How to wash polyurethane foam from your hands?

When performing installation work with various structures, to eliminate cavities, joints between walls, as well as for the purpose of sound, noise and thermal insulation, building assembly foam (MP) is used. It is a polyurethane sealant. After leaving the container, it expands and hardens.
Working with this tool, subject to precautions, is not difficult. Therefore, even a beginner can perform it. Perhaps for this reason or due to careless handling of the product, but very often it gets on the skin of the hands. If you do not take action in time, then removing the remaining foam becomes very problematic. This article will describe the means by which you can solve this problem and how to prevent it.

Features of pollution
So, in cases where the foam has got on the skin and has not yet had time to harden, you need to start removing it immediately. The most important rule: try in every possible way not to rub the MP stain on your hand, otherwise its elimination may take a long time. In cases where the particles of the assembly tool have time to dry out, their removal is possible only mechanically using pumice stone, fine sandpaper or a brush with stiff bristles.
It is worth performing this procedure only after treating the contaminated areas of the skin with a small amount of sunflower oil, fatty cream, petroleum jelly or glycerin. This preliminary procedure will help mitigate the effects of abrasives.

Foam makers also produce special products that are recommended for cleaning pistols, as well as windows, door leaves and openings. No special liquids are produced to remove dirt on the hands.Softening of polyurethane is only possible when exposed to strong solvents. Due to the negative effect on the skin, they can be used to cleanse contaminated skin areas only in extreme situations.
However, if the foam is already on their hands, many builders use standard cleaning agents such as kerosene, gasoline, acetone, or white spirit.

List of solvents focused on the removal of fresh MP.
- Iofarm R621... Spray used to destroy dirt from tools, various coatings and skin. The active active element is propanone. Effective for removing fresh stains.
- Penosil Foam Cleaner... Aerosol, also suitable for removing dirt on plastic surfaces.
- Oppa... This spray is suitable for cleaning plastic and glass.
- Penosil Premium Cured PU-Foam Remover. Aerosol, not recommended for cleaning uneven surfaces.
- Cosmofen S5. Means for grinding plastic coatings.
Only a few solvent products are suitable for cleansing the skin of the hands. Therefore, when choosing a purifier, you need to consider what exactly it is intended for. You should always read the instructions, all the basic information is given there.

How can you wash it off?
To remove fresh dirt from polyurethane foam from the skin, use laundry or toilet soap, kerosene, acetone or nail polish remover, special aerosols, heated sunflower oil, body scrubs, ordinary table or sea salt, soda, the drug "Dimexid" or white spirit. How best to use these funds will be discussed below.

Effective cleaning methods
So, let us consider the cases when the MP did not have time to harden and by what means it will be possible to eliminate it.
If the polyurethane foam just got on the skin, then you can wash it off using one of the following methods.
- Use wet wipe, it is necessary to move from the edge of the pollution to the center. Remove the stain very carefully, do not rub. After that, you can rinse your hands with warm water.
- Application aerosol solvent. It is a versatile product that is suitable both for cleaning the guns used to apply MP, as well as for furniture and other surfaces. Apply it to the dirt, then wash your hands thoroughly under running water and soap. If there is little effect, you need to repeat the procedure again.
The method is ineffective when trying to remove the hardened MP. It is preferable if the cleanser and sealant are of the same brand. In this case, the likelihood of foam removal will be higher. Before use, be sure to read the instructions.

- By using acetone or nail polish remover. Moisten a cotton pad or piece of gauze in the product, then quickly wipe the contaminated area. If there is no effect, it is worth repeating the process. Then you need to thoroughly wash your hands under running water and soap. At the same time, do not forget that the solvent has a very strong pungent odor and, if possible, cleaning should be done outdoors or in a well-ventilated area.
- Use kerosene by analogy with the previous method. The duration of the procedure takes about half an hour, sometimes more, it all depends on the degree of pollution. After cleansing, be sure to wash your hands with soap and water, because the product has a specific persistent odor.
- Application sunflower oil... First, you need to warm it up a little for a few minutes, then wipe the dirt with gauze soaked in it. Alternatively, you can leave the oiled piece of cloth on the dirty place for 20-25 minutes. Then wipe the stained area with a brush or washcloth. If there is no effect, it is recommended to repeat the procedure, then wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water.

- Sea salt... It is necessary to thoroughly rub your hands with salt crystals, then rinse with water.Compared to chemical agents, salt is more gentle on the skin, saturating it with iodine. The effect is similar to using a scrub. However, this method is hardly suitable for very delicate skin, there is a risk of damage and even irritation.
- Instead of salt, you can use sodium bicarbonate... In a small amount of water, it is diluted to a mushy state and applied to the contaminated area of the skin. Leave this way for 7-10 minutes, then wash your hands under running water. As you know, soda makes the skin very dry, for this reason, after the cleansing procedure, you need to lubricate your hands with a nourishing cream or cosmetic oil.
- Medicine "Dimexid". First, you need to dilute it with water in a ratio of 2 to 1, so as not to damage the epidermis. Next, moisten a small piece of gauze in the resulting solution and wipe off the dirt with gentle movements. After the procedure, you should wash your hands with soap and water.
Before using it, you should read the instructions, make sure that you have no contraindications. It is not recommended for use in cases where there are wounds on the skin, since the medicine is toxic. In conclusion, you need to lubricate your hands with cream or special cosmetic oil.

