How to wash off rust?

The appearance of unpleasant stains on clothes and household items can spoil your mood for a long time and deprive you of calmness. Rust can occur anywhere and be imprinted on all objects that have come into contact with the place of its origin. In order not to get confused in such a situation, learn the most effective methods of dealing with stains.

Causes of corrosion
The destruction of the metal occurs due to the contact of the surface with air. The material is oxidized and the destruction mechanism is triggered. Visually, it looks like a dark orange powder. Destruction occurs especially actively upon contact with an aqueous medium and at high air humidity.
In everyday life, corrosion is common in the bathroom and kitchen.

What washes?
To wash off rust from various surfaces, you can use folk remedies or special chemical compositions. Traditional methods include the following:
- Potatoes - This product contains oxalic acid and is capable of removing rust from metal. Sprinkle the potatoes with salt and apply to the affected area.
- Lemon juice with vinegar. Mix equal amounts of ingredients and apply to metal for 2 hours. For cleaning other materials, 20 minutes is sufficient.
- Baking soda. Dilute the baking soda with plain water until you get a gruel. Apply the resulting mass to the metal for a quarter of an hour and rinse with a wire brush. Repeat as many times as necessary.
- "Coca Cola". Phosphoric acid in its composition is able to rid you of rust. Dampen a sponge with a drink and wash the affected area.

Professional methods of dealing with rust are as follows:
- Lactic acid. Mix 50 g of substance with 100 ml of petroleum jelly oil.After the corrosion dissolves, wipe the affected area with a cloth soaked in oil.
- Zinc chloride. Mix 5 g of substance with 0.5 g of potassium hydrogen tartrate. The resulting mixture is diluted with 100 ml of water. Apply the solution to the desired area and enjoy the result.
How to remove stains?
Rust on things and household items upsets many housewives. To remove, you need to wash the surface with the correct substance. Carefully approach the choice of detergent so as not to damage the material, not spoil it. Explore possible ways.

Various substances can be used to remove stains from textiles and clothing:
- Glycerin soap. Grated laundry soap must be mixed with glycerin until smooth. Apply the mixture to the damaged area, leave for 24 hours. Wash clothes in soapy water. This method is relevant for colored things.
- Vinegar. You will need to mix a teaspoon of acetic acid with a glass of water. Heat the solution, but do not bring it to a boil. Add a pinch of baking soda and a little ammonia to the warm solution. Dip the stain into the mixture and rinse without soaking. Repeat the short procedure until the stain is completely dissolved.
- Chlorine. It will help remove stains from white shirts. Follow the instructions to soak the item in the bleach. Then just wash your white clothes as usual. It is important not to use bleach when washing colored items.
- Toothpaste. Apply the product to the brush and rub the stain moistened with water. Leave the paste on the affected area for 10 minutes and rinse thoroughly with water.

Many owners of plastic window sills and decorative elements made of this material know that it is quite difficult to wash off rust stains. Professionals recommend using such products to quickly wash the surface:
- 646th solvent.
- Cleaning products from shops for motorists.
- Special cleaners such as "Klarus" or Cosmofen.
- Laundry soap.

After using chemical cleaners, rinse the affected area thoroughly with plenty of running water. Taking this precaution will help you avoid putting yourself and your loved ones at risk. Chemicals can trigger eating disorders or allergic reactions. When washing plastic, use only soft sponges and rags.
Faience and ceramics
You can use professional cleaning products to clean sinks, tiles, or toilets. Abrasive powders will come to your rescue. With their help, you can wipe off any stain. It is necessary to use such funds carefully - after application, microcracks remain. The next time, the corrosion will erode deeper and deeper.
If the stains are superficial, use alkaline cleaners such as "Domestos"... Apply the product to the affected area and leave it on for 20 minutes. Then rinse off the cleaner with plenty of water.
With deep damage, the remedy may be useless.

You can wash the tiles at home without the use of chemicals. For this, natural alkalis and acids must be used. Remember to wear rubber gloves when using any aggressive product. The cleaning methods are as follows:
- Oxalic acid. Put the acid on a rag, wipe the affected area and leave for 10 minutes.
- Electrolyte for car batteries. Apply to the affected area and leave it on for 10-15 minutes. After you see the result, wash off the product with plenty of water. When working, be sure to remember about safety precautions. Do not neglect workwear that does not corrode with electrolytes. Do not use the product when cleaning plastic.
- Bleach and whiteness. Cover the affected area and leave overnight. This can only be done if there is a good hood in the room. In the morning, you should rub the contaminated area and wash off the product.
- Peroxide with ammonia. The components must be mixed in a 1: 5 ratio and applied to contaminated areas.Wait 30 minutes, rub the affected area and wash off with plenty of water.
- Lemon acid. If the stains are fresh, small and have not had time to eat in, then the product will help you. Apply the product to a rag, wipe the affected area and leave the lemon on for 1-2 hours. Sometimes it is enough to rub the stain with a slice of fresh lemon.

In our life, metal corrosion lurks at every step. Water pipes can leak, an unpleasant surprise can be found on an old refrigerator or on a car, even a cast-iron cauldron or homemade hookah can upset their owners. Sulfuric and hydrochloric acids will help to wash the oxide. They are aggressive solvents for many substances. To clean rust, substances (inhibitors) are added to the acids, which will stop the reaction in time, otherwise the acids can corrode the metal itself.
To clean metal at home, use the following products:
- Lactic acid.
- Zinc chloride.
- Oleic acid.
- Kerosene.
- Turpentine.
- Lemon juice, acetic acid, baking soda, and salt.

Rusty stains often appear on the ceiling after a flood. This problem is especially relevant for residents of old houses. To eliminate the defect, you will have to make a lot of efforts:
- First you need to wipe the damaged area with a damp cloth or sponge. Using a spatula, remove the layer of plaster and sand the ceiling with coarse sandpaper. Allow time to dry completely.
- To neutralize corrosion, treat the affected area with a vitriol primer, it is also called herbal. You can prepare the solution yourself. All you need is water, copper sulfate, drying oil, bone glue and simple laundry soap.
- You can do without such a primer if the damage to the ceiling is not significant. Then just dissolve vitriol in water at room temperature. Crystals should be added until a bright blue color is obtained. Treat the affected area with this compound.
- Repeat the processing procedure 3-4 times with an interval of 2 hours. After the procedure, the stain will turn green.
- Prime the surface with acrylic compound.
- Cover the stain with a special putty that will repel water. Allow about 24 hours to dry.
- Once again we prime the affected area with acrylic primer and paint with enamel. Experts recommend using nitro enamel.
- Now you can carry out decorative finishing work and not be afraid that the spots will appear again.

Follow the general rules for successfully dealing with rust stains at home:
- Cleaning is always associated with the use of acids. Do not neglect rubber gloves to protect your skin.
- During cleaning, there should be no pets or children in the room. Before letting in household members, ventilate the room well.
- Before removing corrosion, clean the surface from dust and other contaminants. Rinse affected area with water and dry thoroughly.
- Combining alkaline products with chlorine will give your bathroom fixtures the perfect whiteness.
The most popular ways to get rid of rust can be seen in the following video.