
Choosing children's tubing

Choosing children's tubing
  1. Peculiarities
  3. Manufacturers
  4. Criterias of choice
  5. How to pump up?
  6. Safe riding tips

One of the most popular winter activities is tubing. These round products are actively replacing the usual sledges and ice cakes. What is the reason for their popularity, what types of cheesecakes exist and how to choose them correctly - this will be discussed in this article.


Tubing is an inflatable sled based on a car camera, which is covered with dense material... The product has a bottom, handles and a tow rope. The bottom of the cheesecake is covered with a double layer of PVC, which reduces the friction of the tubing on the snow and develops a higher speed.

Due to the fact that tubing is inflatable, they better absorb bumps and unevenness on the ground, and due to their lightness, they are more comfortable to use (compared to sledges and ice floes). It is easier to pull the cheesecake even on loose snow, it is stable, it is almost impossible to turn over on it. At the same time, the tubing is maneuverable and can be turned around during the descent, which makes riding downhill on it more interesting and exciting.... Finally, the ability to deflate the cheesecake makes the product easy to store. All this becomes the reason for the popularity of tubing and the refusal of many parents from sledging in their favor.

At the same time, it should be understood that it is very difficult to manage tubing, and for a child it is usually completely impossible. It develops a high (up to 60 km / h) speed, has no brakes, so descent on a "cheesecake" can be dangerous.


Tubings can be divided into several types depending on what criterion is the basis for differentiation. First of all they differ in diameter and maximum load... The minimum size is 50 cm and the maximum possible load is 50 kg. This product is for babies. The diameter of the teenage tubing is 150-170 cm.Between these products there are "intermediate" options with a diameter of 60, 70, 80 and 90 cm.

Tubings can be made of various materials - PVC, tarpaulin, PVC and textiles. They come in a variety of colors and designs. Many manufacturers produce children's tubing for boys and girls, differing in appearance.

Depending on the form, there are classic round and oval tubing. The latter are more elongated in the part where the child's legs are located. Products for two have the shape of an eight.

There are models for general and hard riding (these usually involve attaching a tubing to a snowmobile or ATV).

Products for intensive skating have a reinforced bottom and sides, as well as reinforced seams.


Consider the most popular brands and models of children's tubing.

Hubster "Lux" Pro

The line of this inexpensive brand includes several models of tubing. The minimum diameter of products is 65 cm, the maximum is 150 cm. That is, from this manufacturer you will find "cheesecakes" for both toddlers and adolescents. The bottom of the products is made of reinforced PVC, the top is made of fabric with a special moisture-repellent impregnation.

Tubing handles are sewn into the joints of the products, which ensures their additional strengthening. The number of handles depends on the diameter of the item. On cheesecakes for babies out of 2, on models for teenagers (and adults) - 4.

Hubster Lux Pro Tubes are durable, but not designed to be attached to snowmobiles or ATVs. With such use, they quickly wear off and become unusable.

Many users report a strong rubber smell in the first weeks after purchase.

Tubing "Igloo" Snow Oxford 80 cm

Igloo TM is another manufacturer of economical tubing, which nevertheless tops the rating of similar products. The brand produces cheesecakes in 4 sizes: 55 cm, 75, 90 and 105 cm in diameter.

Let's consider the advantages and disadvantages using the example of the model Snow Oxford 80 cm.

Product based on PVC and textiles with a diameter of 80 cm. Maximum load - 110 kg. The model is equipped with 2 handles and a tow rope. The tubing is characterized by high quality materials, reliability, ability to hold the load and slide well. As a disadvantage, the lack of lightning on the cheesecake can be distinguished.

For intensive skiing, this model, like the others from this manufacturer, is not intended.

Fani sani brilliant

Another manufacturer traditionally included in the top of the best. Produces many types of cheesecakes, which for convenience "divided" into series... The children's models we are interested in are united in the Brilliant series. These are bright products with a rubber chamber inside and with a diameter of 60, 80, 100 and 112 cm.

The upper part is made of dense moisture-repellent fabric, the bottom is reinforced with PVC material. For ease of riding and carrying, the model has built-in belts.

The model is quite reliable and comfortable.

Of the minuses, it is possible to note a not too deep bottom, soft, not reinforced handles.

Tubing 1 TOY "Transformers" Т57223

Bright, comfortable and durable tubing with a diameter of 92 cm. The sliding layer is made of two-layer polyvinyl chloride, the sides and top are textile. The maximum load is 100 kg. The product has 2 handles and a cable.

Users note the high quality of tubing, it does not deflate, it picks up speed quickly.

Yukon "Saturn"

Tubing with a diameter of 70 cm and a maximum load of 50 kg. For all indicators the product is intended for small children... However, this model has a small seat, which makes it not the most comfortable and safe for babies.

The cheesecake has a striking design, 2 reinforced handles and a cable. Thanks to the double-layer PVC bottom, the tubing glides well, picks up speed quickly.

