Features of Japanese toilets

Innovative technologies and the latest developments in the world of electronics are the constant companions of the life of a modern person. Already, almost no one can be surprised with improved household appliances, as well as technology that helps in work, communication and entertainment. The demand for new and creative gadgets has prompted manufacturers to start working on improving essential devices. One of these devices is the toilet.

Developers of major brands have carried out a huge number of events that have allowed the creation of "smart" plumbing, which has a large number of unique and essential functions. This was especially the case for Japanese specialists. The Japanese are a very clean nation, they are literally obsessed with hygiene. Suffice it to recall that they even change into special shoes to go to the toilet. And what can we say about the bathrooms themselves!

Advantages and disadvantages
The Japanese toilet is a “smart” sanitary ware, equipped with a lot of functions and innovative developments.
Among the main reasons for the emergence of these products, experts say the high level of competition, the desire to please customers and increase sales, as well as reduce the consumption of natural resources.

Toilet bowls from Japan are in demand all over the world thanks to many basic features and functions.
- Heated seat - the main function that all models have. Heated plumbing fixtures are especially in demand in regions with low average annual temperatures.
- Automatic closing and opening of the lid - a function that is activated by a special motion sensor.All public institutions are trying to purchase a product with this feature.
- Antibacterial coating prevents the emergence and spread of pathogenic microorganisms.
- Bidet - a popular addition, in particular demand among residents of eastern countries.
- Hydromassage - a special function that is used in medical and medical institutions for the prevention of hemorrhoids.
- Heating water.
- Drying with warm air currents.

More modern models may have the following options, which can be activated using the remote control:
- disinfection and disinfection of water;
- adding special gels and intimate hygiene products to the bidet;
- enabling the power saving function;
- automatic memorization of the set settings;
- aromatization of the used premises;
- musical accompaniment;
- changing the hydromassage regime taking into account gender.
Thanks to the above properties of "smart" plumbing, it is possible to maintain the maximum level of cleanliness and sterility in the washroom.

The main advantages of the device:
- reliability;
- convenience;
- ergonomics;
- refusal from toilet paper;
- constant use of warm water for hygiene procedures;
- wide range of applications;
- universal purpose;
- ease of operation and installation;
- security.

Despite the huge number of advantages and positive characteristics, these plumbing fixtures also have some disadvantages:
- high price range;
- the need to involve specialists to eliminate even minimal problems.
A distinctive feature of the device is the ability to quickly repair all electrical wiring, which is located in the toilet lid.

"Smart" plumbing has long ceased to be a luxury item and has moved into the category of useful and often necessary equipment that has a positive effect on human health, for the following categories of persons:
- sedentary and sedentary workers;
- people who have problems with excretory organs;
- families with small children.

Manufacturers paid attention not only to the development and implementation of the above functions, but also maximum improvement of the shape of the plumbing, as well as the location of the nozzles, water from which should wash the entire inner surface of the bowl, maximally removing all waste products of the owners.
Manufacturers' efforts to improve their product functionally have led to the emergence of models that can be controlled using tablets and phones.
Thanks to the ability to access the Internet, the gadget automatically determines the level of sugar in urine and displays all data on the panel.

Manufacturers distinguish two main types of electronic toilets:
- classical;
- with a sink on the cistern.

Depending on the installation method in specialized stores, you can see several types of "smart" plumbing.
- Floor standing toilet - classic model, which consists of a bowl with a foot and a cistern. Containers for collecting water can vary in size and volume.
- Hinged - a new model that attaches directly to the wall. Advantages - preservation of the integrity of the tiles, ease of maintenance, the ability to mount a heated floor under the device, the presence of a silent drain.
- Corner toilet - a model that has a triangular tank and allows you to save the interior space of the room as much as possible.

Depending on the connection method and design features, manufacturers produce the following types of plumbing:
- with a cold water supply pipe;
- with a built-in mixer for cold and hot water;
- with thermostat;
- with bidet spray.

And also the devices differ depending on the type of nozzles:
- with a stationary nozzle;
- with a retractable fitting.

The type of toilet bowl is also influenced by the type of bowl:
- funnel-shaped - a product with a drain hole in the center;
- dish-shaped - a device that has a small shelf inside the bowl, this element prevents the appearance of splashes;
- visor - the most hygienic and practical device, the drain hole in which is slightly offset from the center.

All efforts are directed to cleanliness and hygiene in the production of sanitary ware for toilets. At the same time, complex Japanese plumbing, with all its high technology, is quite easy to control and use. In this, as in all spheres of life, minimalism, beloved by the Japanese, is manifested. Therefore, the plumbing of their production looks as simple as possible, has nothing superfluous in design. Particular attention should be paid to Japanese companies, the development of which formed the basis of "smart" toilets.

