The height of the wall-hung toilet: what does it depend on and how to calculate it?

The wall-mounted toilet is a revolution for plumbing. She looks very stylish and will definitely bring a modern touch of style to the room. But having made such a choice, you need to remember that the height of the hanging toilet has an important role, and you also need to know what it depends on and how to calculate it.

Features of the choice of height
Pendant models are those that are installed in the wall, not on the floor. You can hang them at any level you want. This way, you don't have to rely on the standard height of the plumbing that the manufacturers have chosen. Suspended plumbing fixtures are located only in the wall, not on the floor. This will save space in the toilet or bathroom.
Height refers to the value measured from the bathroom or washroom floor to the top of the toilet bowl without a seat. And although most models of standard height and not everyone they will be comfortable, there are still standards for the values of the level at which toilets are installed.

Typically, standard models are set at 35 to 43 cm. These traditional toilets are great when you and all your household members are about the same height.
Models with bowl heights ranging from 35 to 38 cm are considered beneficial for maintaining a healthy intestine. Since your body is more willing to throw waste away when your hips are just below your knees, a setting just below the standard may be your best bet.
The comfort level is modeled according to the average chair height, i.e. the top of the bowl should be 40-43 cm above the floor. When you add a seat, the size actually increases to 45-48cm.This distance will make life much easier for taller and older members of your family.

How to decide?
Toilets fixed to a standard level work the same way, so the height will not affect the flush force of the appliance. Manufacturers also produce both standard and comfortable high-rise models, so you are sure to find one that fits perfectly into your bathroom or washroom design.
The main difference, of course, is the height and how each configuration can best suit your home.

If you are installing a wall-mounted toilet in your bathroom or toilet room, you will encounter a certain problem that floor-standing models do not have: at what level to hang the toilet. Floor standing models can be of different heights, wall-hung toilet can also be hung in different ways. Each bathroom and the needs of users are different from each other, therefore for a final decision, you need to take into account some quantities and existing factors.
- Determine what type of wall model you have. Some have a reservoir that connects to a bowl, like floor-standing toilets. Others have a tank that fits inside the wall.
- Determine if you want a standard height, i.e. comfortable or versatile. The standard level is 36 cm from the floor to the edge of the bowl, excluding the seat. For comfort, toilets are mounted at least 40 cm from the floor to the edge of the bowl, but can be installed even higher. The recommended level is 43-48 cm from floor to seat.
Measure the thickness of the toilet seat. If you choose to hang your plumbing at a universal height, add the seat thickness to the floor to the edge of the bowl to get the desired amount.

In general, the goal is to find the ideal mounting height for the wall model, which will:
- easy to sit down and get up,
- It is convenient to place both feet on the floor while sitting on the toilet.
The ideal level of attachment will depend on your height, physical needs.

Recommendations for different consumer groups
Below we provide general guidelines for choosing the right height for people of different heights and needs.
The best level for tall people
For tall people, for example, a toilet with a standard height of 38-40 cm will be uncomfortably low. If you are tall, a floor-standing toilet with the word "comfortable height" is a good solution. Toilets Comfort Height, for example, the seat height is above average - 43-48 cm. This value is measured from the floor to the top of the seat.
Most floor-standing toilets are less than 48 cm high. If you are looking for a toilet with a seat height of 48 cm or more, it is better to look at wall-hung toilet models.

Optimal height for short consumers
People with short stature (160 cm and below) usually prefer standard-height toilets, where the seat height will be about 40 cm or less. But already taller toilets with a seat height of 43 cm and more can be uncomfortable, since a person of short stature simply cannot put his feet on the floor. And when your legs hang off the floor, it can cause discomfort - joint pain, for example.
If you are shorter in stature and find it difficult to get up from a standard-height toilet, sooner or later you will have to think about replacing your old plumbing with a more comfortable model.

Suitable option for disabled people
Provided that the person is disabled and is forced to use a wheelchair with a side sliding mechanism to move between the wheelchair seat and the toilet seat, then it is better to choose a plumbing fixture. with a seat height equal to the seat height of the stroller.
In this case, it can be quite difficult to choose a suitable floor-standing toilet, so you should pay attention to wall-mounted models. That is, a wall-mounted toilet can always be installed at the height you need.It should be noted that there are established restrictions on the absolute minimum and maximum height at which a wall-mounted toilet can be installed, these indicators will depend on the capabilities of the supporting system (support system), which is installed inside the wall of the toilet or bathroom. That's why Make sure before purchasing that the studded wall mount model and the corresponding carrier system selected will actually support the required height range.
Some wall-mounted toilets allow installation heights of 71 cm or more.

Standard parameters
Recommended toilet seat height ranges (floor to top of bowl) for adults and children are shown below. The height ranges of toilets for children, generally for public use only and intended primarily for young children:
- from 3 to 4 years old - 27-30 cm;
- from 5 to 8 years old - 30-38 cm;
- from 9 to 15 years old - 38-45 cm.
Meanwhile, for adults, this standard value ranges from 43 to 48 cm.
If the toilet is being selected for a person living in a private house, you should pay attention to his needs in order to install a suitable toilet.

Non-standard situations
Research has shown that squatting with the thighs below the knee is better for natural bowel movement. If a person suffers from constipation, you can install the wall model slightly lower so that when using the toilet, the thighs drop just below the knees.

For information on how high to install a wall-hung toilet, see the next video.