How do I clean the engine oil?

Dealing with various contaminants is both simple and difficult at the same time. It's simple - when you know the right methods and approaches, but difficult - when you take ill-considered actions at your own peril and risk. There are nuances in cleaning from machine oil, depending on the type of substance to be cleaned and the age of contamination.

Features of the composition of the spots
It should be borne in mind that used engine oil creates a different pollution than fresh (fatty) oil. According to the generally accepted classification in the industry, any oil made directly from crude oil, without further processing, falls into the category of waste, as well as synthetic motor oils that are contaminated with something. But since we need to clean the stains, we will use a different division: we will consider fresh oils that are still in their original packaging, and used oils that were used earlier.

Manufacturers and sellers refer to natural machine oils as those obtained directly during the processing of fuel oil, with the removal of bitumen and asphalt and other heavy hydrocarbons from it. Synthetic - obtained, respectively, by chemical synthesis. The synthesis is based on:
- Dewaxed oil.
- Hydrotreated oil.
- Substances obtained by the hydrocracking method.
- Polyalphaolefins.
- Esters, glycols and other substances that do not belong to any of the previous categories.
It makes no sense to talk about additives in detail. But it's worth mentioning that their properties can make stains difficult to clean. For example, by inhibiting foam formation, increasing viscosity and adhesion to surfaces, reducing oxidation.

Cleaning compounds
Any oily stain is greasy to the touch, and should be approached like normal grease. You should start with dishwashing liquid. Special reagents can remove stains on floors and walls.
But in order to achieve a good result, it will be necessary to wash off the used product with a strong pressure of water.

If machine oil needs to be removed over a very large area, special industrial reagents. Do not be afraid of them, substances with minimal or zero toxicity have long been developed. It is these preparations that should be used to clean the floor in garages, walls; in addition, they are good at fighting with soot, soot, dust.

Removing pollution
It is often necessary to remove engine oil from a car engine. But since this is a very complex device with a specific geometry, mechanical cleaning will have to be abandoned. Special products should be applied with a brush or the motor should be disassembled and the problematic parts should be placed in a container with a solvent. In order to permanently remove the remaining oil and cleaning agent, you need to rinse the parts with water.
There is no need, given the time and the simplest work skills, to pay for car wash services.

From hands
It is very difficult to wash car oil from the skin of your hands, and not in all cases solid or liquid soap will cope with it. There is no need to stand in front of the sink for hours, fiercely rubbing the stain, there are much better solutions:
- One of them is sunflower oil, with which cotton wool is impregnated and thoroughly rubbed onto the skin. After removing the dirt, hands are simply rinsed as usual.
- Washing powder shows itself well, it is taken in a small amount, after moisturizing the skin, and rubbing the problem area. Then the dirt and powder are washed off with warm water. But this method is worse than using vegetable oil - there is a risk of allergies, and you will definitely have to lubricate your hands with a moisturizer on the same day so that they do not dry out.
- Perfectly removes gasoline stains from your hands: in order not to pour too much of it, just wipe the dirt off with a soft cloth. And then with the help of laundry soap it will be possible to remove the remaining fuel and its aroma in a minute.
- Car shampoo (half a cap is diluted in five liters of water) also copes well with car oil. Keep your hands in the solution for about five minutes, then wash in hot, soapy water.
But car shampoo should be used with extreme caution:
- It can provoke irritation.
- Excessive concentration of the substance can lead to allergies.
- It is unacceptable to use car shampoos for those who have at least one abrasion or cut.

From clothes
Removing oil stains from fabrics (workwear, car seat covers and seats, regular pants, shirts or gloves that have gotten oiled) is easy. But the sooner you take action, the easier it will be to deal with the problem:
- Apply kitchen detergent to the stain, wait a while, after which it will be possible to wash the item in the machine, always at maximum speed, with a double rinse.

- Solvents should be used with extreme caution, having previously tested their effect on an externally invisible area of matter. Freshly applied stains can be removed even by hand: take warm water, laundry soap and wash. Or prepare the same solution, moisten a cloth in it, and wipe it with it (if it is not possible to put the jacket in the existing container).

- Stain removers should not be overestimated, they can be of significant help, but they do not always cope with stubborn stains. Oil that gets on jeans can be easily removed if you sprinkle it with plenty of table salt (after five minutes, remove one layer, immediately apply a new one and repeat until the visible stain disappears). Now you will need to rinse your clothes in warm soapy water.
Baking soda sometimes serves as a substitute for salt, and it copes especially well with fresh dirt.

- When there are no tools at hand, there is still a solution - this is an ordinary iron. He copes quickly even with stubborn oils: take napkins, apply them to both sides of the stain, iron. The oil will melt, and flowing out of the clothes, it is immediately absorbed into the napkins.

- Removing stains from bolognese or other fabrics with kerosene, gasoline, diesel fuel (diesel fuel) are also proven methods. They are good because you can remove dirt even directly in the garage without looking for any additional reagents.
The fuel will almost certainly be there.

