Blue patent shoes

Blue information
Since ancient times, shades of blue are considered the most noble.... Only people from the most prosperous families could afford to dress in blue clothes, because in order to obtain the necessary pigments, many efforts had to be made.

In the twenty-first century, blue products are very popular. NSthat color is able to create a stunning image, give a girl elegance and grace, and in other cases - severity and imperiousness.

An important property is that blue is extremely practical. Traces of dirt and dust will not be visible on it. In addition, even psychologists recommend wearing models decorated in blue shades. Color has a beneficial effect on the nerves, helps to cope with stress, which is necessary during strenuous work.

Pros of patent leather shoes
For many years now, blue patent shoes have not left the pages of fashionable glossy magazines. The velvety color is able to instantly attract the attention of others: men will not be able to take their enthusiastic gaze from you, and women will look sideways at you with envy.

- Dark blue patent shoes create a mysterious and solemn atmosphere.
- The bow turns out to be attractive and even playful.
- A big plus of blue shoes is that they are suitable for absolutely everyone, regardless of the type of skin and shade of hair.
- Lacquered products with rhinestones will be an ideal option for girls seeking extravagance. The shine of the glass makes the shoe look catchy - they immediately catch the eye. This option is great for visiting a nightclub.
- The current variation is the combination of blue with red or black. The heel and sole, made in red shades, will add brightness to the evening look.

The blue color is divided into several shades. Patent leather shoes can be decorated in different styles.It depends on these parameters in which style it is best to compose the bow.

- Patent leather pumps with a medium heel are created especially for office workers. A business look with these shoes turns out to be charming. The model looks rather conservative, thanks to which the bow looks restrained, while the dark blue color and lacquered surface add originality and freshness.

- Blue shoes, complemented by a decorative adornment, for example, a delicate silk bow or metalized toe, are created especially for visiting a cafe with a young man. You will feel your own elegance and airiness.

- Open-toed products are most suitable for festive events in the spirit of a secular dinner. Typically, these models have a stunning heel, decorated in a contrasting color or as a few large beads.

Blue patent leather shoes cannot displease modern women of fashion, because they do not have a single flaw. This is the opinion of the customers of dark blue lacquered items. Judging by the reviews, the girls were pleased with the purchase. Blue shoes are suitable for any situation. You can experiment with them, creating unusual images, and return to class