All About Ballroom Dance Shoes

For a professional dancer, footwear is considered almost the most decisive component of a costume. Its thoughtful selection allows not only to present oneself effectively, but also to easily move on the parquet floor and perfectly reproduce any dance element.

Ballroom dancing shoes must meet several important criteria. First of all, shoes must provide reliable contact with the floor, which means that they must be made only of genuine leather. The sole, made of this material, looks like suede, but does not slip at all and allows you to really feel the floor covering. If the sole of the shoes turns out to be made of plastic, then the foot will slide off, and the rubber will interfere with the embodiment of most movements, including rotations.

The next important condition is the presence of the correct instep support - an element sewn into the sole and supporting the shape of the foot. In simple shoes, this part reaches the middle of the sole in length. European ballroom dancing, which is also the standard, requires the use of an increased instep support, since the step often starts from the heel. For Latin American dancers, on the contrary, models with a shortened instep support are needed, since most of the movements come from the toe.

Ballroom shoes must match the performer's instep, that is, he must feel the insole along its entire length.
The height and shape of the hydraulically fixed heel are selected depending on the type of performance. For example, a high and thin heel is suitable for Latin. On the other hand, a beginner dancer is advised to keep an eye on an element no higher than 5 centimeters to maintain balance throughout the entire performance.

Dance shoes should be flexible. You can check this parameter right in the store by bending the model's sock. It should be remembered that a hard pair restricts movement, which is especially true for the standard and Caribbean programs. Open toes with a heel are considered unsafe, but they are indispensable in some areas, for example, Argentine tango.

Despite the similarity of most models of dance shoes, they differ both in purpose and in the material used.
By appointment
Sports-banal usually means Latin American and European dances. Shoes for practicing them have their own specifics. Children's models designed for dancers up to 11 years old are versatile. Such shoes are called rating shoes and are used not only for performances, but also as training shoes.

Adult models for the Latin American program have high heels: about 4 centimeters for men and 5 to 9 centimeters for women. A strap ensures a snug fit to the legs. Men's shoes for European dances have a heel equal to 2 centimeters. Women's shoes can be with the same high heels as in Latin, but always with a heel cap and a boat model.

Jive shoes - one of the elements of the Latin American programcan also be used in hip hop, aerobics and rock and roll.
The height of the heel does not play a special role, but a forked sole is required, which allows the foot to easily perform absolutely any movement.

Some dancers prefer classic patterns with rubber soles.for extra traction, while others opt for comfortable lace-up boots made from soft leather.

The finest quality tango shoes are handcrafted by tangueros. The antistress insole placed inside eliminates overstressing in the forefoot and distributes the load evenly. Girls usually choose sandals with heels from 5 to 11 centimeters, and men choose elegant boots on a standard elevation.

By material
Usually, durable natural materials are used for the production of dance shoes - natural leather, its artificial counterpart, brocade or satin. Satin shoes look very impressive, but they get dirty quickly. Given the complexity of fabric care, it also breaks down rapidly. Leather models turn out to be more practical, plus they are easy to care for.
Best of all is natural leather, which stretches in size on the foot and provides it with aeration.

Popular manufacturers
The most popular creators of ballroom dance equipment are brands Aida, Dancefox, Supadance, Eckse, Dancemaster, Galex, Dance Naturals and International dance shoes.
Domestic brand Aida burst into the market back in 1993, presenting to the public high-quality ballroom shoes. Today the company is not only known everywhere, but also recognized by many famous artists. Aida products meet all the requirements set by professionals. It is not only pleasant to wear, but also stylish, because the design of the produced models always corresponds to fashion trends. Interestingly, all of the brand's products are made by hand, since the company has completely abandoned conveyor production. In the assortment you can find products for men, women and children in different areas.

Another Russian company is known as Eckse. The production of products is carried out on high-tech equipment using only high-quality materials. The technological control service necessarily evaluates all steps of shoe design. Outstanding specialists not only from Russia, but also from England, Italy and Spain are responsible for the creation of shoe lasts, both shapes and profiles. The advantages of Eckse shoes include excellent resilience, secure foot hold and ease of use.A plus is the constant updating of a wide range, accompanied by the search for fresh design solutions.

