The best cleaning products

Cleaning without any doubt can be called a very important and necessary process, since your home must be constantly kept clean. The main dilemma that can arise when preparing for such a cleaning is what kind of tools are best for it. When choosing, it is necessary to take into account many different factors: the level of safe use, cost, manufacturer's rating.

Types of funds
Nowadays, manufacturers of various products for quick and effective cleaning offer modern housewives a lot of ultra-functional powders or gels for making rooms in a small apartment or a huge house look normal. It can be all kinds of means for high-quality washing of linen or washing floors and dishes, for cleaning various household appliances, dirty glasses or mirrors, plumbing equipment and others. All of them are extremely necessary and important if you need your rooms to always sparkle with enviable cleanliness.
To significantly save money, users prefer to purchase products of a universal type, because they can be safely used both for cleaning the gas stove and for quickly washing the sink in the bathroom.
All types of compositions will differ in their purpose, type, application methods and other important characteristics.

By composition
There are 2 categories of cleaning products. They can refer to either household or professional series. If the product contains only one acid, then it is suitable for cleaning a specific type of pollution, but if there are several acids, then the product can be considered universal. It can be excellently used for a fairly wide range of dirt fighting applications. Budget formulations for the home are used most often only for interior work.Professional compositions are also suitable for facade work.

Universal cleaning agents
They handle many types of dirt on any surface available... They are sold in the form of pastes, powders, gels, emulsions, sprays and are simply irreplaceable for those ordinary people who cannot devote much time to cleaning. Such funds will also help you save a lot. Ideally, they should be antibacterial in order to treat the home from possible harmful microorganisms.

Here, the composition contains fine-grained components - chalk or pumice, as well as quartz sand. They can be of both artificial and natural origin. Such compositions are used when there is a struggle with rather difficult spots. However, large particles can leave visible scratches on the surface of the product. Abrasive compositions are often presented in the form of powders.

Non-abrasive products
Available in both powder and liquid form. The main elements here are soda or phosphates, solvents or acids. They do not scratch surfaces and are therefore ideal for cleaning ceramics and glass.

Alkaline compounds
Handles stubborn dirt stains perfectly... These are folk remedies such as laundry soap or regular soda. There are no toxic components in them and therefore they are completely safe. Using them, you can quickly and effectively clean any contaminated surface and qualitatively disinfect the entire room.

Acidic preparations
They will cope well with rust, lime deposits. An ordinary home remedy can be a great tool for quickly cleaning the house - you need to take a little table vinegar or citric acid. With their help, many stains are removed with a bang.

Chlorine preparations
Chlorine products are the most popular type of disinfectant. At a low cost, the drug copes with a large number of pathogenic microorganisms, bacteria and viruses.
Chlorine-containing products are highly soluble in water, and perfectly interact with soap solutions. Of the shortcomings, a rather high toxicity is noted, the ability to discolor tissues and destroy painted surfaces.
To ensure the safety of the selected agent for the human body, it must include hypoallergenic components.
The purpose of ecological products (without the use of chemicals) is quite extensive.

By appointment
According to their intended purpose, the products can be used for the following types of cleaning and cleaning.
Bathroom, toilet, water pipes
In order to efficiently clean the drainpipes, many people choose liquid "Mole" - its cost is low, and one bottle will last for a long time. Toilet Comet will help you keep it clean and create a protective antibacterial layer. To clean the tank there is special cleaning tablets. For effective bathroom disinfection, you can opt for the brand's cleaning disinfectant Sanfor.

General cleaning
Here, users most often choose Mr. Proper, Pronto anti-dust agent, Fairy dishwashing detergent, Meliseptol Foam.

Cleaning surfaces
You can choose different products - for each surface its own:
- for glass ceramics - spray Cillit Bang;
- for cleaning stone - Karcher or special impregnations;
- for glass and mirrors you can choose Frosch, Sanita, HG;
- for kitchen appliances - excellent Flat cleaner, convenient Sanita spray, Ecozone.

