Louboutin Shoes

What are Louboutins?
Louboutins is the colloquial name for the legendary shoes created by the French designer Christian Louboutin. The surname of the shoe designer in French is pronounced approximately like "louboutin", but for the Russian ear, the pronunciation "louboutin" is more familiar.

Recently, these beautiful, expensive shoes have become cult favorites among fashion-conscious girls and women. They have become an object of envy and a symbol of luxury, emphasized sexuality and femininity.

What are Louboutins famous for? A feature of Louboutins is the scarlet color of the sole, which arose spontaneously due to a happy coincidence. Once, before the next fashion show, the famous designer decided that the image of his model was too boring. At that moment, one of his colleagues was holding a bottle of red nail polish. Christian took the varnish and painted the sole. This is how the red sole became the trademark of this shoe.

Then many shoe brands began to copy Christian Louboutin and make the soles red. But the secret of Louboutin's success is not only in the red sole, a kind of “signature” of the shoes, but also in the fact that these shoes are a real work of art. These shoes are mesmerizing, captivating with their ideal shapes.
They attract the eye with their ultra-high stiletto heels and unusual decor, ornaments of the toe and heel, because the soul of the creator is invested in every centimeter of shoes.

Not everyone knows that Christian Louboutin's shoe collection is not limited to the famous high-heeled shoes. His collections annually produce charming pumps with medium and low heels, sneakers, sneakers, boots, loafers, ankle boots, slip-ons, sandals and even bags. After all, the maestro wants to create footwear for all occasions.

What do original shoes look like?
Hairpins Louboutin so rapidly burst into the fashion world and made so much noise that they became a new trend and trend. Therefore, it is not surprising that the shoe market was soon flooded with numerous fakes and more affordable copies. Therefore, especially it is important to know what the original Louboutin shoes are.

No matter how strange it may seem, the main advantage of Louboutins is not at all in the red sole, but in the convenience of these shoes. Maestro Louboutin has worked for years to create the perfect last and comfortable stiletto heels to make women feel comfortable in his shoes. A comfortable heel, physiological bend of the sole, increased side bumpers give female legs comfort and convenience.

The original Louboutin shoes are not adorned with the brand's logo. The brand on the original louboutins is placed directly on the insole under the heel. This is a guarantee of high-quality leather and the fact that the brand will remain even after a long time.

What else should you pay attention to? Be careful in choosing the color of your shoes, you need to know that shoes from the collection of monsieur are made, as a rule, in three colors familiar to all - black, red and beige. An exception is made extremely rarely for dark blue and white colors. If you come across a pair of a different color, this is most likely a replica of Louboutins.

Another difference between the real Louboutin models is the perfect socks. You can even smell the leather of shoes and feel the subtle scent of perfectly finished material. This is also a sign of a genuine couple.

The shoes are covered with leather of such high quality that it will not wear off for many years. After all, Christian Louboutin has been working on the secret of dressing for many years. This is the intellectual property of the firm.

All these advantages form a rather high cost of a pair of shoes, as a rule, the price starts at $ 700. Happy owners of the original Louboutins can spot a fake at first glance.

Of course, the first thing that comes to mind when the word "louboutins" is graceful pumps with high heels. The heel height is an iconic symbol of these shoes and in such a model it reaches 12-14 cm... Thanks to this height of the heel, the bright scarlet sole of the shoes is visible to others even when the woman is standing.

But many do not suspect that the whole world is hidden behind the brand of Christian Louboutin. Monsieur's collection includes sandals, loafers, boots, ankle boots and much more. The designer creates models for every day and for publication. Sometimes the maestro releases limited editions with specially shaped heels, and these shoes are a real work of art and have an increased value.

If you are considering buying a Louboutin, it makes sense to invest in a basic classic boat. These shoes can be combined with any basic wardrobe items. But they will undoubtedly decorate the evening dress. An unmistakable choice would be beige classic pumps with high or medium heels. These shoes will live in your wardrobe for a long time and take a solid place there.

Truly, Louboutins with transparent inserts will become universal in your wardrobe. These shoes fit exceptionally elegantly on the leg, creating a light romantic look. Transparent shoes will be appropriate for a romantic evening, and at a party, and even in the office, where the dress code is not too strict.

They can be ideally combined with a cocktail dress, classic blazer and trendy satin trousers.

A special place in the Louboutin collection is occupied by shoes with spikes. Spikes on boats, ankle boots or sandals are a kind of challenge to the world. A woman in shoes with spikes and red soles demonstrates her strength and independence to the outside world.

As opposed to spiked louboutins, shoes with rhinestones will instantly add lightness and shine to your look in the literal sense of the word. These shoes will be appropriate for parties, prom or corporate events.

And for such an important, exciting and joyful event in a woman's life, like a wedding, white louboutins are perfectcovered with the finest silk, with designer decor. And even if you no longer wear white wedding shoes, the feeling that your wedding outfit was complemented by snow-white louboutins is unforgettable!

