How to clean gold at home?

Everyone knows the expression “not all that glitters is gold”. That is why the owners of gold products believe that their rings and earrings, bracelets and chains are simply obliged to shine. But products made of this noble metal are worn constantly, cream, cosmetics get on them and they quickly lose their shine. To make your favorite jewelry look beautiful again, you need to clean it from time to time.

Cleaning features
Before you start cleaning such products, you need to take into account a number of very important characteristics:
- Many products of this kind have complex shapes and not all places can be cleaned without problems - these are inserts of stones, different joints and bends, patterns and ornaments. But if, when rinsing the product with water, you take a toothbrush and use it, the problem will disappear. You can also use a cotton swab.
- The container for cleaning compounds must be selected so that the decoration can fit in it completely, not partially.

- It is necessary to choose methods of cleaning, taking into account the characteristics and characteristics of the object to be cleaned.
- It is not necessary to leave the cleaning agent on the product for too long, as the composition may dry out and then you will have to remove not only plaque from the product, but also the cleaning agent itself.
- If you need to remove dirt or stains from gold earrings, rings, pendants or chains, consider the item first. It is necessary to take into account the alloy, configuration, the presence of patterns and noble stones. And only then a gentle and effective way of dealing with plaque or dirt is selected.

For soft and hard stones, you will have to use different components.
It’s hard to believe, but for cleaning gold items, all the means that are constantly found at our fingertips are most often used - from ammonia and onions to vodka and foil. These products are useful for cleaning precious items, even if the color is severely blurred or dirty:
- Ammonia and vodka.
- Any dishwasher.
- Baking soda, foil.
- Hydrogen peroxide.
- Onions and potatoes.
- Crushed chalk and petroleum jelly.
- Beer, egg white.
- Sugar or salt.

To flush out blackened gold, use one of the following options:
- Method one... Here, first you need to stir 1 spoon of Fairy in water. A rag is placed on the bottom in a shallow container, a darkened decoration is placed on top, which is covered with a solution on top. The composition is boiled for 5-10 minutes. Boiled products only need to be rinsed under water and dried. This method works best for removing small stains.
- Method two... A bracelet or ring that has lost its luster or a product that has tarnished from a fire is returned to its former beauty with the help of baking soda and a piece of foil. 1 large spoonful of baking soda dissolves in a glass of water. Foil is laid on the bottom of any container, earrings, a chain or a wedding ring are placed, all this is poured with a soda solution.

Within a day of exposure to the solution, your jewelry will become as good as new.
- Method three... Prepare a glass of boiling water, 1 large spoonful of baking soda, and 1/2 spoon of Fairy. Lower a rag to the bottom of the container, and put the product on top. Pour the mixture over it and heat it over the fire for 20 minutes, and then just leave the solution to cool. We take the product out of the container and dry it carefully.
- Method four. This express method will allow you to get rid of the blackness of the chain through exposure to chemicals. In a glass of ordinary water, 1 spoon of ammonia solution is diluted, 30 ml of 3% peroxide and a little ordinary liquid soap are added. The objects are dipped into the solution for only half an hour and the former beauty and shine will return to them.
- Method five... For this tool, you will need unusual components: an onion and potatoes. They will help to effectively remove dirt and stains from all types of gold. The ingredients are grated so that the gruel comes out without juice. Decorations are placed in the gruel and wait a couple of hours. Then the products are taken out, washed and dried.

- Another similar recipe - use of one bow... The onion is cut in half and the product is wiped with this cut. Onion juice will quickly remove stains, no matter if it's a new or old ring or bracelet. You should not use onion juice cleaning for products with stones.

- Sixth method. Sugar solution excellently rescues gold from dirt. Sugar is diluted in water - 1 large spoonful of sugar in a glass of water. Gold rests here for 6 hours, then it is washed well and wiped off. There is a similar cleaning method, but with salt: 3-4 tablespoons of salt are diluted in a glass of water, the products remain in the product overnight. By the way, it is believed that by cleaning a piece of precious metal with a saline solution, you rid it of the negativity of the previous owners of the jewelry.

- Method seven. Another unusual remedy is Coca-Cola. Pour the drink into the container, put the products there, after 10-12 hours, remove them, rinse and dry. The use of "Coca-Cola" is completely unsuitable for products with pebbles. These methods are great for maintaining lightly stained items. The most important thing here is to properly soak the product so that it is entirely under the influence of the solution.