The most famous Japanese trademarks are brands Toto and Panasonic.
The Toto company is a kind of cult brand that has been successfully engaged in innovative developments for a long time. This is what they mean when they talk about functionality, design and the highest quality of Japanese sanitary ware. The company is especially proud of its automatic shower toilets. And this is not surprising, because these innovative developments have taken cleanliness and comfort to a higher level. At the same time, the ultra-modern design of the products will help to fit them into any, even a tiny toilet room.
High functionality is, of course, the main feature of this technique. What is missing here: the Tornado automatic drain system, adjustment of water pressure, hair dryer temperature, seat heating, automatic lifting of the lid, several modes of washing and a few dozen more functions each model produced by Toto has. It may even seem like there are too many of them. But, as you know, you quickly get used to good things.

Absolutely unique product - Panasonic electronic toilet bowls, the main feature of which is ultra-light organic fiberglass, due to the use of this material, the weight of the toilet bowl is no more than 18 kg. This material also provides special strength, perfect smoothness and gloss of surfaces. Proper care allows you to maintain the original appearance of the product for many years.
And features such as anti-splash and air ionization will make your visit to the washroom more enjoyable. All types of Panasonic toilets take care of their own cleanliness, periodically running the bowl rinsing using detergent.
They are also equipped with a huge number of useful options such as massage, drying, automatic flushing, antibacterial cleaning. Moreover, all this can be controlled using a wireless remote control or buttons on the case.

Inax Lixil
This renowned manufacturer of toilet sanitary ware is developing its own technology. One of them - Aqua ceramic - is super smooth instrument coating, on which absolutely no dirt remains. Another feature of automatic toilets is the Plusmacluster function - air disinfection.

Japanese technologies for the production of "smart" toilets laid the foundation for the production of similar models in other countries of the world. The most famous are the following trademarks.
- VitrA Is a Turkish company whose products have a single design. The raw materials used are sanitary porcelain. Advantages - high quality and wide price range.
- Calipso Is an American brand that produces electronic porcelain toilets. All devices have the highest level of reliability and practicality.
- Grohe - a modern manufacturer whose products are used by consumers from around the world. Advantages - the versatility of the hygienic shower, automatic memorization of the functions used, automatic flushing, the presence of night lights and special cartridges designed to absorb odor.
- GeberitIs a Swiss manufacturer whose products are distinguished by increased reliability and durability. Manufacturing material - sanitary porcelain with anti-mud coating. Advantages - affordable price range.
- Santeri Is a Russian brand whose products have maximum compatibility with domestic sewage systems. Advantages - reliability, environmental friendliness, affordability.
- Iddis Is a Russian brand created in 2004. Differs in high-quality and inexpensive plumbing, has a large assortment.

Installation Recommendations
Despite the external similarities of "smart" toilets with conventional plumbing, their installation has a number of features that are detailed by manufacturers in a special instruction. This type of work should consist of the following stages:
- installation of a filtration unit in the water supply system;
- assembly of the supporting installation frame for the operation of the elevator;
- water intake and drainage system;
- installation of electrical stabilizers to prevent overheating of the system;
- combination of electronics and software.
Due to the fact that the device is electronic, the operated premises must have grounding, separate electrical wiring and a residual current device.

Even the presence of detailed instructions for installing a toilet bowl often does not allow you to independently perform these types of work.
Plumbing salesmen strongly recommend their customers to use the services of professional craftsmen when installing the device.
Ignoring this recommendation can lead to damage and damage to property, the cost of repairing which can be significantly higher than the services of plumbers. Self-inflicted damage to the goods automatically breaks the warranty relationship between the buyer and the seller.

If at the time of purchase there are no necessary financial resources, then experts recommend first purchasing one toilet bowl and only then purchasing a smart cover, the functional filling of which is no different from ready-made devices. Even persons with basic knowledge of plumbing repair will be able to install this accessory.

Consider the stages of installation work.
- Fixing the mounting plate above the housing mounting holes.
- Fastening the cover in the installed grooves. A sign of correct installation is the appearance of a characteristic click.
- Final cover installation by lifting it and moving forward.
Information on installing the cover can be found in the special instructions that well-known manufacturers attach to their products. To reduce the likelihood of errors, some firms accompany all stages of work with appropriate pictures.

The type of control, which can be carried out through the built-in remote control, Bluetooth, the Internet or an SMS message, has a significant impact on the installation and configuration of the device.
“Smart home” has long ceased to be a phenomenon inaccessible to most consumers. Increasingly, in the apartments of ordinary residents, you can see devices, the action of which is aimed at creating the most comfortable and convenient conditions for human life. You will no longer surprise anyone with lighting devices that turn on and off on their own, as well as with equipment that prepares food in the absence of the owners.

But the developers went further and released "smart" toilets. An unusual and functional device turned out to be in demand and practical. This type of plumbing is not only a fun toy, but also a reliable assistant that significantly saves financial resources for utility bills.
Before purchasing a "smart" toilet bowl, you must carefully study its functions and all the subtleties of operation, and entrust the installation and repair to professional craftsmen.

The following video provides a detailed overview of the technological features of Japanese toilets.