All about melamine sponges

They began to talk about melamine sponges relatively recently: some with admiration, some with distrust. You should figure out what it is, what are the advantages and disadvantages of the product and what exactly it can be used for.

What it is?
A melamine sponge is similar in shape and color to a bar of white soap. Products are produced in the form of blocks, rather lightweight. The composition of the material contains crystals of melamine, that is, compounds of cyanuric chloride and ammonia, the washing ability of which is very high.
The sponge is made of melamine resin. The artificial material it is made of looks very much like an eraser. The sponge, composed of transparent crystals, is minimally soluble in water. It is the melamine resins in the composition of the sponge that make us treat it with skepticism: after all, they are actively used in the chemical industry, they are part of paints and varnishes.

According to international standards, which are based on serious research, melamine is a low-toxic substance... When it enters the body, it is simply excreted from it naturally. True, the substance regularly ingested in large quantities can, in theory, lead to the appearance of kidney stones.
The melamine eraser has become so popular because it easily removes fountain pen and marker marks on surfaces - and this action has shown the power of an innovative product. However, other pollution is subject to it.

The washcloth looks almost like soap, but it feels more like a sponge to the touch, it is soft and elastic, although it is made of hard nano-material. And special abrasive properties help to make it almost omnipotent, thanks to which it washes even very stubborn stains.
The hardened resin - and this is actually a sponge - has sharp villi. They polish the surface, making it cleaner. And at the same time, the principle of operation of the sponge is such that it does not scratch the surface during grinding. Melamine foam breaks the bond between coating and dirt. Invented, I must say, cleverly.

Advantages and disadvantages
The big and perhaps the most important plus of the melamine sponge is its versatility... She copes with cleaning surfaces in living rooms, she perfectly cleans kitchen cabinets, appliances, taps and tiles. She cleans tiles and mirrors, linoleum and wood floors, a variety of household items. It removes dirt on shoes - both leather and other materials. And even the seats in a car can be cleaned with such a sponge.
Melamine washcloth has many advantages.
- Economical consumption. One sponge can almost perfectly clean 10 square meters of dirty surfaces.
- Acts delicately. No abrasive cleaning powders are needed to enhance the action, so there will be no scratches on the surface.
- Ability to retain moisture... The porous material perfectly absorbs liquid without leaving streaks.

The disadvantages of sponges include poor ability to handle fatbecause the fat penetrates into the smallest pores of the material. And also, alas, it quickly loses its shape, dirt destroys the structure of melamine resins. That is, it cannot be called a panacea, and one sponge will not be used for months.
What is it used for?
This sponge is extremely universal... She suits the house where the children live, because she will have to remove the marks of markers and pens from the floor. And if these traces appear on paper wallpaper, an ordinary damp sponge will not work, but a melamine dry sponge will help.

In the kitchen, it is very convenient to use it to clean the outer surface of the refrigerator, as well as microwave ovens, dishwashers, and gas stoves. But just not the inner part: it is not worth washing with a melamine sponge that directly comes into contact with food, precautions must be taken. Although the toxicity of the sponge is low, it is there.
It will well clean the sponge and glass-ceramic plates, and plates with an enamel surface, and stainless steel plates. It is dangerous to wash them with powder formulations, so such a sponge is almost irreplaceable.
It is also easy to clean the hood and sink, but after cleaning, all surfaces should be thoroughly rinsed with water.

The sponge will perfectly clean the body of the washing machine, it will be able to wash the acrylic bathtub to perfect condition. The acrylic coating is extremely capricious, abrasive agents are not used to clean it, therefore a melamine washcloth in such a situation is just a lifesaver, and numerous reviews confirm this.
Taps, tiles, plaque on the shower stall, removal of old stains - all this also takes on an unusual material. You will have to tinker with the tile joints, where dirt accumulates so actively, but with a melamine sponge, cleaning them will be much faster. But cleaning the toilet will not do without disinfectants.

Glass, plastic and office equipment
It is quite possible to run a sponge on a mobile phone screen, on a tablet and a monitor, on a system unit and, of course, on a desk. It will tidy up the door handles, armrests, and the surfaces of stools and chairs. And with its help, you can get rid of the mirror from dirt, fingerprints. The sponge does a good job with prints.
In addition to cleaning the glass-ceramic stove, the oven, it can even clean the soles of white sneakers and sneakers. The very black stripes, which are so difficult to remove from the surface of the soles, are washed off by the sponge at once.

Window sills (meaning plastic ones) get dirty quickly and are not always easy to clean - you simply cannot wash with water. So the sponge copes with them, it is also suitable for weekly cleaning of window sills.
If you need to clean a down jacket, a melamine washcloth will really save you from stains. Or from stains on jeans, on a coat, jacket.
But this can be done only on the condition that then the thing will be thoroughly washed. Nevertheless, melamine remains on the product, and when wearing things, unwanted contact with human skin is created.

How to use it correctly?
Using a sponge, you only need to work with gloves. It is worth reading the instructions for use.
- Open the package with a washcloth, cut off the desired fragment.
- Pour cold water into non-food containers, do not use warm and hot water.
- Dip the sponge into cold water, squeeze lightly.
- Next is the use of the sponge for its intended purpose.
- The material must not be twisted. The dirt should be washed off with a small piece of sponge - this will have less effect on the deformation of the structure of the washcloth. The more dirt on the sponge, the faster it will deteriorate.
- After washing with a sponge, rinse the treated surface with running water - this will wash off the melamine foam.
- And in order not to throw away the rest of the sponge, to make it usable in the future, you just need to rinse it under the tap.

However, not all surfaces can be cleaned with a sponge, and not all manipulations with it are available. It is forbidden:
- use a dry sponge - when wet, it works better and becomes safer;
- work with it on painted metal surfaces - in this case, it will work like sandpaper;
- not using gloves is dangerous, because slightly toxic melamine becomes dangerous with frequent and prolonged contact with it;
- wash dishes with a sponge, all items that are used for food;
- clean the wooden countertop with it - if only occasionally, with frequent use, the protective layer will be erased;
- to clean pots and pans with it - and although it perfectly wipes off their dirt, it is unsafe;
- to lighten the stainless steel in this way - the finish coating will be erased, and it seals the steel appliances;
- to clean the oven from the inside - and fraught with stains, and the fact that small particles of melamine will rise from the fan blades and eventually settle on the food inside the cabinet.

There are many other safe and well-proven products that can handle tasks impossible with a melamine sponge without a problem.
However, it is worth taking a closer look at the sponge; it is a competitive cleaning product today.