What and how to wash frosted glass?

Frosted glass can be found in almost any room in the house. They are actively used in the manufacture of furniture, various partitions, doors, bathroom components. It is believed that this type of glass is more practical, but in life everything is far from the case - they get dirty just as often, and cleaning requires some effort.

Overview of special tools
Today, in ordinary and online stores, there are many more or less well-known means for cleaning frosted glasses. To choose the most effective, you can focus on their composition, cost, availability, safety and ease of use. Among the most famous are:
- Mr. Muscul ("Mister Muscle") - has a lot of positive reviews regarding the cleaning of glass surfaces;

- Frosch - the natural composition helps to take care of the glass and maintain its beautiful appearance;

- Clin - a spray in the form of a foam or spray with a pleasant smell, according to reviews, copes well with washing glass, but to achieve perfect cleanliness, it sometimes has to be reused;

- UNICUM - a convenient and effective spray with which it will not be difficult to wash frosted glasses without streaks;

- Meine LIEBE - a wide range of detergents for washing glasses, mirrors and plastic will save time on cleaning, and environmental friendliness is another significant advantage;

- Cif - fully fulfills the functions indicated on the label, but its cost is higher than average;

- Help - copes well with common dirt and at the same time saves budget.

In addition to liquid products, stains can be wiped off with wet wipes soaked in a special composition.
Wherein it is important that the packaging is marked that they are intended specifically for glass. There are also special dry napkins, rags and sponges, which are enough to moisten with water during cleaning - the whole secret lies in the structure of the material used.

The best folk methods
If at the right time household chemicals are over, and there is no time to go to the store, you can turn to the time-tested methods, which usually use what is at hand. Moreover, traditional methods are more gentle if there are children or people with allergies among family members. And in the context of the struggle for the preservation of the environment, it is especially important to use eco-friendly products made by yourself.
Of course, it is better to select a product depending on the nature of the occurrence of pollution, its area and the age of occurrence. The easiest option to start with is to moisten the surface with plain water and rub. In order to remove dust, as well as fresh and minor dirt, this is enough. Saline solution or strong green tea is sometimes used instead of water.

If this does not work, you can try other well-known folk methods.
- Greasy marks are best wiped off with a soapy solution. To do this, add laundry soap or dishwashing liquid to the water.
- Handprints can be removed well with a soda solution - just a tablespoon in a glass of water.
- Vinegar successfully fights stains from food, fruits and other organic matter. For half a liter of water, two tablespoons will suffice. To enhance the effect, you can also add soda here and mix everything well. In some cases, citric acid can be substituted for vinegar.
- For heavy, stubborn dirt that does not lend itself to all of the above, you can use an alcohol solution. It can be ammonia diluted in water (10 ml per 1 liter). Individual spots can be treated with any other alcohol, cologne or vodka.

To refresh the frosted glass surface, it is recommended to prepare a liquid mixture of starch or chalk. You can simply sprinkle a fresh stain of fat with chalk or starch, and then gently shake it off. The potassium permanganate solution also has an amazing effect, washing with which will return the original radiant appearance.
What can not be washed?
While maintaining frosted glass is fairly straightforward, there are a number of limitations.
- Tempered glass is a fairly tough material, but the surface can be scratched with hard brushes and sponges.
- When it comes to the sprayed variety, cleaning must be especially gentle. Do not rub the same place for a long time, use powders, bleaches and solvents.
- Much attention should be paid to the composition of the purchased product. Aside from the obvious chlorine and alkalis, silicone should be avoided as large amounts of it can make the glass look unkempt.
- When cleaning irregularities and joints, hard and sharp objects should not be used - it is better to replace them with cotton swabs.
- In order not to spoil the glass, it is worth avoiding temperature extremes. For example, a street door should not be washed with a steam cleaner or wiped with hot water.

Purification technology
To make cleaning easier and to keep the glass parts clean, it is important to do so in a timely manner. Like any other, frosted glass collects dust on itself. This is especially noticeable when it comes to a patterned relief surface. In order to maintain an attractive appearance of shelves, tables or doors, they need to be wiped every day or at least a couple of times a week. In the bathroom, the glass must be cleaned immediately after soap drops have fallen on it and have not had time to dry. The same rule applies to street doors with glass or loggias. It will be incomparably more difficult to wash off dried and old dirt.
There are five steps to cleaning virtually any frosted glass.
- To begin with, the desired area or the entire surface can be wiped off dust.
- Apply a suitable product to contaminated areas. After mixing, it is better to pour homemade liquids into a spray bottle - this way they will be distributed evenly and consumed more economically. Some factory packages have a foam application mode, which is convenient for treating spot contaminants.
- If required, stains can be rubbed with microfiber cloths or cloths, or any other soft cloth.
- Modern sprays dry without leaving streaks, but many housewives in the old fashioned way prefer to wipe the glass dry and polish. You can collect a lot of water without streaks using a special scraper with a soft rubber base.
- If the product leaves streaks, the glass will have to be additionally wiped with clean water. In the bathroom, frosted glass partitions can be treated with an anti-drip compound.

The cleaning process may differ slightly depending on where the frosted glass is located. When washing glass worktops, it is important to clean not only the top, but also the wrong side around the edges. When spraying liquid on a door, you should take care of wooden parts. To protect frosted glass furniture and reduce the area of contamination, you should get protective coasters and napkins.

Tips for cleaning frosted glass in the next video.