How to clean the mattress?

Every person at least once in their life faced the problem of cleaning a mattress. Often this process requires aggressive chemicals or effective “home” formulations. Let's take a closer look at all the nuances of caring for such things.

Care rules
A mattress is the key to a healthy and satisfying sleep. It is difficult for yourself to imagine modern life without this product. The range of such things amazes the imagination: polyurethane foam, wadded, with coconut coir, spring, with ormafoam filler, orthopedic. Everyone can find what they like. Like any thing, a mattress needs periodic cleaning, but not everyone knows how to properly care for a sleeping place and what to do to keep it in good condition longer. Experts recommend following simple tips for using the mattress and using special mattress toppers.

How to wash the mattress topper?
Mattress topper is a removable cover that protects the mattress from all kinds of dirt. It can be attached to a sleeping place in two ways: with elastic bands or with sidewalls. Mattress toppers also differ in the material from which they are made. There are fabric, wool, waterproof, or waterproof options. It is not difficult to clean the mattress topper at home. You just need to wash it with powder in the washing machine. The main thing is to read the instructions on the product label.

Removing dust
Any mattress, even with the most careful use, needs regular dusting. It is better to do this with a regular or washing vacuum cleaner. once a week. Without household appliances, the mattress can be knocked out and wiped with a damp cloth.
These are general recommendations, since the rules for caring for it depend on the type of mattress.

Cleaning of different types
There are several types of mattresses:
- the polyurethane foam version is cleaned in various ways, both with and without water. Do not just expose the product to excessive moisture. When stains appear, it is advised to slightly wet the mattress, clean it, and then dry it well;
- it is recommended to put a wet towel on a mattress with coconut coir and drain it;
- The cotton mattress is cleaned with water and detergents. Cotton wool will not deteriorate from water, but it is better to dry the product outside;
- The spring mattress can only be cleaned with dry products. Moisture is harmful to springs and can damage the product;
- an orthopedic mattress with springs cannot be wetted. It is better to use dry products, for example, for cleaning upholstered furniture or carpets;
- the mattress with ormafoam filling does not absorb moisture and odors. It can be washed both with dry products and with water;
- when cleaning a jacquard mattress, the filler from which the product is made is taken into account. If we are talking about a removable cover, then it can be washed in a typewriter, observing the temperature regime indicated on the label;
- You can wash a white mattress with a bleach or stain remover.

Often there are no easy ways to get rid of dirty stains on the mattress. The most reliable but expensive option is to dry-clean the item, but if you wish, you can deal with defects at home.
It is necessary to correctly determine the nature of pollution. There are various products available to remove stains and dirt from your mattress. The most effective way is to use professional stain removers. For example, you can wash your mattress with Vanish. It does not damage the fabric and removes dirt well.
A large assortment of such products is presented on the modern market, so everyone can choose something to their taste and wallet.

If using stain removers hasn't worked, you can try using the products on hand to clean the stain as well. Consider the most popular and versatile options:
- soda;
- vinegar;
- hydrogen peroxide;
- laundry soap;
- dishwashing liquid;
- borax (sodium tetraborate) or boric acid;
- acetone;
- Toothpaste;
- starch or talc;
- salt;
- lemon juice;
- medical and ammonia;
- iodine;
- baby powder;
- ice;
- hot iron and paper;
- softener for meat.

How to remove stains?
Urine stains
In a family with small children, various unforeseen situations can occur. How to quickly remove baby urine from a mattress? There are several effective ways to help cope with this problem:
- you can use brown (sodium tetraborate) or boric acid. It is a versatile disinfectant that is often used in the manufacture of detergents. It is recommended to wet the problem area a little, then sprinkle it with brown and rub in. When the mattress is dry, the powder is vacuumed. The stain will become noticeably lighter. The disadvantage of this method is that borax is considered a toxic substance, so you need to be careful: use gloves, try not to touch your face with your hands, ventilate the room. It is necessary to use borax with caution where there are children and people prone to allergies;
- another quite effective option is water with laundry soap. This method is best used for removing fresh stains. The problem area is cleaned with a sponge and water or a damp towel until the stain becomes less noticeable and the smell weakens;

- you can try lemon juice mixed with salt. You should get a mushy consistency, which is applied to the stain and left for a while, after which everything is removed with a damp sponge;
- medical alcohol copes well with this problem.First, the problem area is well moistened with water, then disinfected with alcohol using a cotton pad. 9% vinegar solution will help remove odor;
- particles of dry baby powder can be rubbed into the stain, wait a little, and then wipe with a cloth soaked in water;
- you can also mix different components. To do this, you need to take water (1 tsp), vinegar (1 tbsp), dish gel (1 tsp), baking soda (2 tbsp), disinfectant (1-2 drops). Everything is thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained and applied with a sponge to the mattress. Then the problem area should be blotted with a dry cloth to remove the remaining moisture and sprinkle with baking soda until the stain is completely dry. It is recommended to leave the product for half a day, then vacuum it.