Dancefox company attracts with its beautiful and very stylish shoessuitable for all kinds of dance styles. The trademark of the brand is the release of the same model of women's shoes in several variations, which allows you to choose the optimal heel dimensions for the design you like. Many women's shoes, by the way, are adorned with Swarovski crystals, while men's products are equipped with a special shock-absorbing heel and non-cutting edging. Products for children are made taking into account the anatomical features of the growing foot.

The Supadance brand, originally from England, is known to any dancer. Each model in its range is created by hand, but based on innovative technologies. The company focuses on outstanding quality, contemporary design and wearer comfort. You will be able to purchase both training shoes and performance equipment.

Another famous English manufacturer is International dance shoes, the production of which is concentrated in the town of Milton Keynes. Dance shoes are handcrafted and handcrafted, but the brand uses all available technology to continually improve quality and design updates. Comfortable shoes provide artists with maximum freedom of movement.

Galex products are often preferred. Each model of the brand is released to the market after productive collaboration with designers, researchers and professional dancers. The wide range of the brand is constantly updated with new products.

Finally, the Italian brand Dance Naturals is included in the rating of the best manufacturers. To create dance shoes, she uses only environmentally friendly materials, up to dyes, thanks to which the shoes become hypoallergenic and allow the foot to breathe. Checking the balance of the heel with a mechanical press ensures the correct weight distribution between the rear and the front. Each new model is first tested in laboratories, then tested in practice by dancers for several months, and then it goes into mass production.

Nuances of choice
Dance shoes should be chosen according to the size of your feet.
It is important to remember that such shoes are always stretched, and therefore you do not need to take them with a "reserve", otherwise they will begin to fall off after a few days.
If the smaller pair feels really comfortable, you can take that too.
In addition to size, the strength and wear resistance of the material, the softness of the surfaces, the comfort of wearing and the attractive appearance must be taken into account. During the fitting, even the slightest discomfort should not be felt, otherwise it will only intensify during classes and performances.

The width of the ankle strap cannot be less than 8 millimeters, otherwise the strap will stick in the leg. The foot must be firmly attached to the insole, and the buckles must be free from sharp protrusions.
Black for dance shoes is considered universal, but beige visually lengthens the legs. In some cases, it is bodily equipment that allows you to hide the flaws of the dance, while white and black emphasize all the movements of the legs.
Natural leather and suede are considered the most suitable materials, but such shoes will have to be regularly looked after.

When choosing dance shoes for a child, one must not forget that the height of the heel should not exceed 5 centimeters.
The optimal figure is from 2.5 to 3.5 centimeters. The child should wear lightweight and comfortable shoes so that the back does not get tired during classes, and the load on the legs is minimal.
Of course, one should focus not on the wishes of a young dancer or a special design, but on those parameters that ensure leg comfort and minimize the likelihood of injury. For example, an additional plus will be the presence of fasteners on the toes and a special strap that goes under the sole and wraps around the leg.

For beginner dancers of mature age, it makes sense to choose a model with a 4 cm block heel for a start. Further, you can already purchase three options for shoes: training, latino and standard. A male dancer at the beginning of his career will be able to limit himself to standard black shoes, the heel of which does not exceed 2 centimeters. Then he will be able to supplement the collection of equipment with latino and training models.

By the way, a really significant rule is the purchase of products from only trusted manufacturers. In the dance industry, world-renowned brands are gaining popularity among audiences not for their catchy designs, but for their high quality. Specialty shoe manufacturers are spending large sums of money to develop lightweight, flexible lasting products that are 100% safe. However, if the budget is too small, then it is better to get cheap shoes from a little-known brand than to engage in casual shoes with the wrong soles.
It would be a good solution to first read the reviews, since some foreign samples do not cope with Russian realities and, sliding in their homeland, are torn, clinging to the protruding irregularities of not very good scenes. Domestic manufacturers usually take this aspect into account.

You will learn the secrets of caring for dance shoes by watching the following video.