- Method eight... To clean gold with ammonia using regular detergent powder, you need to choose a glass or plastic container so as not to cause oxidation. To get the solution, you need: half a glass of boiled water, 4 ml of ammonia, a tablespoon of powder. The products are placed in the solution for 2-3 hours, then they are rinsed and wiped dry.
- Method nine... Liquid soap and peroxide are also used to remove plaque from gold. For example, if you need to clean a gift worn product or a product after a pawnshop.You need to mix: half a glass of water, 50 ml of hydrogen peroxide, a little liquid soap and ammonia. The water should be preheated, then all the components should be mixed with it. Decorations are put into this composition. Soaking time is 20 minutes. At the end of the process, the products must be washed with water and wiped off with a lint-free cloth.

- Method ten. To simply clean the chain, you need to prepare a solution of water and soap gruel. A gold chain is placed in such a solution for only a couple of hours. After that, you need to clean the gold object well with a small stiff brush. Then rinse the jewelry with running water and put on a napkin to dry. To combat old stains, it is worth repeating this procedure more than once, or apply serious cleaning.

- Method eleven... An excellent effect is also obtained using a mixture of chalk, 5-10 grams of petroleum jelly, soap and water. All this is kneaded, a cloth is soaked in this solution and the entire product is wiped with it. Then it is rinsed in water and dried. A chain or other piece of jewelry will restore its original shine again.
- Method twelve. Cleaning gold with vinegar is considered the most inappropriate way, especially when it comes to expensive jewelry. Vinegar can seriously spoil them, because there are some types of stones for which this effect is not dangerous, and other stones can spoil them. If you want to purify gold with vinegar, choose a low concentration of it - no more than 3% liquid and additionally dilute it with clean water.
- Grandma's recipes: tooth powder, a crust of bread and regular lipstick. You can grate golden items with bread crumb; clean the pendant with good tooth powder, slightly diluted with water, or with a toothpaste, grease the gold jewelry with lipstick for 10 minutes and then wipe with a cloth.

If you need to clean the jewelry from serious stains, then only professional methods will help you. For these purposes, a paste is used, which is bought ready-made from a jeweler or you can make it yourself.
To do this, take an equal amount of heated water, petroleum jelly, shaved laundry soap and crushed chalk. All this is combined and rubbed into a paste. Remains of the product are washed off with alcohol and wiped with a napkin. This way you can remove white deposits on the garment or disguise any scratches on the garment.

The composition is applied with a brush.
To restore shine, in some stores you can buy a professional solution, spray or paste, wet or dry wipes for polishing. When choosing how to clean gold objects at home, it is important not to forget about stones. You can purchase compositions for smooth gold jewelry and for products inlaid with stones.
If you want to clean the gold yourself, buy a special container. You need to put the products in it for a while, as indicated in the instructions, and then rinse them and wipe them with a dry napkin. Sprays are best for tricky shapes that cannot be wetted whole. There are separate compositions for cleaning gold coated with enamel and precious stones.

Spray the surface to dissolve the dirt, and then wipe the product.
It is best to use disposable wipes for cleaning. Using them, you will almost instantly return brightness to a ring or watch, a stylish bracelet. You can regularly clean products with stones with napkins. Wipes with impregnation and abrasives are needed for constant care. But do not use them on a daily basis so as not to break their topcoat.

The ways
Gold is a beautiful and expensive metal and you need to take care of it regularly. Gold items themselves differ significantly, so they will differ and ways to clean and care for them:
- The most basic way to remove stains and dirt from matte gold. Lime with water can be used to clean matte products. 3-4 grams of lime must be mixed with water, adding only 1 gram of soda.This mixture is infused for three days, gold is immersed in it for three hours, and the decoration will soon become clean.
- For cleaning products without stones, ammonia is used. Immerse gold objects in a solution of this substance for 5-6 hours. Then rinse the product and dry thoroughly.
- Stylish and chic products have always been produced from white gold. To obtain this color, nickel is included in the alloy, and rhodium is sprayed on top. At the same time, the rhodium layer is small, therefore it is not recommended to rub this type of gold with a brush and paste.

- You can use an unusual recipe: mix the ammonia and ordinary water equally, add a little bit of ordinary shampoo. Put the product in the composition for just half an hour. Then you need to take it out, rinse it, dry it with a soft cloth.
- Another original way to clean white gold. Mix 1 egg white with half a glass of beer, dampen a cloth with this liquid, wipe the product with it.
- "Medical gold" does not apply to medical science at all, just as it does not apply to gold directly. Nowadays, this alloy is widely used in costume jewelry. To clean these jewelry, use a solution of 50 ml of water, 15 grams of tooth powder and 30 ml of 10% ammonia. This compound is used to moisten the fabric to wipe the jewelry with it. This method is also suitable for cleaning 750-carat items and high-quality materials that artfully imitate expensive metals such as Dubai gold.

