Corner toilets: description and varieties

Repair of a bathroom in most cases involves the replacement of plumbing. Usually this room has a small square, so the equipment has to be selected accordingly. In the conditions of the area of the bathroom, you can place a toilet in an angular design. This is a modern and up-to-date solution that many users turn to. Today we will take a closer look at similar products.

Nowadays, the range of plumbing equipment pleases with its diversity. On sale you can find toilet bowls of various modifications. They can differ not only in functionality, design and size, but also directly in structure. Corner models are in great demand today, which are an impeccable, win-win option for a small bathroom.
The main distinguishing feature of corner toilets is the structure of the cistern.
The latter has a triangular shape, but the total volume of the drain bowl remains the same. Products of this type are designed in such a way that during installation work, they are installed in a free corner of the room formed by two walls.

Corner toilets occupy a special place in the modern market. They are chosen by many consumers, the popularity of these products is growing steadily. The relevance of corner plumbing is explained by the large number of positive qualities inherent in it, namely:
- corner toilets take up a minimum of free space in the room; due to this, household members have the opportunity to equip the space more functionally, ergonomically, while the room will not be cramped, uncomfortable;

- such plumbing can visually correct the appearance of the room; plumbing fixtures, fixed in the corners of the room, are able to visually "round off" the situation, freeing up its central part;

- if there is a separate bathroom in the dwelling, then the use of a corner toilet will make it possible to place a suitable model of a bidet or corner sink here;

- At first glance, a corner toilet gives the false impression of a fragile, vulnerable structure. In fact, according to experts, such products can easily withstand impressive weights, up to half a ton;

- most corner toilets are made with a height adjustment function (within 4 cm);

- if the drain tank of the device suddenly breaks or leaks, then the risk of flooding the neighbors from below is minimized, due to the fact that the plumbing structure in question is equipped with a special emergency drain system; the network liquid, if it begins to overfill the bowl, will be redirected to the overflow channel;

- flush bowls of corner toilet bowls are characterized by excellent strength characteristics; usually they are made from solid materials, such parts are not susceptible to cracking or other mechanical damage;

- one cannot fail to note the design of the corner toilet, such plumbing can make the environment more interesting, original and modern.

Before rushing to buy such a device for a bathroom, you should familiarize yourself with its shortcomings.
- Despite the fact that corner toilets do not take up much free space, there is not always a place for them in a standard bathroom. Using plumbing in such conditions can be completely inconvenient (perhaps the legs of the household will rest against the wall).

- There are hinged modifications of corner toilets. When installing such products, it is important to take into account that not every wall can easily withstand the weight of both the toilet bowl and the full cistern, as well as the person sitting on the device. If the base in the room is made of plasterboard, then such equipment will have to be abandoned.

- During the installation of a corner toilet, certain difficulties may arise. First of all, this concerns the nuances of the sewage system to the corner.

The range of modern corner toilets allows you to choose the optimal model for customers with any requirements and budget. Let's take a closer look at what types of such interesting plumbing can be found in stores. They differ in several main criteria.
When choosing the optimal model of a corner toilet for a bathroom, it is important to consider what material it is made of. This parameter affects the performance of the product, as well as its service life. Modern manufacturers supply devices made from the following materials:
- plastic;
- porcelain;
- faience.

You should not be afraid of plastic models. Thanks to modern technologies, toilet bowls of good quality are obtained from acrylic. They are additionally reinforced with fiberglass, a special resin. The result is simple and lightweight models that have a non-porous structure and a sufficient level of strength.
True, plastic toilets cannot be called too stable. They can be easily damaged, and sudden changes in temperature can have a detrimental effect on such plumbing.

Beautiful porcelain toilets are rightfully recognized as some of the most durable and reliable. Such products are distinguished by a long service life, resistance to mechanical damage. This plumbing looks more expensive, more aesthetically pleasing. The production of porcelain toilets is based on white clay, supplemented with special additives in the form of natural minerals (feldspar, quartz).
A classic glaze is used as the final coating.Due to this content, the structure of the material becomes porous to a minimum, and therefore it is not difficult to care for it. The main disadvantage of the products under consideration is their high price.