For quick polishing of all types of hard furniture - Grass Torus, which will help to hide all existing damage and give the products a dazzling shine. For upholstered furniture, you can choose a spray Unicum.

Floor coverings
Suitable for laminate flooring HG, for parquet it is better to choose Bagi, for washing linoleum - DEC.

Ritmix liquid for TVs or computers.

From yellow plaque, unpleasant odors, dirt - spray Grout.

Most often chosen for cleaning Vanish in the form of a spray, shampoo, powder.
According to the form of release, cleaning products are divided into gels, emulsions, pastes, sprays, liquids, granules, powders, tablets. Acaricidal products for cleaning the house are especially in demand these days. They help fight allergens.

Top brands
Today in stores there is a huge selection of various gels and powders for cleaning, it is for this reason that the question often arises as to which product is better to use. Some of the consumers are focused on the safety of a product, some are more important about its price, and some simply trust advertising.
Top modern home cleaning products.
- Frosh... It is used for effective cleaning of the bathroom, it will cope with a bang with soap stains, traces of water and other contaminants. Suitable for tiles, kitchen furniture, sink cleaning. The composition contains abrasive particles, so the product is not recommended for glass and acrylic. One of the most significant benefits is the absence of allergens.
- "Progress". It is a liquid with a rather pleasant aroma, suitable for washing dishes, plumbing fixtures, tiles, and bathrooms. Minus - the composition contains surfactants.
- Sanfor Universal 10 in 1. Suitable for removing such types of dirt as grease and rust, limescale and various stains, mold. The product contains chlorine, and it is he who guarantees the antibacterial effect. The tool will allow you to quickly clean glass ceramics, tiles, washable wallpaper.
- Grohe Grohclean. The liquid from a well-known German manufacturer effectively removes limescale, water stains, dirt, grease, soap residues.
- Cillit Bang Anti-Fat. A universal Russian product for effective apartment cleaning. It does not have an unpleasant odor, like many professional products, it copes well with serious dirt.
- Gallus... A tool for quick cleaning of any premises, perfect for use on all types of household surfaces. It perfectly polishes, helps to eliminate stains of grease, dirt and dust. The product is completely safe even for children.
- Zelinsky "Universal stone"... This eco-friendly product, made in Germany, has a natural and completely safe composition. The Universal Stone is perfect for cleaning all types of household surfaces. It is a non-abrasive organic product.
- Molecola "Almond Blossom" universal detergent for washing. Eco-friendly household chemicals from a domestic manufacturer. Among the products of this company, gels for washing dishes, washing powders, and preparations for cleaning plumbing equipment are in special demand.
"Blooming almond" is easily suitable for all surfaces, eliminates unpleasant odors. Differs in antibacterial properties.

How to choose?
It is not difficult to choose a good composition for the daily cleaning of the home. The most important thing is to consider some criteria.
- Security... It is extremely important to study in detail the composition of the product to make sure that it is completely safe for the health of you and your household. It is best to choose natural formulations.
- Profitability... The most profitable to use are all kinds of gels, emulsions and thick solutions in the form of concentrates (they can be diluted).
- Clear purpose... When choosing a product, you need to pay attention to what type of surface it is suitable for. For example, do not wash an acrylic bathtub with a product designed for tiles. Glass and enamel surfaces must not be cleaned with abrasive compounds. It is forbidden to use chlorine compounds on stainless products. When purchasing a product, first make sure that it is ideal for glass or mirror surfaces, or for high-quality cleaning of floors, or for cleaning the children's room.
- Shelf life. Many cleaning products are consumed rather slowly, so it is better to immediately choose the product with the longest shelf life.
- Detergent properties of the purchased preparation. All-purpose products are great for both daily cleanliness and serious general cleaning.
- Study the manufacturer's label carefully, all the information that interests you, as a consumer, should be clearly spelled out there.

Recently I have been buying Expel brand products. I like the wide range of products. And the fact that they are all quite effective, at a relatively low cost. I already bought it for washing plumbing and for washing windows. I like that there is no strong aggressive smell and it doesn't take a lot of effort to wipe off any dirt.