- You can also clean cotton with vinegar. Gabardine is cleaned with special sprays and products, and you can remove the oil from the sweater with acetone.

With shoes
It is important to take into account that suede shoes can only be cleaned after they are completely dry. It is unacceptable to dry it in direct sunlight or near heating devices. The first step is to remove dust and dirt before grabbing the stain. As in the case of clothing, it is required to check the effect of the selected drug so as not to spoil the appearance of the shoe. Read the instructions carefully and never rub the material too vigorously:
- Without any lotions or creams at home, you can remove oil from suede shoes with rubber or rubber bristle brushes. If you don't have one at hand, a stationery eraser will help.
- Another way is to use tooth powder, talcum powder or starch: they are heated in a frying pan, sprinkled on the stain, covered with napkins, pressed with a load. After three hours, all that remains is to clean up the remnants of the stain with a soft brush.
- Clean nubuck shoes by sprinkling with fine salt, gently rub the stain and repeat the technique several times with a new portion. It is undesirable to use talc or chalk, they can leave a white coating.
- Leather shoes should be cleaned with glasses or LCD monitors wipes or vodka (alcohol). Never keep detergents and even laundry soap on your shoes for too long, as this can dry out the leather and even deform it.
- Sneakers are cleaned in a similar way to textiles.

Off the floor
Concrete floors are usually easy to clean, but an engine oil stain can be problematic. In this case, ordinary litter for cats turns out to be an excellent absorbent, it is able to absorb a lot of liquid. There is no difference between the products of different brands; even the cheapest product will cope effectively. The filler is simply trampled into the concrete, then wait 10-15 minutes, this is enough to absorb the stain.
Note, however, that this method will not help wipe off the machine oil if it has been spilled more than two weeks ago.

You cannot clean the concrete with ordinary cleaning agents, they can only spread the stain over a larger area and make it difficult to remove. It makes sense to buy only special concentrates that are thoroughly diluted in water: the preparations themselves are too powerful. Linoleum is cleaned with laundry soap, it is enough to use it in one go. If machine oil is spilled on a wooden floor, you must first of all remove excess fatand then clean the stains with baking soda and other substances.
From metal
Metal surfaces often need to be washed free of oil, and this can be done without damaging them. A small part is placed in unnecessary pots or steel basins, poured with water from the top, and shaved laundry soap is added. The container is heated, the soiled part is boiled for five minutes, then removed and rinsed under running water.

It is necessary to remove engine oil from metal in any case. before staining it. Otherwise, the paint and varnish material will not be able to stay on the surface. Mechanical cleaning can be done with a grinding wheel or a stiff brush, then the product is blown out and rinsed with warm water.Large containers are cleaned with a water jet from a hose. Given the resistance of the metal to cleaning agents, you can safely use white spirit, acetone.
The easiest way to clean parts of a car engine is at a car wash: you will have to spend much less time and effort.
From paving slabs
As soon as the machine oil gets on the paving slabs or other surface, it should be removed as soon as possible. After all, the problem itself will not be solved, on the contrary, great harm to the environment will be caused, besides the stain is extremely unaesthetic and fire hazardous. To cope with it, the easiest way is to immediately sprinkle it with sand, cement, even talcum powder, and after absorbing it, sweep it off with a broom. If necessary, the processing is repeated.

If mechanisms are constantly working somewhere or they are being repaired, the appearance of oil drips is inevitable. Washing with water, especially with the addition of detergents, works effectively, but keep in mind that tiles can become unusable from constant dampness. When the surface of the stain is large or it is already old, you need to use special reagents, and not try to use improvised means or household chemicals.
Sometimes machine oil has to be cleaned from carpets. This is not such a frequent case, but rather difficult, because washing carpets is inconvenient, difficult, and it is not always possible to wash them thoroughly. It is necessary to use special gels and powders, strictly following the instructions, the dried surface is vacuum cleaned. If there is no special tool or you want to save money, there are other ways:
- Completely fresh pollution is removed with paper napkinsremoving the excess. The filled place is also coated with a mixture of a tablespoon of table salt and a tablespoon of soda, leaving it for half an hour. After that, the reagent is removed with a vacuum cleaner, a sponge soaked in soapy water, wipe the spot area and remove excess liquid with a clean cloth.
- On asphalt, as well as on tiles, it is best to immediately sprinkle the resulting puddle sand or cement. From home remedies, washing powders help in removing oil stains: you can use any, as long as there is more of it. You can enhance the effect by adding a part of bleach to one part of powder and three parts of water. It is only necessary to prepare the mixture in metal containers, the plastic can be damaged!

As we have seen, there is no fabric, footwear, clothing, floor, or coating from which the engine oil cannot be removed. Now you know exactly how to do it in a short time and without unnecessary risk. The following video will tell you more about how to remove an engine oil stain.