
Which is better: a Turk or a geyser coffee maker?

Which is better: a Turk or a geyser coffee maker?
  1. Features and device comparison
  2. Which is preferable?
  3. How to choose the right one?

In terms of sales volume, coffee is second only to oil. This is a favorite drink in many countries, and over the centuries, during which coffee won the hearts of people, traditions have developed, standards for the preparation and use of this aromatic drink have taken root, starting with the degrees of roasting of the beans and ending with the dishes in which it is prepared.

Features and device comparison

The Turk is a wide container tapering upwards with a cool handle, most often made of high quality wood or plastic. Ground coffee is put into it, and the right amount of water is poured in. A coffee stopper appears in the middle of the vessel, called the neck, just before boiling. Thanks to it, the release of essential oils is difficult, so the smell and taste of the drink do not lose their intensity, and the thick remains at the bottom of the cezve. The upper part - the foam collector prevents the foam from overflowing.

A geyser drip coffee maker consists of two containers: water is poured into the lower one, ready-made coffee is supplied to the upper one. They are separated by a filter where coffee powder is poured. When the temperature in the lower tank rises due to the pressure, the water in the vapor state rises into the upper container of the coffee maker, saturating in the process with the aroma and taste of coffee.

The Turks and the coffee maker have their own advantages and disadvantages. There are many similarities, but there are also differences.

  1. The volumes of the Turks range from miniature, designed for one cup, to containing the amount of coffee, which is enough for a small company, but even in a large cezve you can make just one cup of drink. It is not permissible to make less coffee in the coffee maker than it was designed for.Each time you have to load the machine to the maximum, which increases the consumption of coffee.
  2. Cezva allows for the preparation of various types of coffee, you can put all the ingredients in it at once: sugar, spices, milk and other additives according to the recipe, while the coffee makers are mostly designed for making espresso. It is not allowed to add sugar to the machine, only to the cup with the finished drink. Additional recipes are available in more expensive models with advanced features.
  3. Making coffee in a Turk requires vigilant attention. Throughout the entire process, you must not take your eyes off the preparing drink and absent yourself, otherwise the coffee will boil over and splash out onto the stove. Operating the coffee maker will not be difficult and will not require continuous monitoring.
  4. It is better to purchase a Turk with a solid body, it is durable, not subject to deformation and damage. The filter and seal of the coffee maker will wear out over time and need to be replaced. If the case is non-metallic, it is not difficult to damage it.
  5. Washing the cezve in the dishwasher is undesirable, but by hand it is not difficult and takes almost no time. Keeping a coffee maker clean is also easy - you need to disassemble it after use and rinse well with water. You should treat the coffee maker without neglect after each use, otherwise it will negatively affect the taste of the drink and quickly damage the filter.
  6. You can take Turku on a hike and delight coffee lovers with your favorite drink prepared over a fire, hot sand or hot coals. Most models of coffee makers can be taken with you on a trip or office if necessary.
  7. Except for the exclusive handmade Turks, the cost of an ordinary Turk is affordable for any coffee lover. And you can also buy a simple coffee maker at a low price, slightly higher than the cost of a regular cezve.
  8. When pouring coffee from a Turkish coffee into the cup, thicknesses inevitably fall into it. During the preparation of a drink in a geyser coffee maker, it is filtered, and pure coffee without sediment appears in the cup.
  9. Making a drink in a coffee maker does not require any experience in brewing coffee, the taste is invariably rich and strong, and the foam is dense. Cezva implies knowledge of the technology for making natural coffee.
  10. A geyser, unlike cezve, can be used not only for its intended purpose, but also for brewing tea or herbal teas.
  11. For the coffee maker, you need to select the correct grinding coffee, it should not be too fine, otherwise the coffee dust will clog the filter. For a Turk, it is preferable to purchase coffee beans and grind immediately before preparation.
  12. The geyser cools down for a long time, which creates the risk of being burned if you carelessly touch the body of the machine. Turka has a low thermal conductivity and cools down much faster.

Which is preferable?

For fans of experimenting and inventing their own recipes, as well as managing the magical process of making Turkish coffee, it will be the preferred option. Among the reviews of coffee lovers, there are often remarks that the same drink prepared in a coffee machine or coffee maker cannot be compared with coffee brewed in a Turk.

Despite the antiquity of this method, no new technology can replace it.

But it is important not to take ready-made ground coffee in bags, but to grind the beans with your own hands immediately before preparation and strictly in the required amount, it is not recommended to grind in reserve. It is necessary to allocate special sealed containers for coffee, which will preserve the quality of natural coffee with minimal losses. For storage, it is better to choose a place where the presence of drafts, the sun, temperature drops and moisture on the coffee are excluded.

A person who cannot imagine getting ready for work in the morning without a cup of your favorite drink, but is not ready to stand at the stove and control this process, a geyser coffee maker will help out, it will make coffee on its own and signal it... From the reviews, we can conclude that none of the buyers regretted the purchase. Sophisticated coffee lovers do not appreciate the drink received in the car too highly, but for other coffee lovers this ingenious invention has become a lifesaver. And coffee in a coffee maker for a democratic price turns out to be no worse than brewed in an expensive geyser coffee maker.

A win-win option would be to choose both items, you can use them according to the situation.

Such a set will delight the refined taste of an adherent of one technology or another. The owner himself will be able to enjoy coffee at any time, prepared according to various recipes, and not a single guest will leave disappointed.

How to choose the right one?

If the choice fell on a Turk, there are a number of nuances to consider when buying the right cookware:

  • for uniform heating of the liquid, it is better if the dishes have a special truncated cone shape;
  • its bottom and walls are thick, and its neck is narrow;
  • it is optimal when the diameter of the neck is half the diameter of the bottom, and the bottom is wide.

Most often, cezve is made from copper or brass. These metals inevitably oxidize over time, so the inside of the surface is coated with tin or silver.

    When buying, you need to carefully examine the coating - it should be free of flaws. Otherwise, the presence of scratches will allow metal particles to penetrate into the finished drink, which will damage not only the quality of the coffee, but also the human body. Modern Turks are also made of aluminum, stainless steel, but the taste of coffee in such cezve can be worse. Clay, glass or ceramic turks are very fragile, and when buying, it is important to make sure that they do not have any chips or damage.

    If the decision is made in favor of purchasing a coffee maker, you need to clearly know how much volume you need, since it is unacceptable to put half of the portion into the machine, so it is inappropriate to take too large.

    The range of sizes is quite wide: there are devices designed for 1, 3, 6, 9 and more cups.

      Coffee makers are made from aluminum or stainless steel. There are no significant differences between them, and it is better to pay closer attention to the quality of small accessories.

      Another important nuance is the choice of a manufacturer. When solving this issue, it is better to be guided by well-known brands that have earned an impeccable reputation for themselves. The cost of a coffee maker with a name will be higher, but the reward will be excellent quality, spectacular design and a long service life of the appliance.

      What to choose - a Turk or a geyser coffee maker, see the next video.

      1 comment

      Made a great coffee, I even smelled coffee ...)


      the beauty
