Light green shoes

What to wear with light green shoes?
Light green shoes are a very interesting and bright detail of any look. Do you want to buy these shoes, but doubt that you can wear them correctly? In this article, we'll show you how to properly match colors in clothes and green shoes.

Light green and options for its combination with other colors
Light green shoes go well with brown, beige, red, yellow, purple, dark blue and orange colors. It always goes well with black, white, gray and all intermediate shades of these colors.

Combination with brown and beige
These shoes fit almost perfectly to brown and beige trousers. It will be enough to choose a light blouse for them, and a bright pair and a stylish look are ready for shoes. A bag of juicy green, a stylish neckerchief, a watch, a bracelet or earrings can act as a pair.

Beige and light coffee in clothes and light green in shoes will also be a very successful color scheme for a light spring outfit. Moreover, in this case, several shades of beige and brown may be present in the clothes, and this will be appropriate.

Combination with juicy flowers
Green combines well with red, but you need to keep track of that red is in moderation, otherwise it can suppress other colors. It is best if red shows itself not in clothes, but in jewelry and accessories.

You also need to carefully create bows from orange and light green. Tangerine color in clothes paired with fresh green in shoes will create a bright and appetizing look. If the company of light green shoes has white trousers or a skirt, then you can use a more muted shade of orange.This will make the image no less juicy and help to avoid overkill.

With purple, light green also looks amazing, if you know when to stop. There should not be a lot of bright, saturated colors; it can be presented in one detail of the wardrobe, for example, in a jacket or dress. The rest of the details should rather set off this color and complement it, but not compete and not act on equal terms. If the color balance is right, you get an incredibly interesting kit that will make you noticeable and bright.

Combination with blue
The light green color itself is very soft and delicate, and things of a deep blue color can emphasize this quality. If you have a dark blue dress or jacket, you can safely wear shoes of the color of delicate spring greens with them, this way you will give your look a special charm and noticeably refresh your wardrobe.

Don't forget to pair your shoes in style. A handbag or a mint-colored belt will perfectly complement the look. Swap blue for sky blue for the perfect set for a warm spring day. Light blue jeans and light green shoes are one of the most beautiful fashion pairs. Add a white top and a blue jacket or light raincoat and a stylish bow is ready effortlessly!

Combination with white, black, gray colors
Light green shoes will always look appropriate and stylish in combination with clothes in black, white and all shades of gray. One of the simplest and most successful options is green shoes, black trousers and a light-colored blouse. A green print on a white handbag, a bracelet or watch will support the color well, shoes and a bow will turn out stylish and fresh.

For a summer style, a combination of only white and light green is well suited. For example, fresh green pumps and a flying white sun skirt with a print in several shades of green. The top for such a skirt can be a blouse of the same shade as one of the prints on the skirt.

If you have a gray dress and light green shoes in your wardrobe, then you can create several successful images from this pair, complementing it with various accessories. If you add a white jacket and light jewelry with a floral motif and small stones, you get an ensemble for a romantic walk.
If you pick up a silk scarf to match the shoes and put on a dark gray jacket to the middle of the thigh on top, then an outfit for a business meeting will come out.

Combination with yellow and all shades of green
Such combinations can be chosen boldly, without fear of making a mistake. In one ensemble, you can combine 3-4 shades of green.