Old stains
Old stains are much more difficult to clean than fresh ones. You can make a solution of laundry detergent, dish gel, and carpet cleaner. Polyurethane foam or coconut mattress can be wiped clean with a soft brush.
Products with a different filler are best cleaned with a sponge.

Removing biological stains
These contaminants include blood, vomit, and saliva. Blood stains can be cleaned in several ways:
- it is good to use hydrogen peroxide. It should be applied to the surface for a few minutes and then wiped off with a damp towel. You can use salt for old stains. It should be sprinkled with salt on the surface of the mattress and left for a couple of hours;
- The meat softener can be rubbed into the stain and left to sit for 30 minutes. It should become lighter;
- for fresh stains, a dishwashing gel is suitable, which must be foamed and applied to the stain, then removed with a wet sponge.

- other biological stains can be removed with vinegar and acids. To do this, you need to dilute vinegar or citric acid in water in half and wipe the mattress. If the filler is soft, do not expose the mattress to excessive moisture, as this can lead to deterioration.
- ammonia will help to remove coffee stains, 1 tsp of which must be diluted in a glass of water and applied to the mattress for a few minutes, then removed and allowed to dry:
- stains from cosmetics can be removed with cotton wool dipped in alcohol;
- chewing gum can be removed with ice. You need to wait until the gum becomes hard and can be removed without any problems with a knife or needle;
- It is recommended to clean red wine with a dishwashing gel, which must be diluted with water and applied to the contaminated area with a sponge;
- nail polish is removed with acetone, but this method is only suitable for a white mattress, as the color may suffer;
- wax and paraffin can be removed as follows: put a sheet of paper on the stained place and iron it with an iron. The stain will disappear on its own;
- a greasy stain will help remove a mixture of salt and potato starch or talcum;
- mold is dangerous to health, so mold stains must be removed urgently. It is recommended to dry the mattress in the sun, and treat its surface with vinegar or alcohol solution. At the end, you should treat the thing with any disinfectant solution;
- Special stain removers and bleaches can help remove yellow stains.

Removing odors
To keep your mattress fresh at all times, it should be regularly ventilated in the fresh air and in direct sunlight. But sometimes, due to misuse or stains, the mattress can start to smell bad. Dealing with unpleasant odors can absorbers sold in the home furnishings department. Using them is quite simple: you need to distribute them over the surface, wait a while, and then vacuum.
But if odor absorbers do not help or you cannot buy them, you can use other means. Iodine fights well with the smell of urine, but it is better not to use this method on light mattresses, otherwise traces may remain.Bleach, which must be dissolved in warm water, applied to the contaminated area with a sponge and allowed to dry, will help against the smell of mold. Soda can remove the smell of cigarettes. It should be poured onto the surface of the mattress and left for 2 days, after which the item should be vacuumed. You can also wipe the surface with dish soap foam.
To cleanse the mattress from the smell of sweat, it is recommended to prepare a saline solution, treat the surface with it and take the thing outside.

When using a mattress, you should know some simple rules:
- so that the product retains its appearance and properties longer, it is better to use mattress toppers. The removable covers are easy to care for. It is enough to wash them in a typewriter. For a bed on which a small child sleeps, a waterproof mattress cover is needed;
- you need to regularly knock out dust from the mattress, clean the sleeping place with a vacuum cleaner or a brush, ventilate the product on the street or balcony and from time to time turn it over to the back side;
- it is better to remove all stains immediately after they appear, before they have had time to be absorbed into the fabric. Professional stain removers work well, but you can deal with the pollution and the products that are available at home. The main thing is to correctly determine the nature of the spot;
- before buying a mattress, you need to find out from the seller the rules for caring for the product;
- you should not eat and drink in bed, no matter how tempting and romantic it may look;
- smoking in bed leads to stains and an unpleasant odor on the product.
You will learn more about how to clean your mattress in the following video.