
Tubing sizes: what are they and how to choose?

Tubing sizes: what are they and how to choose?
  1. Standard sizes
  2. Custom dimensions
  3. How to choose according to height and age?

Tubings (or, as they are also called, cheesecakes) are inflatable sleds that are designed to ride from snow slides. Nowadays, you can find a lot of different devices for winter entertainment, but tubing is becoming more and more popular, especially among children.

Standard sizes

This sports device gets its name from the English word "tube" and literally translates as "pipe". This projectile can be used both on snow and in water. Cheesecakes are perfect for people of all ages who want to have fun. What is the difference between tubing and sledging?

It is easier to transport, softer, which means it is safer when falling, it should be noted that it has comfortable handles.

And if you like to spend time with your significant other, then you can take a ride together.

The sizes of these cheesecakes vary depending on the height and age of the consumer. The standard size chart allows you to navigate when choosing the right product.

Among the cheesecakes for riding on the snow there are the following models:

  • 65 cm;
  • 70 cm;
  • 80 cm;
  • 90 cm;
  • 105 cm;
  • 125 cm;
  • 150 cm.

Of course, the dimensional grid is not universal for all manufacturers, but basically it is these dimensions that are in demand.

  • For children with growth indicators less than 100 centimeters, devices with diameter from 60 to 85 centimeters... The R12 camera is installed here, and the weight load should not exceed 75 kilograms. Great for riding on a flat surface, as it is difficult for children to cope with the controls when rolling down the mountain. Age restrictions - the child must be at least two years old.
  • For teenagers with a height of 140 centimeters and less, the “donut” circumference should be 95-100 centimeters... Most often used for children over 9 years old. Adults can also use them, but it must be borne in mind that this model can withstand up to 120 kg.
  • For adults with 175 centimeters and less devices with with a diameter of 110-115 centimeters... The camera is intended for the weight category up to 150 kilograms. Such tubing is usually bought for group travel.
  • 125 cm and 150 cm the largest snow cheesecakes... They assume a weight of up to 180 kilograms.

Most often, they are not used for skiing, but as so-called sofas in winter resorts.

Custom dimensions

There are also custom sizes of tubing and they vary depending on the manufacturer. These are such devices, in the diameter of which there may be additional indicators, such as 36 cm, 43 cm and the largest - 52 cm.

These characteristics are inherent in tubing with several places, as well as in the shape of a car.

This option is ideal for those who like to spend time together or get more adrenaline.

How to choose according to height and age?

The first and foremost rule when buying such sports devices is to choose a quality option to ensure comfort and safety for yourself and your child. The position for children should be such that their feet remain on the wheel, in order to avoid injuries. And the appropriate size of tubing is determined depending on the height and weight category of each... So, let's highlight the main key points in order to choose the right cheesecake for skiing on the snow.

Tubing sizes vary from 60 cm to 150 cm. The smallest diameters are intended for children from two years old. The diameter of the device must correspond to the height so that the child can fully fit inside him. There are also sleds with dimensions of 110-120 cm, most often used for skiing with the whole family, that is, the child is accompanied by an adult.

But it is important to know that such cheesecakes must be equipped with several handles so that the passenger sitting next to them can also hold on.

Tubing material plays a very important role. This refers not only to the quality of the cover, but also of the camera itself. The cover is made of cheviot, canvas and polyvinyl chloride. The last component determines the strength and reliability of the device, and besides, it is this fabric that provides ease of sliding. The minimum fabric density is 550-650 g / m², but it is not designed for daily use and can quickly deteriorate. If you plan to use tubing often, then choose a density much higher, you will definitely not go wrong.

For those who prefer ice rather than snow, a snow cheesecake with a plastic bottom is suitable, it slides better.

The tubing chamber is made of rubber. But the quality of the material depends on the manufacturer. Cameras made in China most often have a pungent and unpleasant odor, which indicates the cheapness of the material. In addition, they cannot withstand heavy loads and can explode at the most inopportune moment.

As for the devices of the Russian manufacturer, they are much stronger and able to withstand large dimensions. But If the tubing is small for you or much larger than your size, improper air distribution can make it difficult to control the snowball.

For the safety of both the adult and the child, it is imperative to carefully check the device for any metal elements that could injure you. Also, be careful when choosing a location for your entertainment. Snow cheesecakes can reach speeds of up to 100 km / h, so find a place with a less steep slope.

Before buying, test the product, sit in a tubing, check how comfortable it is. You can also buy goggles to keep snow out of your eyes.

When riding, be sure to follow all safety rules:

  • do not leave the child unaccompanied by an adult;
  • feet should not touch the floor;
  • do not buy tubing without handles, otherwise you will not be able to resist;
  • never ride while standing.

Thus, snow cheesecakes are a great gadget for those who enjoy spending time in the snow. To choose the right tubing for yourself, you need to take into account your height and weight. Do not forget about your own safety and select only high-quality options.

For even more information on what sizes of tubing are and how to choose the right one, see the next video.

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