How to carry faux leather shoes?

Nice and beautiful artificial leather shoes are a real find for every customer. However, a purchase can cause a lot of problems for the owner, if after the very first prom, he realizes that he is uncomfortable in new shoes.

Traditional stretching options for artificial leather
If while walking you understand that the shoes are tight, you need to stretch them. Anyone can do this, often without even leaving home:
- Take rubbing alcohol, vodka, cologne, or vinegar and apply them to the areas of your shoes that make you uncomfortable when walking. Then put on cotton socks on your feet and wear the shoes until completely dry. It should be remembered that alcohol-containing substances are chemically active, so try to avoid getting them on the outer part of the shoes, as it can fade and even become stained.

- Use spray or foam to stretch your faux leather shoes. It can be purchased at specialty shoe or hardware stores. The main function of this product is to soften the surface of women's shoes and, as a result, the ability to quickly spread them;

- take the stretching shoes to a specialized shoe shop;

Traditional methods of stretching shoes
Stuff new shoes tightly with wet newspaper and leave to dry (away from strong heat sources). To quickly stretch the shoes, this procedure will have to be repeated 2-3 times;
- apply petroleum jelly or castor oil to the surface of your shoes, then put on a sock and start to wear. These oils soften the material well;
- wrap the shoes with cotton cloth, previously dipped in boiling water;
- Put on socks dipped in boiling water or beer and wear out your shoes.

Stretching shoes at low and high temperatures
- A hair dryer is another option for stretching faux leather shoes. Using a strong mode, heat up the shoes.Put them on and start wearing them out. The main thing is not to overdo it with heating, because poor quality artificial material can crack.
- The opposite method to the previous one is to use a freezer. A plastic bag filled with water must be placed in the shoes and then in the freezer. When the water freezes, remove the shoes.

Ice stretching is best used on fall / winter models, as experimenting with summer shoes can lead to cracking of the material, especially if it is of poor quality.
Extreme ways to stretch artificial leather
- You can wear out tight shoes by wearing them on your bare feet: without socks and even nylon footprints. The method is effective, however, then you will have to treat the worn out heels. Is it worth it? To avoid unpleasant consequences, plan to wear your shoes in several stages: every day for 1-2 hours.
- Pour boiling water into artificial leather shoes, drain it immediately and put on your shoes. Once dry, it will fit your foot perfectly.

The above method is the most dangerous, since it can simply ruin the shoes: it will crack, stain and, what is most unpleasant, it can return to the same size after a while.

Do not wear artificial leather shoes, do not spoil your feet. Hand over or throw away!
Laundry soap works well on artificial leather: you need to grate it and mix with water. Apply the resulting paste to the area that rubs the foot and leave for 6 hours while the shoes are dry. After that, rinse off the product, and wear the shoes until dry.