Darkened diamond jewelry is cleaned by soaking and applying ammonia. A cleaning powder and a spoonful of 25% ammonia are added to a glass of boiling water. In these mixed components, you need to leave the gold for an hour and a half. After cleaning, the decorations are rinsed. This mixture perfectly cleans even very old gold from all kinds of stains and dirt.

Mechanical method
Mechanical cleaning is often the only way to restore the gold's shine. It is important to know that abrasive substances cannot be used in such a process, especially if there are cubic zirconias in the jewelry, since such a surface is easily scratched.

Traditional methods of mechanical cleaning:
- Dentifrice. It is used when there is no paste, and it is much easier to clean it, because the surface of the product is not damaged at the same time.
- Chalk with ammonia. With their help, you can thoroughly clean the jewelry, then they are washed and dried.
- Vinegar. A soft cloth is moistened in it, then the stains are carefully processed.

If you have a large number of jewelry made of expensive metal, you should look for professional gold cleaning devices.
Cleaning here consists in a serious impact on objects placed in this device using ultrasonic waves, which destroy dirt in the least accessible places. With the help of the latest jewelry technologies, you will not need to disfigure a cross, earrings, a wearable icon or a pendant with a characteristic convex pattern, or various openwork jewelry with cleaning agents.
This departure is considered completely safe for almost all natural and unnatural stones, enamel and spraying of rhodium and other material. It can be used to care for silver or platinum items, any jewelry. Such devices are used by jewelers in their daily work.

How to clean a jewelry with a stone?
Jewelry with "capricious" (soft) stones, such as turquoise and pearls, amber or emerald, can be quickly ruined by an incorrectly selected cleaning method. The stones then can change color in a solution that is dangerous for them, fade, or even fall out of the fasteners altogether. Products with a pattern with relief, inlaid with mother-of-pearl or enamel also require a careful approach.
If you need to clean these items, it is worth walking to the nearest jeweler's workshop to your home. There, a suitable cleaning will be selected for the product: it can be ultrasound or ointment, wipes soaked in compounds or special cosmetics.
Many people wonder how to clean products with precious stones at home. The usual cleaning methods will not work here, and if the inserts are glued to the base, then they should not be placed in water at all.

Today, cleaning options are considered very popular, such as:
- cologne. You need to take an ordinary cotton swab. Soak a cotton swab in cologne and calmly clean the stones. Do not use pointed objects for this, otherwise the product will be damaged;
- alcohol solution. Soft tissue is generously wetted in this solution. The product is cleaned with this cloth, then wiped with a damp cloth and dried. This way you can quickly clean up a wedding ring or a stylish gold watch from dirt;
- petrol. If the stains are too large, gasoline can be used. You need to find a toothbrush with soft, medium-length bristles, soak it well in gasoline. Using a brush, gently remove all dirt and stains from the gold.

Gold with stones should be cleaned as carefully as possible, because the use of aggressive products can seriously impair the stylish look of the product. If, for example, you use alcohol in a constant mode, then pearls, turquoise, amber and malachite can forever lose their bright shine.
The best way to restore its former bright shine to an expensive item with a stone can be considered a solution in which equal parts of cold water and alcohol are mixed. An excellent result in cleaning stones is also given by the use of burnt matches. You just need to rub the stone with the head of such a match and rinse it with water.

In addition, abrasive products should not be used, because they are likely to scratch the surface of the above stones.
Hard stones are quartz and beryl, aquamarine and topaz, sapphire. It is worth remembering the basic rules that you will need when cleaning these stones:
- You can safely use ammonia and peroxide to clean them. A solution of water, soap and hydrogen peroxide will also help in this matter.
- Permanent care can be done with soap dissolved in slightly warmed water. You just need to hold a bracelet, a cross or a chain with a pendant in such a solution for about 10 minutes. After that, you should put the jewelry on a napkin that will absorb moisture

- To restore the shine of a product with these stones, ammonia is also used. A little ammonia is added to a jar of water, decorations are lowered there for half an hour. Clean hard-to-reach places with a cotton swab moistened with ammonia and wash the items under running water. This method is also suitable for cleaning rings and earrings with cubic zirconia.
- Pearls will lose their luster on close contact with chemicals. It is too fragile and can get scratched if not cleaned carefully. To clean a gold piece with a pearl insert, take a soft, long-bristled brush and dampen it with water. The brush is dipped in hair shampoo and the jewelry along with the pearl is smeared with it. After half an hour, gently wash off the cleaning compound with the same brush.
If necessary, clean the gold additionally with a cotton swab with peroxide.
Do not try to remove plaque from a pearl product with vinegar - it will dissolve the natural mother-of-pearl without leaving any residue.