Color and print
Despite the fact that Maestro Christian's shoes are so diverse, the main basic colors of his collections are still 4 classic colors: black, white, red and beige.
Black louboutins are an excellent sign of the good taste of their owner. After all, it is the black color of shoes that remains the most popular, especially in our country, where practical and durable shoes are required. Black pumps are on the list of must-have items for the basic wardrobe of a fashionable girl with an upper middle income.

What other shoes should a self-respecting woman have in her dressing room? Experts say they are beige and red.
Beige pumps do not overpower the color focus, go with everything, for example, look great with skirts of various lengths, suits and even jeans.

Red shoes have been fashionable at all times, because they allow you to dilute a monophonic image with a bright spot and draw attention to beautiful legs.

If you want to attract interested and admiring glances of others - your choice - Louboutins with leopard print. It is in them that you will become the center of attention always and everywhere - from the office to a party.

How to distinguish from a fake?
Distinguishing a fake from a genuine pair of louboutins is not difficult, and it's not even a matter of price. Everyone knows how real louboutins should look, but not everyone knows some points when choosing the right pair ...

It is important to know that it is impossible to buy a pair of real Louboutins on the Internet. The commercial policy of the company is such that you can buy shoes only in the brand's boutiques. True, real shoes can also be found in European outlets. And what is especially valuable, last year's collection is always on sale with significant discounts.

What to consider when buying an original pair of Louboutins?
- Examine the shoe box carefully. Fake boxes have larger logos than original ones. Pay attention to the word "Paris", on the original box it is in the corner below near the name of Louboutin. Red cotton shoe bags are placed in the original box with louboutins. If the bags are light red - be careful!
- Then examine the label. Everything should be printed in black ink and the label should include the brand name, code, model name and size.
- Real louboutins should smell like leather, while fakes have a repulsive chemical odor.
- The famous outsole Louboutins should not only be bright red, but also have a glossy sheen. Replicas have a matte finish on the outsole.
- All seams on original models are perfect, manually, without errors and irregularities. Replicas, as a rule, have a low-quality finish.
- Examine the heel. It should be covered with the same quality leather as all the shoes. If this is not the case - a reason to think. Of course, the heels on the original heels are always of the highest quality and do not get lost after a walk.
- Turn the shoes in profile... The sides of the shoes should not be deep. After all, demonstrating women's legs in a favorable light is the main task of Christian Louboutin. Please note that genuine shoes do not have a raised toe, they are firmly on the floor with their entire sole.
- Already mentioned above stigma designer under the heel on the insole should not be erased, all letters should be written evenly and clearly.
- Price. Louboutins simply cannot be cheap, because these are limited edition designer shoes of the highest quality.

How much are?
The high price of Louboutins immediately puts them in the luxury segment. The price tag for these fantastic shoes starts at $ 600. The average cost in boutiques is $ 1,000 per pair.

The most expensive pair can cost $ 6,000-7,000. This is a payment not only for the highest quality and convenience, but also for prestige and uniqueness. But even at such a high cost, these shoes do not lie on the shelves.

What to wear with?
It's no secret that louboutins can and should be combined with clothes of all imaginable images. And do not be confused by the red sole, it will not draw attention to itself and affect the integrity of the image. After all, the red sole in this case is a kind of brand signature, the color of which is not important.

Strict office outfits, for example, traditional trouser suits or plain skirts, complement beige pumps well, adding the necessary zest to your look.

Louboutins in soft pastel shades will perfectly complement your look for a romantic date. Nude louboutins, champagne or mint shoes will be combined with flying dresses made of fine fabrics.

Such images arouse sympathy and tender feelings in male beings.

The maestro's shoes are so comfortable that you can safely go on a long summer walk in them, choosing sandals for going out.

And for shopping in cool or rainy weather, graceful ankle boots are suitable.

Going to the party won't be complete without studded louboutins or a pair of glittery rhinestones. These shoes are appropriate on the dance floor or in a nightclub. But be careful with the outfit, the main thing is not to overdo it. After all, such shoes will be the central part of the image, so it is better to choose one-colored clothes. If you are going to attend a formal event or a business breakfast, then your choice is black pumps in combination with strict monochromatic outfits.

Spectacular images
Black louboutins pair unexpectedly well with perky boyfriend jeans.

Beige Louboutins will turn you into a piece of style and fashion and will go well with any outfit.

The red louboutins that have already become classic will always be combined with any monochromatic outfits. It is best not to mix more than 2-3 colors in this manner.

- Femininity and severity are a bright bow.

- The perfect combination of luxury and glitz.

- Stylish and bright image.

- The real luxury of Louboutin and a bright, shiny look.

- A great idea for a secular dinner.

- Aristocracy is the name of this image.

- Summer - just be fashionable!

- You can be fashionable every day!