How to clean up your refrigerator?

For many housewives, keeping the refrigerator clean is a real challenge. How to put things in order in it and keep it on a permanent basis, we will tell you below.

Where to begin?
To maintain a constant order in the refrigerator, first of all, you need to get rid of unnecessary things that are stored there.
- For a complete cleaning you should completely free the refrigerator from everything that is currently there. It is also necessary to empty the freezer compartment, as well as the containers that are usually located in the door.

- After that, if necessary, the device must be defrosted. You can skip this step. In this case, you should immediately start washing the refrigerator and its parts. It is recommended to do this with warm water and a detergent intended for washing dishes. After that, all washed parts must be wiped off so that no moisture remains on them.

- Further, the refrigerator must be additionally wiped with a wet rag, and then dry and clean. If there is an unpleasant odor, the walls inside the device must be rinsed with a special solution of water, lemon juice or vinegar. If there are stains on or inside the refrigerator, it is recommended to use baking soda.

- After you have managed to clean up the unit itself, you need to start everything that was stored in it. Go through each box and jar. If the shelf life of the product has expired or is already on the verge, throw it away without regret. All products, including fruits, vegetables, meat and others, that have begun to rot, have an unpleasant odor or look spoiled, it is also recommended to send them to the trash can.There is no need to hope that the product will become edible after cooking. These savings can subsequently negatively affect your own health and the health of your family members.

- Everything that remains after the revision must be correctly and compactly arrangedso that nothing will bother you in the future. Usually food placement starts in the freezer. Separate boxes must be allocated for each type of product. So, vegetables, fruits and berries are placed in one container, fish and seafood are placed in another, and meat in a third. In the absence of the required number of boxes, you can divide one of the chambers in half using special partitions or ordinary cardboard boxes.

Food storage ideas
To properly organize the distribution of products on the shelves at home, you can resort to some means.
- When it comes to the freezer, then for convenience, you can pack products in special packages and add signatures to them. This option will be just ideal for those who constantly spend a lot of time looking for the required product in the freezer.

- If there are no special boxes in the freezer, and there are only shelves in the form of lattices, it does not matter. You can place most of the food in a special bag and hang it on these grids with clothespins - practical and convenient.

- To add spaciousness to your refrigerator, you can purchase special pull-out shelves. They will not take up much space, and their price is not sky-high, usually it varies within 300 rubles. On such shelves it will be possible to store every little thing, for example, processed or curd cheeses and more.

- For packing fresh fruits and vegetables, you can purchase additional plastic boxes or metal baskets. Place fruits and vegetables in each of them separately. If you do not have the opportunity to purchase such a box, then you can easily use an ordinary cardboard box, but in this case you will have to carefully monitor that the cardboard does not get wet. Otherwise, in the future, because of this, rotting of products may occur, which in addition will entail an unpleasant odor.

- Greens can be chopped and placed in glass jars with lids. This will help keep the greens fresh, they won't wither too quickly, and besides, they won't be remembered.

- Small trays or pockets can be purchased to store medicines in refrigerators. Such an organization will help you find the necessary tool faster in the future.

- Jars, such as sauce tubes, can be placed in empty egg trays for convenience. And to avoid scratches and stains on the glass shelves, you can purchase special vinyl rugs. These shelves can also be covered with parchment paper or ordinary cling film.

- Products that are nearing the end of their shelf life are recommended to be placed separately. At the same time, they should be constantly visible so that you have the opportunity not to forget about them and use them in a timely manner.

- So that the pots of soup or borscht do not take up too much space, you can pour it all into containers. The same can be done with salads. This way you can save more space.

How to keep order?
Keeping your refrigerator perfectly clean will take a little more discipline. At first, a person who is not used to bothering with the layout of food can be difficult and simply lazy. However, this will have to be overcome.
Regularly make sure that you and your family members put food in the right way, and not just anywhere.
Dispose of expired products from the refrigerator in a timely manner. Try not to clutter it up with a lot of pots, and if an unpleasant smell or stains appear, take immediate steps to get rid of them.In this case, you will be able to keep your refrigerator in proper condition.