Toilets with a shelf: features, variety of models and selection criteria

When doing restroom renovation, you have to face a number of problems. One of the main ones is the choice of a high-quality toilet bowl, because there are a large number of models, each of which has certain features. A toilet with an additional shelf is not only original, but also very convenient.

A modern toilet with a shelf in the bowl is also called disc-shaped. Inside, it has a ledge with a step or shelf on which almost all waste accumulates. Subsequently, they are all removed with a large stream of water. Many people prefer these particular models, because such protrusions help to trap flying splashes, which allows you to keep the space next to the toilet clean. This design is most often one-piece, which greatly facilitates its installation. But this is also a problem - when any part of the toilet is damaged, it must be completely replaced.

Toilets of this type are made from different materials. Here is a list of the most common ones.
- Faience... This is one of the cheapest and most popular materials, which is considered to be its advantage. However, earthenware is a material with a porous structure, which leads to surface contamination too quickly. If glazed earthenware is used, it is much easier to care for it.

- Porcelain... Such material is considered more expensive and of high quality, because it is resistant not only to chemical, but also to mechanical damage. True, such material costs 25 percent more than faience, therefore the price of a toilet will be higher.

- Fake diamond. Such material is rarely used for the manufacture of toilets, because its cost is high.But it is fully justified. Artificial stone is of very high quality, besides, all products made from such material look quite exquisite. These toilets are shock-resistant, but at the same time they are afraid of contact with cleaning agents that contain acid. So you need to take care of a stylish and expensive toilet with special care.

Advantages and disadvantages
If we talk about the features of such toilets, then they have both disadvantages and advantages. The pluses include the following:
- containment of water splashes due to the unusual design of the toilet;
- the noise of the drain is practically inaudible, since the shelf muffles it;
- any object that has gotten into the toilet bowl by negligence can be easily reached without damaging it.

Despite such a number of advantages, this model of toilets still has many more disadvantages. You also need to know them in order to be ready for any surprises in the future, namely:
- such models have a rather large consumption of water resources;
- to clean the shelf from various contaminants, you will need to use a brush; in addition, this must be done regularly, since the toilet becomes dirty very quickly;
- a lot of stains and rust remain on the walls of the funnel, because a small amount of water accumulates in the bowl each time;
- often, an unpleasant smell of already flushed waste emanates from the toilet bowl, so it is imperative to use special chemicals to remove it; you also need to choose them carefully, taking into account what material the toilet itself is made of.

In general, like any other toilet, this one has advantages and disadvantages. And everyone for himself determines what outweighs: the number of pluses or small minuses.
Species overview
All models of toilets with a shelf can be divided into several types for installation. Each of them is worth considering in more detail.
- Floor models. Such designs are considered to be classic for the most part, moreover, they can be found in modern bathrooms. Such toilets are chosen because of the ease of installation work, as well as their low cost. Quite often, floor structures are equipped with a small cistern that can be easily hidden in any wall or niche.

- Suspended models... When the owners are worried about the safety of the bathroom floor or want to make warm floors in this room, it is best to install suspended structures. The bowl itself is attached to the wall, and the cistern can be hidden in a specially made niche. Using such toilets, you can significantly save space, as well as free up space for a shelf or basket.

- Monoblocks. Such models are most often used in large rooms. All of them have an unusual design, which pleases those who want even the bathroom to look perfect and stylish.

Manufacturers rating
Models of toilets with a shelf can be purchased from both domestic and foreign manufacturers. Among the main suppliers from abroad, it is worth noting a country like Poland. Most popular company from there - Cersanit. Factories, in addition to manufacturing toilets, are also engaged in the production of various products required for bathrooms.

However, no less high-quality toilet bowls are produced in the Czech Republic or Sweden. Their prices can be completely different, it all depends on the promotion of the brand. It is worth noting the models of German manufacturers from Geberit and Bosch, which guarantee a fairly high quality of their products. Italians produce models with unusual shapes and colors. Among them, it is worth noting such manufacturers, like Jacuzzi and Hatria.

It is impossible to leave aside the Finnish companies for the production of toilet bowls. These include the company Idowhere toilets with backs or armrests are made. This company has held its leading positions for more than 130 years. Products are distinguished not only by their ergonomics, but also by their high quality.

As for domestic manufacturers, they are often not inferior to foreign developers. But their price is much lower. They use a variety of materials for manufacturing. It can be cast iron, plastic, steel, and even ceramics. It is worth noting a firm like Roca. This is a Spanish-Russian company that supplies toilet bowls to all countries of the world.

Each person here can choose equipment for a bathroom and a bathroom according to their budget.
It is not too difficult to adjust the design of a toilet to the general appearance of a house or apartment. In addition, modern developers are doing everything to surprise buyers. For example, for a bathroom that is decorated in country style, a toilet made of artificial stone is perfect. It will be a great addition to such a room.

If the preference is given to the modern style, then the owners need to turn their attention to the snow-white toilet bowl. Since the interior of the room is most often limited to just this subject, this will be very appropriate. But the walls and floor can be made the same white or, conversely, black. In the process of decorating a bathroom in a nautical style, you can install a colored toilet there, for example, blue or blue. Especially it will go well with walls or floors decorated in similar shades.

Selection Tips
When choosing a toilet, first of all, you need to inspect the entire room. You need to consider not only the size of the room, but also its design. In addition, it is worth seeing where all the sewer pipes go. And also it is necessary to measure, the ceilings are so high in the room. This will determine which toilet model is best to buy: floor-standing or wall-mounted. When buying, you need to pay attention to the material from which it is made.

The most acceptable, according to experts, are products made of ceramics or porcelain. It is easy and simple to look after them.
Particular attention should be paid to the fact is there an anti-plex system in the toilet, which protects the room from splashes? In addition, you should choose the right drain system. It can be horizontal or circular. In the first case, the water flushes everything on the back of the toilet. In the second case, the drain occurs from three points at once. The second option allows you to better clean the inner surface of the toilet and prevent stagnant water or the appearance of rusty spots.

When buying, be sure to pay attention to the integrity of the product, because even the smallest crack or dent can lead to a split in the structure. Especially if the material from which it is made is faience or ceramics. The choice of the toilet depends not only on the preferences of the owners, but also on their income.

If you take into account all the tips for choosing such designs, then the toilet will be able to last a long time, regardless of the price.
For information on how to choose a toilet, see the next video.