How do I clean carpet with Vanish?

Today, at the same time, a useful and attractive piece of furniture called a carpet can be found in almost every apartment or private house. However, the lucky owners of carpets know firsthand how difficult it is to keep the carpet clean. To make it easier for housewives to clean the carpet, special detergents have been invented, including Vanish is in the lead and has a huge number of positive reviews.

Types of detergent and scope
The Vanish line of detergents is a chlorine free stain remover.
The cleaning of contaminated surfaces with the help of the product occurs due to the work of oxygen molecules, which are able to penetrate into the structure of the carpet and push the accumulations of dirt and dust onto its surface.
Among the advantages of this brand of stain removers should be noted:
- Versatility - the product can be used to clean carpet, carpet or carpet with pile of different lengths.
- Sparing attitude to the coating material. Carpet shampoo not only preserves the color of dyed carpets, but also maintains the whiteness of light rugs. The structure of matter also retains all its properties after cleaning with this product.

The manufacturer produces several types of detergent of various structures under the Vanish brand. All these funds have their own characteristics, on which the choice depends:
- The liquid detergent is produced in three versions - for manual cleaning of carpets, for vacuum cleaners and with an antibacterial effect. The latter, due to the addition of disinfecting components, is able to destroy harmful bacteria in the carpet.
- Vanish in the form of a spray allows you to wash the palace locally only in places where it is dirty. It copes best with its task in the presence of fresh stains and dirt, and it is also more convenient for them to clean carpets with long pile at home.
- Convenient and easy to use are a dry product or a moist powder from this manufacturer. They do not require dilution and are immediately ready to use directly from the balloon, which only needs to be shaken well immediately before starting the procedure.
This product is ideal for dealing with dirt in high-traffic areas such as corridors.

The agent sprayed onto the surface of the carpet is able to penetrate inside, raising particles of dirt and dust upward. After waiting for a while, all the dirt can be easily removed with a vacuum cleaner.
If you don't have a vacuum cleaner at hand, you can use a broom or rag. However, it should be noted that in this case, washing the carpet will not work quickly. Also, without the help of a vacuum cleaner, some resort to folk remedies for carpet cleaning and use lemon juice, laundry soap or snow cleaning for this.
How to properly clean the carpet with a product?
The manufacturer cares about its reputation, therefore, in an accessible language, it sets out the instructions for using each of the types of detergent to achieve the maximum effect.

A sample algorithm for working with Vanish detergent looks like this:
- Before you start working with the tool, you need to prepare a palace. To do this, you need to thoroughly clean the coating with a vacuum cleaner or other available means - a broom, a brush on both sides. The best solution would be to take the carpet outside and beat it thoroughly, and then vacuum it from the front and back.
- Detergent in the form of a shampoo must be diluted in the correct proportion before use - 9 parts of water should be taken for 1 part of the product. For the convenience of measurements, you can use the cap from the can with the agent. It is better not to dilute too much of the product, but re-mix it if necessary. Water for breeding Vanish should not be taken hot, but warm - about 35 ° C. In the container where the solution is poured, it must be mixed well and whipped so that a persistent foam appears. This is the foam that should be applied directly to the carpet.

- If you use a powdery stain remover, then nothing needs to be diluted. It is enough to apply it on the carpet and let it stand for the time allotted by the manufacturer. Not all housewives use a vacuum cleaner to clean carpets. The hand method also effectively cleans the carpet.
For manual cleaning with carpet shampoo, arm yourself with a foam sponge or soft brush. With the chosen tool, you need to collect a small amount of foam, then apply it to the surface of the carpet using circular motions.
- If the carpet has old dried stains, it is best to use a spray cleaner. If not available, you can pour a small amount of undiluted Vanish Shampoo over the stain and leave it on the surface for 20 minutes.
- When the product has been applied to the entire carpet, leave it alone until it dries completely. Drying time for each carpet is individual, it also depends on the form of the product used. However, waiting too long is also not worth it, so that the coating is not saturated with excess moisture. Dry the carpet in a state of absolute rest, without stepping on it, and this should be done in a room with open windows or doors.
- After waiting for the required time, you should arm yourself with a vacuum cleaner and gently walk over the entire surface of the carpet without pressing the brush. This will allow the most efficient collection of dirt from the surface of the coating, while not smearing them.

A few simple tips will help you easily wash your carpet with a stain remover at home:
- Vanish is not permitted on natural fabrics.It can only clean synthetic carpets or carpets.
- The carpet covering must be permanently stained. For reinsurance, you can check the action of the funds on the seamy side of the carpet or in an inconspicuous part of it.
- To avoid an allergic reaction to the powder, use rubber gloves only with Vanish.

- The following advice will help to avoid health problems. And the carpet will delight you with its beauty for a very long time. Apply the product to the carpet surface with a sponge or brush without any extra effort and in reasonable amounts.
If the carpet gets too wet, it can shrink or even become moldy. In addition, a wet coating will take much longer to dry.
- When applying carpet shampoo, start at the edges of the carpet and work your way towards the center.
- It is necessary to collect the product from the surface of the carpet with a vacuum cleaner not against the pile, but in the same direction so as not to damage its structure.
- You should not use a vacuum cleaner on carpet with looped pile to collect dirt removed to the surface of the carpet. These types of carpets are prone to moisture saturation and are more difficult to dry. You can remove the remaining shampoo with a slightly damp cloth.
- If your carpet has a very long pile, it is best to avoid using Vanish liquid types. It is unlikely that it will be possible to remove shampoo residues from such a coating at home. A spray foam is ideal for this.

Dirt on the carpet spoils its appearance and allows pathogenic bacteria to multiply.
You can learn how to clean your carpet with Vanish in the following video.