
Choosing a tubing cover

Choosing a tubing cover
  1. Peculiarities
  2. Model overview
  3. How to choose?
  4. How to use?

In winter, the favorite pastime for adults and children is roller coaster rides. You can ride anything from ice-floes to sledges, but the most favorite is the cheesecake or tubing.


In terms of design, the cheesecakes look extremely uncomplicated. At the heart of the car chamber, where air is pumped, and on top of the chamber is a durable cover that can be supplemented with a plastic or inflatable seat. For greater comfort and safety, the sleds are equipped with handles.

Special requirements are imposed on a tubing cover: it must be resistant to abrasion, slip well and have permanent staining of the material.

All tubings are divided into adults, teenagers and children, the cheesecakes differ only in diameter:

  • 100-110 cm - sleds for adults;
  • 85-90 cm - for adolescents and for school-age children;
  • 80 cm - cheesecakes for children from 3 years old.

    Some manufacturers produce double and triple cheesecake sleds, but they are less manageable on the slide. The undoubted advantage of such sleds will be that you can ride them with the whole family or a group of friends.

    The main advantages of tubing are compactness, light weight, safety and good sliding properties. When deflated, they take up very little space.

    The first pumping of the tubing must be done in a heated room due to the physical properties of the chamber inside the tubing. In the cold, you can pump the chamber, and it will burst. You need to pump up the camera, having first straightened it in the case, until the case tightly wraps it around. It often happens that the chamber inflates unevenly, especially if the cheesecake has been used before. This does not affect the operation of the tubing, the thickening must be placed behind the back, thus providing additional comfort and preventing unwinding on descents.

    Remember that the camera is a consumable item and can be easily replaced.

    You need to store the tubing disassembled: the cover is separate from the camera, since storage of rubber under the influence of positive temperatures, especially high ones, can lead to sticking of the camera and polymers in the cover.

    Model overview

    Sledge-cheesecake "Tornado 100" from a Russian company FormulaZima ideal for downhill skiing. They will perfectly accommodate a couple of adults or an adult with a child. Cover made of "Tornado" material, which is a highly durable and reliable reinforced PVC material. The basis of the fabric is a synthetic polyester cord. There is no smell, the seams are welded. Of the minuses, only the price and uniformity of colors can be noted.

    Cheesecake "YUL" 100 cm from a Russian manufacturer Snow party develops excellent speed even in unrolled places. It stands out from other tubing because of the intricate pattern on the top. Cover materials - PVC and Oxford. High quality budget option. Of the minuses, a strong smell of rubber can be noted.

    Tubing Small Rider Snow Cars 3 Safari for children is made in the form of a car. For added comfort, handles are glued on the sides. The cheesecake can easily withstand the weight of an adult, and the PVC cover will delight you with its durability. The plus is the presence of belts for securing the child. Minus - the cover due to the shape of the car is larger than the size of the camera.

    In tubing 1toy Transformers from a Chinese manufacturer, there is no car camera, its inner tube is made of PVC material, and the cover is rubber with nylon. Withstands the weight of an adult and has an attractive design.

    A significant drawback of inflatable tubing is that it needs to be pumped up often. PVC material wears out more than rubber.

    Hubster sleds are optimal in their price range. The diameter of the cheesecake allows it to be used by both adults and children. The color is monophonic matte, which favorably distinguishes it from other tubing. The body is quilted with additional cords.

    How to choose?

    Cheesecakes for rolling should be made of high quality materials and components. There are several criteria to consider when choosing a tubing cover.

    1. The cheesecake cover must be made of reinforced PVC and have a material density of at least 900 g / m2. The top can be with a lighter weight - 600 g / m2, this is done to reduce weight. PVC fabric is highly durable and can easily withstand obstacles such as a small pebble or branch. You do not need to buy a tubing, the casing of which is partially fabric: the fabric gets wet from the snow and wears out quickly. Remember that inflatable sleds with a plastic bottom are only used on ice slides.
    2. Handles are the most important component in tubing, they are responsible for the control of the structure. It is very important that the handles are glued into the base and are preferably made of PVC, and not just sewn onto the cover.
    3. Cable ring must also be firmly attached to the base and with additional reinforcement at the attachment point.
    4. Cheesecakes without a chamber are less durable than chambered ones... Consumables of the latter can be purchased separately, and the tubeless model changes entirely.

    How to use?

    Tubing is an easy-to-use product for downhill riding. It is important to properly prepare it for use.

    • We lay out the cheesecake on a horizontal surface. If it is with a camera, then we insert the camera into the case so that the valve on the camera after inflation is located inside and below, if the cheesecake is tubeless, then we simply lay it out evenly. When purchasing tubing with reinforcement straps, the camera is positioned underneath them.
    • We connect the pump and start pumping air into the chamber until the moment of full inflation... The camera needs to fill the case tightly. When pumping, you must constantly shake the camera so that it is evenly distributed inside the case. And also trample the tubing with your feet - this is necessary to give the rubber the necessary elasticity. It is important to slowly pump air into the cheesecake, constantly shaking and blasting the chamber, so that the inflating of the tubing is perfect.Everything, you can go for a drive!

    By following the simple guidelines for choosing and using a cheesecake, you can choose a model that is ideal for you and your family, and will delight you for a long time in winter.

    How to choose tubing, see the video below.

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