Types of toilets by bowl: what are there and how to choose?

It is not so often that the owners of apartments and private houses change the plumbing in their home - not even in every major renovation. And when it comes time to decide on this, then you can understand their desire to choose modern models of sinks for the bathroom and kitchen, as well as a stylish toilet with advanced functions. But buyers should be guided not only by beautiful shapes and comfortable seating when choosing equipment for washrooms, but also take into account their practicality and operational capabilities. And these characteristics are highly dependent on the design of the toilet bowl.
Consider what types of toilets exist on this basis, what are their features, advantages and disadvantages. Knowledge of all of the above will help you better navigate the market for plumbing goods and will not allow you to make a mistake in choosing.

What does a dish bowl mean?
Structurally, toilet bowls exist in three main types: visor, dish-shaped and funnel-shaped. Let's start their description and comparison with dish-shaped bowls, which are, in fact, the very first designs of these plumbing fixtures installed in the bathrooms of residential and public buildings of Soviet times. And although this type of toilet is considered obsolete at the present time due to its low hygiene, it is quite possible to purchase a new set. That is, toilets with a dish-shaped bowl are still produced in limited quantities for some institutions (for example, healthcare facilities).
Such a bowl is a flush hole in the front part, and before it there is a cast concave rounded horizontal shelf, reminiscent of a plate, in which there is always a small amount of residual water after the next flushing of feces.
This site is sometimes called a bed, into which waste products fall.

The advantages of this type of bed include the absence of splashing during the setting process. However, when flushed away, spatter is observed. In a certain sense, such a plus is also relevant: there is little likelihood of dropping valuable things into the sewer when using the toilet, where there is a toilet with a shelf. Most likely, these things will fall on the shelf, and not in the hole. Recently, more than one hundred thousand mobile phones have sailed away in an unknown direction after their owners visited a bathroom with a funnel-shaped or visor-shaped toilet bowl.
Such a device has much more disadvantages:
- unpleasant odor from feces on the surface of the shelf;
- if you try to flush off the waste while still sitting on the seat, then the flush stream of water can splash from below not only with water, but also with feces;
- the flush turns out to be of poor quality - you cannot do without additional cleaning of the shelf with a brush;
- in order to flush, it is imperative to get up from the seat, and it is unlikely that anyone will like looking at the waste products of the body;
- high water consumption for flush;
- the formation of salt deposits on the shelf due to the constant presence of water on it;
- loud noise when flushing.

Whatever it was, but before there were no other types of internal design of the bowl in the trade network. Almost everyone used just such toilets, until other modifications of the bowl appeared: visor and funnel-shaped.
But other manufacturers, who have not abandoned the production of dish-shaped toilets, are working on improving modern models of such bowls, reducing the number of shortcomings.

Description, pros and cons of visor-type toilets
Visor bowls - Perhaps the most common type for modern toilet bowls. Their internal structure is made in two versions.
- The back wall slopes gently towards the flush hole in the front of the bowl... On the side of the front wall of the bowl, a ledge is poured - also under a slope, but sharper. The slope from the rear wall is just a kind of visor that protects against splashing and splashing. The rear gentle slope (visor) absorbs the waste and ensures their smooth sliding down - into the flushing hole with water. That is, the visor of the bowl performs a similar function of the shelf, which we observed in the dish-shaped analogue of the device. Only here the feces do not linger on it.
- The second option, in which, on the contrary, the front wall — shallow, and the flush hole is closer to the rear sheer wall of the bowl... Such models of visor toilets are less common than the first option.

The advantages of visor bowls are as follows.
- No splashes are observed during bowel movements. The visor does its job well - it ensures smooth movement of the contents into the flush hole.
- There is practically no water splashing when flushing in the compact models. In modifications with suspended separate tanks, such a nuisance is quite possible due to the powerful water flow.
- Since the faeces move into the flush hole below the water level, it extinguishes most of the unpleasant odors.
- Cleaner flush than with dish models - the need to use a brush arises much less often.
Among the disadvantages, one can note a rather high water consumption for flushing, the periodic need for additional cleaning of the bowl after flushing with a brush and another portion of water from the tank.

Features of a funnel-shaped toilet
In this model of the bowl, the flush hole with a certain level of water is located in its center, and the walls of the bowl have a sloping shape in the form of a funnel.Such a bowl arrangement is considered the most hygienic, since feces immediately fall into the water, without causing sharp unpleasant odors in the room and without contaminating the walls of the bowl. However, at the same time, the probability of splash formation if the model is not equipped with a special anti-splash system.
In most models with funnel-type bowls, splashing is unlikely to occur during flush - unless the flush is on one side, not around the bowl.

Forms of appearance
Manufacturers of plumbing fixtures are not limited by the shape of the appearance of the toilet bowl, the main thing is so that the height of the bowl and some other parameters that have strict standards do not go beyond the scope of GOST. For example, the height of an ordinary toilet should be no higher than 40.5 cm, for a child's - 33.5 cm, the opening of the outlet pipe should be 110 mm, and the weight that the bowl must withstand should be at least 200 kg.
Well, the external forms of bowls of toilet bowls can be found in trading organizations, the most diverse and even fantastic. The factor of style and demand from buyers plays the main role here.

Let's list some of them.
- Round - by the type of flying saucers. They are especially common among wall-mounted toilet bowls.
- Rounded - in the shape of an egg.
- Square or rectangular - resemble boxes. Sometimes it is difficult to immediately understand what kind of product is in front of you.
- In the shape of snailswhen viewed from the side.
- In the shape of armchairs (toilet compact).
How convenient some of the models of the presented forms are, can only be said by the owners themselves who purchased them. Sometimes the design seems attractive from the outside, but in reality the product turns out to be impractical.

How to choose a model?
The choice of the toilet is a very individual (if not intimate) question. It depends largely on the personal preferences of the homeowners. Some people like snow-white plumbing, while others have nothing against a colored toilet, especially if it matches the ceramic floor or tile walls.
Someone desperately needs a miniature bowl for a small bathroom area, while others need a model with an enlarged bowl.

But it is possible to give general recommendations on the essence of the question of the design of the bowl.
- The most versatile visor type bowl - it has absorbed the advantages of the remaining two types and has, in fact, a minimal list of disadvantages. Yes, a funnel-shaped model, if equipped with an anti-splash system, may be an ideal option, but the cost of the product will increase significantly.
- When choosing a visor device, pay attention to which side the visor will be more convenient for you - front or back. For example, if the family is large, with children of different ages, a model with a visor in the front of the bowl may be the best option for you. Young children usually sit on the very edge of the toilet.
- Whatever type of toilet, try to choose a bowl without a rim - bacteria accumulate there least of all.
- If you are choosing a visor bowl, see all models... Buy the modification that has a steeper descent visor. Such a toilet bowl will flush out cleaner - you may not need a brush.
- In cases with problematic water - a lot of salt, rust - discard the dish-shaped bowls. They will require constant cleaning of the shelf.

In all other respects, the owners of the apartment or house will figure it out themselves. Although the toilet is not the thing that needs to be emphasized in the interior of the entire home, it itself must correspond to its general style.
For information on how to choose the right toilet, see the next video.