After using these or those cleaners, be sure to wash your hands with soap and water, otherwise all efforts to remove the sealant will be in vain. Indeed, after cleansing with such means, an invisible film remains on the skin, which can cause severe irritation. If you just rub your hands with a towel, there will be no effect, a thin layer of solvent will remain.
In situations where the assembly agent gets on the hair, heated sunflower oil will help to remove it. Warm product should be applied to a cloth and rubbed into hair until all impurities are removed. Then wash your hair with shampoo.
The above method will only help if the foam has not had time to harden, otherwise you will have to cut the damaged hair. Therefore, it is extremely important to tuck your hair under a scarf or headscarf.

If you have very delicate skin or are likely to be allergic to chemicals, then these methods are unlikely to help. Alternative methods are worth trying. For example, you can perform the following procedure: first, lower your hands into a basin of hot water for 5-10 minutes. For greater effect, it is worth adding table salt to it at the rate of one tablespoon per one liter of liquid.
Then lather well and rub the stained areas with a washcloth. Or you can use a body scrub. This method is considered gentle and quite effective.
This tool will be, perhaps, the only salvation from the installation tool, which got on very sensitive areas of the body, such as the face and neck.

In cases where the foam has dried out, it will be much more difficult to remove the contamination. In this situation, folk methods and chemical solvents become powerless. Only mechanical action will help. For this cleaning method, you can use pumicite, a fine sandpaper or a stiff bristled brush. Before the procedure, it is necessary to apply sunflower oil or oily cream to the contaminated part of the skin to soften the effect of abrasives.
If the MP fell on your hands in large quantities and has already hardened, it is unlikely to be eliminated immediately, but it is quite possible to remove the main part.
It is necessary to carefully remove some of the contamination with a knife or other pointed object, trying not to damage the skin. It is better not to touch the remaining foam particles on your hands, otherwise you may get hurt. It is better to leave everything as it is, the spots will disappear by themselves after a certain time. This usually happens after 3-4 days.

To speed up the process of eliminating them, you can carry out the following procedure.
- Apply any cosmetic nutrient to your soiled hands. Cream, petroleum jelly, glycerin, or vegetable oil will do.
- Lather generously with a hard washcloth or brush.For such a procedure, it is recommended to use laundry soap, because it contains many natural substances that contribute to the elimination of even strong pollution. It also practically does not cause allergies.
- Then you need to put your hands in warm water for 10-15 minutes. Then carefully remove the polyurethane foam from the contaminated area.
- If the effect is minimal, it is worth repeating the procedure. Although the process is long, it does not injure the skin much, as in the case of the use of chemical solvents.
- In conclusion, it is worth treating the skin with a nourishing cream or cosmetic oil.
The active ingredients of MP are polyol and isocyanate. During solidification, the mixture of these components begins to release toxins. Therefore, contact of the sealant with the skin is undesirable and causes irritation and allergies. A dried-up assembly tool is no longer as dangerous.

Precautionary measures
What preliminary procedures need to be carried out in order not to eliminate the consequences of pollution later?
- Before performing work, you must wear rubber or rag gloves. But it should also be borne in mind that MP can penetrate the fabric base of the hand protector. In this regard, it is recommended to apply a nourishing cream, petroleum jelly or glycerin before this, thus reducing the likelihood of adhesion of MP residues to the skin.
- Clothes should be worn in such a way that it would not be a pity to throw it away if it is heavily soiled. It is preferable if it is with long sleeves. There should be as few uncovered areas as possible. A protective headgear must completely hide hair from possible splashes of sealant.
- It is also important to protect your eyes with special glasses. In the event that an assembly tool gets in, it is almost impossible to remove it from the face without assistance. Medical attention will be required.
Compliance with these guidelines will help reduce the likelihood of skin contact with polyurethane.

Useful Tips
Even if you have tried all sorts of ways to remove foam from your skin, and there is no result, do not despair. There is always a way out, as they say. Since it was not possible to remove the frozen dirt with the help of chemicals, it will still happen, only in a natural way, that is, due to skin regeneration. It has been tested, as they say, empirically.
- In the case when you do not want to wait several days until the remnants of the installation tool disappear by themselves, you can try to clean them with your own nails. The process is lengthy, but effective. And allergies in this case will not arise.
- If you do not want to cause great harm to your health, do not use substances containing acids and alkaline elements. In particular, it is not recommended to use vinegar solution, "Domestos", "Whiteness" and similar substances to cleanse dirt on the skin. Because in this case, you will not get anything except a chemical burn.
- After you've removed the PU foam particles, be sure to take good care of your hands. Indeed, in such situations, they experience real stress and they need to somehow be "saved" from this. Treat your hands with some very nourishing cream, special cosmetic oil, petroleum jelly, or homemade remedy. Oils such as olive, flaxseed, coconut, almond, shea butter, jojoba, avocado, and castor are best suited for such purposes.
- Creams and ointments containing aloe or ginseng extract are no less useful. You can also make a calendula or chamomile hand bath at home. After the procedure, you need to lubricate the skin with olive or any other oil and wear cotton gloves for the greatest effect.
There are many ways, it is worth focusing on personal preferences.

Based on the foregoing, the following conclusion should be drawn: always before carrying out installation or construction work, you must provide yourself with protective equipment (appropriate clothing, rubber or cloth gloves and goggles). Thus, you will be able to prevent the ingress of harmful substances and polyurethane foam in particular.
By applying these guidelines, you don't have to look for ways to wipe off the dirt. If the sealant does get on the skin, then you need to act immediately and try to remove the pollution immediately, otherwise after drying, this procedure may take a long time.
Do not use chemicals containing acids or alkaline elements, as there is a risk of skin burns.

For information on how to wash the polyurethane foam from your hands at home, see the next video.