The most popular and widespread are faience toilet bowls. They are bought most often. Plumbing made from earthenware goes through firing before the final glazing stage. Due to the specified production stages, robust and reliable toilet models with minimal porosity. Housewives do not have to constantly look after such products.
The average service life of earthenware toilets is 15 years. These models are cheaper than porcelain ones, and it is very difficult to distinguish them from each other at first glance.

Slightly less often on sale you can meet exclusive models of toilet bowls made of such expensive materials as bronze, natural or artificial stone, steel. These varieties cannot boast of great demand, therefore they are produced in limited quantities.
If you want to put an expensive toilet bowl made of these materials in the bathroom, you will have to look for it properly.

Bowl type
Bowl type is another important criterion to look out for when choosing the right corner toilet. The ease of use of plumbing, the volume, the volume of splashes at the time of flushing depends on this parameter. There are 3 main types of bowls on the market.

With shelf
Corner toilets with a shelf have many disadvantages. Since all waste products do not leave the stage of the device from the very beginning, the characteristic fetid odor will remain in the bathroom, which will have to be combated. In addition, after flushing in the lion's share of cases, you have to work with a brush to get rid of all residues. The bowl with the shelf forms a water seal, in which there is always a liquid.
In the case of using poor quality water due to the deposition of urine salts, as a result, a characteristic plaque appears, rust may appear. The owners will have to deal with such problems on an ongoing basis, using specialized toilet cleaning products. The water consumption of the described products cannot be called economical. Their only advantage is that they hardly splash when flushed.

Such options differ in that when using them, you have to use a brush in very rare cases. A monoblock of this type is considered to be more hygienic and economical to operate, since there is no need to waste a lot of water to drain. There are practically no unpleasant odors, but enough splashes are formed at the moments of flushing.

With a sloped back or front wall
In products with an inclination, a slope is provided for the front or rear wall. Due to this, such toilets got their name. Due to the special structure when using this type of toilet almost no repulsive aromas remain, because all the waste is immediately sent into the water (due to the inclined walls). However, you have to use a brush here very often.

Sewer outlet
It is extremely important to consider the type of sewer. There are 3 types.
- With the release of the horizontal view. Relevant in the case when the funnel of the sewer riser is located 5-10 cm above the floor.

- With vertical outlet... The optimal solution for a room where the sewer line is directed towards the floor. With this type of arrangement, tangible savings in free space are achieved. But finding a sewage main of this type in standard apartment buildings can only be found in exceptional cases.

- With oblique release... One of the most common and frequently encountered options. It was he who was introduced to the market first. Models of this type provide a socket located at an angle or as close as possible to the floor.

The choice of consumers is represented by such categories of corner toilets as:
- floor;
- suspended.
Simple floor options are classic. They have no special requirements for installation.
Hanging products look more interesting, but they need to have strong walls to install them.

It will not be possible to hang such a device on a plasterboard base - the gypsum board will not withstand the impressive weight of the plumbing structure.
In addition, the following varieties are distinguished:
- attached - these options are placed near one wall, while they also rely on the second wall, often complemented by a round bowl;
- standard, triangular - compact models, placed in the corner in the direction of the bowl towards the central part of the room.

Dimensions (edit)
Most toilets with a corner design are small in size. This is due to the need to save square meters in the room, the formation of a neat interior ensemble. But this does not mean that buyers will not be able to find larger models for their home. Most often, products are on sale that have such dimensional parameters as:
- width - from 34.5 to 37.5 cm;
- depth - from 72.5 to 79 cm;
- seat height - from 37 to 43 cm.
The cisterns of corner toilet bowls are mostly compact and are designed for a volume of 6 liters. These parts are sold both separately and as a set, held together with a bowl (monoblock type).
If a large-sized tank is bought separately, then it is possible to hide it in the inner part of the wall, behind the installation.

Popular models
Experts advise buying only high quality branded toilets. The assortment of such products allows you to choose the ideal option for every taste, color and budget.
Excellent models of various formats are produced by manufacturers from the Czech Republic, Germany, Switzerland, Turkey, France, Italy.
Let's take a closer look at the characteristics of a number of popular models that have won a good reputation in the market.
Virta Arkitekt
The products have a glossy, neat surface. They are made of reliable and sturdy porcelain, equipped with a double flush system, a seat with a microlift.

Jacob delafon odeon up
This model is made from high quality earthenware. It minimizes the formation of unpleasant odors. This model has a double drain mode. These models are realized exclusively in classic white color.

