What tights to choose for your shoes?

In the romantic era of long dresses, no one seriously thought about what tights to choose for shoes. But now the beautiful female legs opened up to the world - and another point for doubt appeared. Indeed, with today's variety of colors and materials, it is very easy to get confused. Moreover, when fashion makes constant bends, and yesterday's types of tights and ways of wearing them today can already be considered bad manners. Therefore, we propose to figure out how shoes and tights are now combined.

How to choose tights to match the color of your shoes?
There are classic color combinations that will always be winning. But fashion also gives new possibilities, where it is proposed to combine seemingly incongruous. And fashionistas manage to look very impressive and stylish at the same time. Let's look at different color combinations of tights and shoes, and the choice is yours.

So, the classic is black. He is essentially neutral to everyone else, so it goes very well with them. But there are no rules without exception, and especially in fashion.

Consider one of the most popular and basic ensembles today - black tights with black shoes. This is a new classic, and you can safely choose clothes of both dark and the brightest and most saturated shades for such a combination.
In addition, the ensemble of black tights and shoes visually lengthens the legs, emphasizing their slimness. And the various patterns on such models look good with such laconic clothes as a simple black dress.

But black is also quite heavy, and if the legs are not slender enough, and the bottom of the figure is voluminous, this will also stand out. Therefore, keep in mind that not only black adds harmony, but any dark color - graphite, dark blue, chocolate.And the most versatile and advantageous option is tights to match the shoes or a similar shade. This combination is very fashionable now, it also perfectly lengthens the legs and always looks harmonious. Like graphite tights with dark gray shoes.

Another classic version of tights is nude. But according to most stylists, they have long gone out of fashion. Disputes on this topic do not subside, and life dictates its own rules. And the main place where you simply cannot do without such tights is the office. Therefore, if you need or are simply more accustomed to colorless tights, choose very thin matte models that are as close as possible to the natural color of your legs. And forever forget about tights with glitter and shimmer, which also make your legs look fat.

It is better to find shoes for nude tights darker. But the combination of black shoes with such tights is also a thing of the past, and today they are advised to choose thin or dense black tights.

A beautiful and noble color is gray. It has a whole range of shades from light to wet asphalt. Shoes to match, and shoes of bright or light shades, and just black, are perfectly combined with gray tights.

This color does not look like a mouse now, on the contrary - it will add elegance and femininity.

White tights are not forgotten either - they go well with black and white and brown shoes. But bright colors are best avoided. And also remember that this color stands out very much, so it should be supported in the image with clothes or accessories.

For light-colored shoes, light claws or to match the shoes are suitable, with the exception of flesh and white shoes. Nude shoes look best on bare feet.

White shoes, on the other hand, are a very special thing - they will suit well for a wedding dress.

Daring fashionistas even pair white shoes with black tights. And although this option is not approved by everyone, it also has the right to life. But in this case, the whole image must be kept in black and white.
Light-colored shoes and dark tights are another trend in modern fashion. This combination will surely attract attention, so choose it for a walk or a party, and not for an office or business meetings.

It is very important to think over all the details of the outfit so that the image is harmonious and not flashy. And the main rule is that some element in clothes or accessories must be dark. For example, black tights are perfectly complemented by a black dress and a necklace, and beige shoes look elegant with a classic-cut raincoat.

Can I wear open-toed shoes with tights?
Gone in the past classics of this genre - shoes with tights, sandals - on bare feet. Today, fashion has introduced its diversity to this rule. So in the warm season, if necessary, very thin and inconspicuous colorless tights are allowed to the sandals.

But there are times when tights of different colors and textures are worn to shoes with an open toe and heel.

You need to combine such things extremely carefully and with understanding so that the composition looks really beautiful, and not tasteless.O.
- Firstly, such an image is completely non-classical, therefore, tights will suit more avant-garde models of clothes and shoes with an emphatically feminine style.
- Secondly, tights under sandals are worn not for the sake of convenience, but as an outrageous accessory for the appropriate situation - going to a party with an artistic bias or going out into a bohemian environment.

Open-toed shoes are still shoes. And they go well with tights, especially shoes with thick heels or on a platform. Fashionistas even today quietly try on black tights under such shoes.

But what will definitely ruin the look is the seals and seams on the socks. True, the fashion industry offers a way out here too - a lot of options for tights with a cutout on the toes have appeared. So open shoes with interesting tights with bare toes may well become a highlight of your wardrobe.If that doesn't work, look at seamless tights.

Shoes and tight tights
Thick tights are an indispensable thing in a cool season. Thanks to the many colors and styles of this part, you can not sacrifice health to beauty. But in order to look stylish and attractive in them, you should still know the subtleties of choice and combination with other attributes.

In the classic form, the density of tights is dictated by the look and texture of the shoe. Therefore, the warmer and heavier the shoes, the thicker tights are required for them. After all, if there is a need for tight tights, then more open shoes may look forced and out of season.

Shoes with a high platform or with thick heels, as well as models with "tractor" soles, are especially suitable for tight tights. They will create a good ensemble thanks to the massive effect.

The roughness of dense gray tights with a knitted pattern is perfectly balanced by the heavy platform of the shoes, which makes the images look very harmonious.

Fashion this season offers many tight patterns with a pattern, but you should be extremely careful when choosing it. Various ornaments and weaves look very feminine, but they can visually add fullness to the legs. They are also appropriate only in an ensemble with plain, rather closed and not long clothes without additional patterns, and laconic shoes.

Regardless of fashion, tights' vocation is to highlight the beautiful and embellish the imperfect. Therefore, choose only those options that will make your legs slimmer and more attractive.