Leather wedges

No matter how gorgeous heeled shoes look, and especially stiletto heels, they are not suitable for everyone and will not be appropriate in all situations. Leather wedges are quite another matter.

These shoes have special advantages:
- Stability and comfortable wearing.
- The relevance of choice for girls with small stature.
- Long-term wearing.
- Effective appearance.
- Practicality and durability, which is ensured by the high quality of the material and the shape of the sole.
- Versatility.

A popular color for leather wedges is black. Such footwear is also universal, as it can be present in business looks, evening and casual. In addition, black leather is not a brand and can be easily cleaned with modern means.

It is these shoes that will maintain their excellent appearance for a long time and look like new every time.
What woman would limit herself to one pair of shoes? The company of such versatile and strict shoes should be made up of bright models. In this case, you can highlight red shoes. They, like black shoes, can be used in business, evening and everyday looks.

Under red leather wedge shoes, you can wear a trouser suit, dress, coat, raincoat, jeans, skirt. There are a lot of options, so such bright shoes should definitely be included in your home collection.

Combined shoes are another great option that you should take note of. There can be a lot of options here, ranging from a combination of classic colors (black and white) to the most unusual and vibrant models. Designers like to use the play of textures, using in one model, for example, matte and patent leather or adding suede elements.

Recently, models made of leather with a wide wedge are becoming popular. The main advantage is their convenience, stability and comfort even during long walks.

Women's leather wedge shoes themselves look elegant and self-sufficient, but designers do not miss the opportunity to use the decor. Small elements in a laconic style are more relevant.

The shape of the wedge can also be different. For example, a wedge-rock from the side looks like a regular wedge, and from the back it looks like a thin hairpin. Models with a cut wedge look elegant, which will be relevant in solemn looks.

This model shows us a great image that can be used for every day. Shoes with a simple upper, but an original sole, fit perfectly into the black and white look. Nothing superfluous, bright and catchy, but nevertheless there is sexuality, confidence and audacity in this image.

And this image can be considered universal, since it can be used as a business bow or everyday. In this way, you can go shopping with your girlfriends or on a date.

Black leather wedges with a thin strap are perfect for a wide, short skirt. The legs seem even more slender and longer, and the whole image is refined.