Hatria you & me
This model is made from a combination of earthenware and porcelain. It is equipped with a round bowl with a cubic base. For the described model, you must separately purchase a tank and a seat.

Villeroy Boch Oblic
This toilet bowl in the set has steel fasteners that are fixed to the wall base. The model is characterized by the highest quality, the presence of two drain modes, and high practicality.

Porta constructor
High quality model of a corner toilet, which is in great demand. The kit includes a cistern equipped with a flush stop function. This sanitary ware is made of high quality faience. It is distinguished by the presence of an anti-splash system, a microlift.

Russian brands
Models of corner toilets, good in quality and reliability, are also produced by Russian manufacturers. The products of such well-known companies have won a good reputation:
- Santek;
- Sanita;
- Keramin.
Toilets of these brands are found in many retail outlets and are presented in a wide range.

Selection Tips
Many people today prefer corner toilets. Despite the seeming simplicity of choosing these plumbing devices, it is important to pay attention to a number of basic criteria so as not to buy a model that turns out to be completely unsuitable. Let us consider in detail what characteristics and parameters should be considered in the search for the optimal corner toilet.
- Design. First you need to decide on which toilet device you need.If the bathroom has solid main walls, then you can choose a suspended structure. If the room does not have such reliable foundations, then only the classic floor version remains.

- Manufacturing material... Pay attention to this criterion - it is one of the most important. The service life and all characteristics will depend on the material used in the production of the toilet bowl. Porcelain models are considered ideal, but they are expensive, so many people prefer more affordable, earthenware pieces. What to choose, each buyer decides for himself.

- The size... Before going to the store to buy a toilet, you should measure the area of the room in which it will be installed. For small spaces in terms of squaring, you should select products in the compact format. If the toilet is large in size, then the toilet can be selected for it large. The main thing is to pay attention to how a person will sit on this plumbing device in accordance with the layout and parameters of the room (the user should not rest his feet against the wall).

- Design. The interior of the toilet should not be overshadowed. Despite the fact that this is not the room in which guests gather, it should still be harmonious and attractive here. It is important to choose a toilet bowl of a color that matches the overall environment. The classic solution is the snow-white version. Beige and black models are also popular. If you wish, you can pick up a colored copy, but it should be entered into a room with a calmer finish on the walls and floor.

- Firm. As mentioned above, a corner toilet should be purchased only if it was produced by a well-known company with a good reputation. Experts recommend buying products made by foreign brands - they always come with a guarantee, they are made from high quality materials. Foreign products are famous for their durability and reliability, but they are more expensive than domestic options. Toilets from Russian manufacturers are also of good quality, they are cheaper.

- Trade point. You should buy high-quality and reliable toilet bowls of a corner structure only in proven, specialized stores that have a good reputation in your city. Products must be accompanied by all the necessary documentation, quality certificates, which are worth familiarizing with.

Examples in the interior
A properly selected corner toilet can become a harmonious detail of the bathroom. It is important to select this plumbing item based on the style and color of the environment.
- Classic white toilet with a high cistern will look harmonious in the corner of the bathroom, the walls of which are decorated with beige and blue tiles. On the side of the toilet, you can install a suspended white sink, hang a large square mirror above it. The furnishings will be simple, discreet, but very neat.

- A small bathroom can be finished with large white or cream tiles, and a waterproof material can be laid on the floor, imitating the surface of a chocolate-colored wood. In such an environment, you can put a white corner toilet, and in the corner opposite you can fix a hanging white washstand. To prevent the wall between these parts from looking empty, you can hang a towel there or separately decorate it with small tiles with a pattern.

- A corner toilet, with a cistern built into the wall, can be a spectacular component of a bathroom, trimmed with black and white tiles.... You can decorate such a modern and stylish environment with a sufficient number of geometric mirrors on the walls, as well as inserts on the decoration that have natural or plant images.

- A suspended corner toilet in tandem with the same round-shaped sink will look gorgeous in a small room, where all the walls are finished with small black tiles (like a mosaic). In such an environment, the floor must be made light, for example, gray or snow-white.It will be possible to "brighten up" the interior ensemble with tall mirrors on the walls, bright yellow towels on special holders.

How to choose the right corner toilet, see the video below.