How to wash kitchen towels at home?

According to the state of the kitchen, the mistress of the house is judged. So there are no minor details in this area. A sign of order or lack thereof is the condition of the towels used when preparing food and washing dishes. But to keep them in perfect condition, you have to work hard.

How often should you wash?
Much in this matter depends on how actively and carefully the towels are used in everyday life. No one can prohibit washing them even every day, but one should reasonably assess how justified this is. Frequent washings also lead to the fact that these kitchen utensils lose their well-groomed appearance.
If you use your towels carefully, it is best to do a wash once a week to keep the outside clean and to prevent germs from growing in them. And if stains have already appeared or the material has absorbed the smell of food, burning, you should not postpone cleaning.

For effective removal of contaminants, both the achievements of the chemical industry and proven folk recipes are used.
Keeping kitchen textiles clean will allow vegetable oil, soda, mustard, salt, potassium permanganate, laundry soap. Hydrogen peroxide will also come in handy in this matter. You can use whiteness and even shampoo with which we wash our head.

The ways
The easiest one is to wash things in an activator type machine or in an automatic machine.
Colored towels should be washed separately from white ones. For them, you need to choose a mode with a temperature of 40 degrees. Whites can be processed at a higher temperature - up to 95 degrees.
Hand washing should not be neglected. It is better to use the appropriate powder here.Perfect fit and laundry soapwhich is very effective when things get very dirty.
They can be washed well even in a microwave oven. It is necessary to wet the fabric, rub it with soap, wrap it in a plastic bag, put it in the oven and turn it on for half a minute.

Eliminate stains
Sometimes a regular wash is not enough to achieve a good effect. This happens if difficult to remove stains are eaten into the material during cooking. These can be traces of juice from fruits and vegetables, grease stains and even blood.
Ordinary vegetable oil will allow you to wash greasy fabrics. For a few liters of hot water, you need to take one or 2 tablespoons of bleach, 10 - washing powder and 3 - any vegetable oil. Immerse textiles in boiling water with these additives. Leave them there for a while until the water cools down. Rinse.
You can try a similar method - pour 5 liters of water into a saucepan or bucket in which linen is usually boiled, heat it up, add one and a half tablespoons of dry bleach, half a glass of washing powder and a little oil. Here, the towels are boiled for 60 minutes, wait until the greasy marks have completely disappeared, and rinsed.
You can also add half a glass of powder to a deep saucepan and add the same amount of oil. Pour boiling water over. Dip soiled things into it, press down with a heavy object. The next day, scroll in the typewriter.

Another option is to pour 50 grams of laundry powder, 30 grams of baking soda, 20 grams of dry bleach and one tablespoon of vegetable oil into a deep container. "Sprinkle" all this with very hot water, mix well and place towels in this liquid for a while until it cools down. Then wring out the things and send them to the wash. The greasy stains should disappear completely.
There is an alternative method for solving the problem of oily marks. For three liters of water, take 3 tablespoons of soda and dish detergent. Place soiled kitchen textiles in the solution for an hour and then wash as usual.

Heavy pollution
It is good to wash very dirty towels at home with simple tools available in any household.
It is convenient to use for soaking vinegar... It is an acid that can cleanly remove even old dirt. Add some of the substance to lukewarm water along with washing powder and ammonia. Soak clothes and wait a while, then wash.
To restore a well-groomed look to an old and heavily soiled tea towel, you can use a regular baking soda. It is not suitable for things of bright colors. But yellow or gray from time to time fabrics have a chance to be renewed thanks to this substance.
Soda is used for soaking. Lye works as a solvent for dirt and kills harmful bacteria. In a container with water, you need to dissolve 70-90 grams of soda and place towels there for several hours, then just wash.
If the contamination is very strong, the soaking procedure in soda should be repeated twice, and at the end, boil things in this composition.

For removing stains and mild whitening, it is a good idea to use mustard. If the stain has just formed, this particular tool will come in handy. The mustard is diluted with hot water until a creamy mass is formed. Then it is applied to the places of contamination. If the fabric needs to be lightened, blot it with the composition and wait a few hours.
To return the former freshness to old towels, potassium permanganate is used. A few grains of powder are thrown into the water while soaking. Then things must be thoroughly rinsed and washed as usual.
Laundry soap is in any home. And it fights stains very effectively. They need to rub the dirty cloth and leave to soak for a while. Then rinse.
For the final achievement of the goal, use a grater to make soap shavings, dissolve in water and boil towels in it.