How to refresh the combination?
Do not clean jewelry made from different metals together, as they may turn white. Special attention should be paid to the combined gold. This is a composition of two or several types of metal at once, the percentage of each ingredient that makes up such a product determines the value of the jewelry.
There are many unusual types of gold, which differ from each other in color, depending on the second component of the alloy. It is recommended to clean such gold with ammonia and wash it with soapy water. The process of rubbing with ammonia will be more effective if you add chalk or tooth powder to the mixture.

You can only clean gold with enamel in cold water. All chemicals can destroy a beautiful pattern by their action.When cleaning, 3-4 drops of ammonia are usually added to the water, you can use tooth powder. It is better to clean the products with a flannel cloth or a brush. At the end of cleaning, the jewelry is rinsed in clean water and rubbed to a shine.

How to remove a stain?
If you need to wash the product from iodine, then a glass of water and one spoon of sodium hyposulfite are used for this. You can find it in a regular pharmacy. Dip the gold in the iodine solution, after half an hour all the stains will dissolve.
Remove dark spots with an onion or regular vinegar. After cleaning the contaminated product, rinse your jewelry with running water as thoroughly as possible and dry it thoroughly. Suitable for quick and high-quality cleaning and special chemicals for fast processing of any jewelry. They superbly remove the fat that often settles on the surface of rings and earrings and all kinds of compounds of various metals.
You can also clean an expensive product with ordinary toothpaste without additives: apply the paste itself with a soft brush and gently clean the contaminated area. If you have been thinking about cleaning a gold chain at home without outside help for a long time, just grease it with paste, then pinch it inside a soft cloth and pull it back and forth several times.

How to add shine?
If you want to know how to wash gold with the best quality at home, so that it shines, then you need to familiarize yourself with the basic methods of cleaning products to a dazzling shine:
- Method one. Table salt perfectly absorbs various fats and all kinds of unpleasant "aromas". Therefore, it is also used for high-quality and efficient cleaning of expensive gold items. To wash gold properly, you need water and a little salt. In a mug of boiling water, stir 3 tablespoons of the ingredient. Dip all available gold items into this composition. After 14 hours, all that remains is to remove them and rinse in cold running water.

- Method two... Foil and baking soda can add a shine to old items. To make old gold shine brightly, rinse it in a solution of boiled water and soda. Lower the foil to the bottom of the container. Put all your gold rings and pendants, chains and sturdy bracelets here and fill them with the resulting solution. The ingredients for the product are a spoonful of baking soda in a glass of water. After 10 hours, your products will shine like never before.

- Method three. You can clean the gold to a dazzling shine at home with ordinary lipstick of any color. Take it and thickly smear the ring or chain. Rub with a regular napkin, as if rubbing lipstick into the product itself, and then rinse with water or gently wipe off with cotton wool. See for yourself that your old ring will shine in the light.

Prevention of contamination
For many people in the street, it will be important to learn how to clean gold at home in order to get an impeccable and durable result. And for this you need to know that it is better not to carry or store gold without an alloy with jewelry made of other metals.
With frequent contact with air or water oxidation processes can begin. Timely gold cleaning is also necessary because pollution is harmful to health: stains on it can cause allergies.

Silver and zinc, copper help to reveal plaque and darkening.
You need to learn how to properly care for gold:
- Do not allow it to come into contact with an acid-base environment. These components are found in almost all detergents and detergents. Also, do not drip with solvent on gold items. But many women wash nail polish with a liquid with a solvent, and gold products are not removed from their hands first, and then they are amazed when it turns black. Many cosmetics contain components of mercury and chlorine, which adversely affect gold.
- Be sure to remove gold if you work with dyes and abrasive compounds.
- Before a bath or a visit to the solarium, it is best to take off all your gold items.
- You should not put gold for storage in ordinary cardboard boxes, because this material contains sulfur. It will seriously blacken things.
- From time to time, clean all kinds of stains on your expensive jewelry.
For information on how to clean gold at home, see the next video.