The lack of lightning, as well as a specific smell that is felt for a long time after the purchase - these are the obvious disadvantages of the product.

Hubster "Hype"

Product based on PVC and textiles with a diameter of 90 cm and a maximum load of 100 kg. The design of the model is quite restrained, made in classic shades.For some buyers this is a plus, while others dream of buying a brighter tubing.

It has handles and a cable, but the restrictor attachments in this model are rather weak. In general, a reliable and functional, durable model.

Nika TB1K-85

The product has a diameter of 85 cm and can support a user's weight up to 90 kg. Made entirely of PVC, but at the same time has a striking design.

The model is characterized by a comfortable seat and reinforced seams, has 2 comfortable handles, a tow rope.

Among the shortcomings are weak handles, the camera is larger than the case.

Small Rider Snow Cars 3 BM

Elongated tubing, dimensions of which are 106x86 cm. Supports user's weight up to 180 kg. The model has a seat belt, a comfortable seat and, in general, a very comfortable design.

The manufacturer declares that it is possible to ride a tubing together, however, the model is equipped with only one pair of handles. Serious omission.

Some buyers note the fragile material of the cover, but the manufacturer gives a guarantee for their products.

Criterias of choice

When choosing a cheesecake, you should focus on a number of criteria. First of all, you need to decide on the compliance of the product with the height and age of the child (the table will help to do this).

Then the selected model should be evaluated in terms of quality.

According to the age

It is important to select tubing according to the age and weight of the child. The younger the children are, the smaller the diameter of their cheesecake should be. For babies, products are produced with a back (it is removable) and additional seat belts.

The choice of tubing depending on the height is primarily due to the fact that in a too small product it will be simply uncomfortable, and in an overly large child will not reach the handles.

The table will help you choose the right tubing.

Height and approximate age of the child

Cheesecake diameter

Not higher than 100 cm (children up to 3-4 years old)

55-85 cm

100-140 cm (5-7 years old)

95 cm

Over 140 cm (8 years and older)

110-125 cm

When choosing, you should first of all focus on height, not the age of the child. Due to individual characteristics, a child at 8 and 10 years old may be one company, and may have a significant difference in growth.

If we are talking about tubing for two or group skiing, then when buying, you should focus on the growth of the tallest rider. Do not forget to add up the weight of all participants in the entertainment and make sure that the figure obtained does not exceed the weight of the maximum tubing load.

In addition to matching the diameter of the tubing to the child's height, do an additional test. Let the child sit on the "cheesecake" - his feet should not touch the ground.

Failure to do so may cause injury while sliding.

By quality

Pay attention to the quality and density of PVC - the material with which the "cheesecakes" are fitted. Its density should be at least 700 g / m2, and the seams should be closed with nylon tape. If tubing is chosen for a teenager who loves drifting, then preference should be given to models with a compacted bottom (for example, with a plastic bottom) and reinforced seams.

If you need a cheesecake for sliding behind a snowmobile or ATV, a model with reinforced sides will do (look on the label for information on the density of the material at least 650 g / m2).

There are also products made of tarpaulin or polyester, but these models are less slippery. It is permissible to manufacture tubing, the bottom of which is made of PVC, and the sides are covered with another material. Thanks to this, it is possible to obtain a striking design of the product.

An important aspect is the quality of the inner tube rubber. It should not give off an unpleasant odor. Considering the winter operation of "cheesecakes", it is better to choose domestically produced products, they can withstand greater frosts than Chinese ones.... The latter are in danger of bursting.

Check the quality of the outer surfaces of the tubing - there should be no cracks, dents or protruding threads on them. The camera itself should be pumped evenly.

How to pump up?

Do not over-inflate the camera it should be slightly pressed by hand when inflated. This will provide better cushioning and longer tubing life.

After the chamber is inflated, it is important to check if the valve is venting. If everything is in order, you need to close it with a zipper.

When entering a warm room from frost, you can slightly deflate the camera. This will avoid situations where the camera will burst due to heating and subsequent expansion of the air.

It is recommended to store the inflated tubing no more than 10 days.

If the product is not going to be used longer, it is better to bleed the air out of it, dry it and put it away for storage.

Safe riding tips

As mentioned at the beginning of this article, tubing can be traumatic. This is due to the ability of the tubing to develop high speed, the lack of brakes and the inability to control the cheesecake.

For skiing, you should use specially designated tracks with an angle of inclination of no more than 25 degrees, cleared of bushes and not having other obstacles.

In view of these facts, it is especially important to explain to the child the rules of safe riding:

  • you can only ride in specially designated places;
  • when descending from the mountain, be sure to hold on to the handles;
  • roll only forward with your feet;
  • it is unacceptable to brake with hands or feet;
  • there should be no obstacles on the descent route - pillars, trees;
  • it is unacceptable to slide down sloping streets, icy hills in the yard, jump out of a tubing during a descent, cling it to a car, motorcycle, etc.

You can watch a video instruction on choosing a tubing below.

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