfort during hygiene procedures;
- the need for a more thorough disinfection.
On the shelves of specialized stores, you can see a large number of compact plumbing fixtures, the types of which differ in the following parameters:
- fastening method;
- bowl shape;
- design features.

Like standard plumbing, a toilet bowl combined with a sink, depending on the mounting method, can be of the following types:
- outdoor - classic model that has a standard installation system;
- wall - a model that has a higher price range and installation features.

Depending on the shape of the bowl, the products can have the following types of release:
- vertical;
- angular;
- lower.

In accordance with the design features, in some models only the washbasin can be dismantled, while in other types the sink and cistern can be removed at the same time.
Also, experts recommend paying attention to the classification of products in accordance with the washbasin relative to the axis of the toilet:
- along one axis - models designed for very narrow spaces;
- at a certain angle - a convenient model in which the angle between the sink and the toilet can be in the range from 45 to 90 degrees;
- with curbstone - a convenient design, in which the sink is mounted in a special cabinet located near the toilet.

A novelty on the plumbing market are transformer models, in which, if necessary, the sink is moved to the side, and subsequently returned to its place.
Experts recommend paying attention to models with a built-in hygienic shower, which are complemented by a special mixer.

Among the wide range of products that are manufactured at industrial enterprises, you can see products made in a handicraft way by professional plumbers. These toilets have an affordable price and have the following characteristics:
- small size of the sink and toilet;
- the presence of smooth edges in the tank and a flat bottom in the sink.
Recommendations for use
All types of operated plumbing require regular cleaning and disinfection from the owners. The frequency of these manipulations increases significantly when it comes to toilets combined with a sink, in which the washbasin is located at a minimum distance from the cistern. Modern manufacturers of cleaning chemicals offer a wide range of their products.

Before purchasing a cleaning composition, you must carefully study its instructions and functionality, as well as the list of surfaces on which it can be applied. To prevent the appearance and spread of dangerous microorganisms, experienced housewives recommend cleaning the bathroom at least 2 times a week. The method of cleaning and the formulations used depend on the material of manufacture of the structure.
- Porcelain - products based on alkali and acid. It is unacceptable to use formulations with abrasive particles, which can provoke the appearance of scratches.
- Ceramics and faience - solutions with hydrochloric acid. It is unacceptable to use boiling water and hard metal brushes.
- Polymer concrete - soft gel products.
- Stainless steel - it is permissible to use any cleaning tools and compositions.

As additional cleaning agents, you can use hinged structures with liquid, solid and gel-like compositions that clean, disinfect and remove limescale well.

Particular attention should be paid to the care of the sink, which must be cleaned daily.
For cleaning white products, it is better to choose chlorine-based products, but for colored washbasins, you must abandon these products. Hard sponges and special brushes can be used to remove tough dirt.

Equally attention should be paid to the area near the toilet, which must be regularly washed and cleaned. Particular attention should be paid to structures with a curbstone that do not fit tightly to the wall. Debris and dirt can accumulate in crevices and gaps, provoking the appearance of an unpleasant odor and the development of dangerous microorganisms. Despite the robustness of the structure, the utmost care must be taken during its operation.
Impacts will surely provoke the appearance of cracks, and improper handling of mechanical parts will cause them to break and deform.

Attention should also be paid to the state of the tank filling sensor, the failure of which will cause flooding not only of its own premises, but also of the neighboring one.
How to choose?
Despite the fact that this product has an unusual appearance and unique design, its choice should be based on the basic rules for the selection of classic plumbing fixtures. By purchasing a combo toilet, it is necessary to take into account the following recommendations of specialists:
- selection of the shape and size of the product, taking into account the area of the room;
- stylistic coincidence of the design of the product with the general style of the bathroom;
- proportional ratio of the volume of the tank and the number of family members;
- availability of high-quality filters that can purify water as much as possible.

For a more rational use of the internal space of the bathroom, experts recommend purchasing corner models, but hinged structures will help to visually facilitate the created interior and greatly simplify the cleaning process.
Retail chain consultants often recommend paying attention to products whose shells have asymmetrical protrusions. These parts of the structure can act as a shelf and can easily replace bulky cabinets.

Living in comfortable conditions is the desire and need of every person. Many inhabitants of the planet are significantly limited in financial resources for the purchase of housing, as well as for the payment of constantly increasing utility bills. This problem can be solved with the help of new engineering developments, as well as creative design ideas.
In order to maximize the improvement of small and sometimes even tiny living quarters, experts have combined a toilet bowl and a sink. The designers immediately became interested in the new development and began to use it in their projects.... The demand for these products forced manufacturers to move towards improving their products, which led to the emergence of new models and a significant reduction in the price range.

For a video review of a toilet with a sink on a barrel, see below.