Blood stains will help eliminate hydrogen peroxide... Use a cotton pad to soak the dirt with hydrogen peroxide. The surface of the fabric should be covered with foam at this point. Wait a little. Repeat the procedure if necessary. Then machine wash the item.
Towels can be effectively cleaned with citric acid. Both the juice squeezed directly from the lemon and the substance sold in sachets are used.
Dissolve the juice of one lemon or sour powder in a glass of water. Blot the textile with it, rub the stains. Place things in a plastic bag, tie them up and forget about them for three hours. Then just wash.

To whiten towels, use and boric acid. The textiles need to be rubbed with laundry soap, placed in a container with hot soapy water and pour three tablespoons of boric acid into it. After four hours of keeping things in this mixture, you need to wash them in the machine.
Fruit and vegetable stains can be difficult to remove from fabrics. Shampoo will become an ally in the fight against such a scourge. They need to treat dirty marks, let it stand for a while, and then wash the towel.
It will help to remove tea or coffee stains from the material. ammonia. Take ammonia and water in a 1: 1 ratio. Blot the dirty marks, and then wash the towel.

You can add grated laundry soap and soda ash (soda ash) to a pot of water to easily bleach or remove any marks from the fabric. After that, towels are lowered there and boiled for a quarter of an hour. Finally, the items are washed with bleach.
If we talk about the use of modern bleaches and stain removers, practice shows that at a considerable price of household chemicals, its effectiveness is not always at its best.
Therefore, it is better to purchase funds, the effectiveness of which has already been tested, and use them strictly in accordance with the instructions.

Getting rid of the smell
Often the problem lies not only in the marks that form on the towels, but also in the smell that eats into the material itself.
Effectively combats this problem with the usual salt. It is good for soaking. A tablespoon of salt is taken per liter of water. The amount of liquid depends on how many towels you want to soak. Leave the items in the solution for several hours, rinse and wash.
If the towels are very dirty and smell unpleasant, you can leave them for a day in a bucket of water with the addition of a product. "Mole"... You just need to turn the soaked cloth over from time to time. It is enough to use half a bottle of the substance (with a container volume of 0.5 liters). The towels will be fresher and free from bad smells.
To get rid of the unpleasant odor, the fabric can be soaped and then dipped in a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate. Leave it on for 8-10 hours. Then wash the product.

Secrets of softness
It is important that the kitchen towel always appears in front of the household and guests, not only in a clean and fragrant state, but also soft and pleasant to the touch. And housewives with experience know that after all the washing and drying procedures, the fabric becomes tougher. A product made of such material absorbs liquid worse. It is not very pleasant to hold in your hands.
To keep the towel soft, you can use liquid detergents instead of powder. Rinse things very thoroughly so that the remains of the detergent components do not linger in them. The spin should take place at medium speed. Then there will be no strong friction of the fabric on the drum of the machine.
When washing white towels by hand, add a little salt, baking soda or vinegar to the water during the rinse phase. Fabric softener will also help to achieve softness.
To avoid the stiffness of the fabric, it is not recommended to dry towels on a heating radiator.

Useful Tips
So that the towels are your helpers in the kitchen and do not lose their attractive appearance for as long as possible, adhere to simple rules for using them:
- To dry your hands when cooking, it is better to take products made of colored and dark fabrics. Traces on them will not be so noticeable.
- If your hands are greasy, it is better to wash them first, rather than wipe them in a hurry on a cloth. And it's even easier to get a paper towel and use it for such a thing.
- The cook must have several towels in circulation at the same time. Some are for drying wet palms, others are for covering baked goods, and so on.
- Do not use terry products in kitchens. They instantly get dirty and lose their visual appeal.
- Do not use a towel to wipe the table or as an oven mitt.

- It is better not to leave the thing on which you have planted a stain, but to immediately throw it into the basket of laundry for a quick wash.
- Towels will last longer if you clean them regularly. Do not save up such items until the big wash. The longer they lie in the basket, the deeper the stains will penetrate into them.
- It is better to wash towels before boiling. Otherwise, the stains will only stick to the fabric more.
- Towels with traces of fruits and berries should be boiled with bleach containing chlorine.
- Be sure to iron the tea towels after washing. This is additional protection against germs.

For even more tips on how to bleach kitchen towels, see the next video.