Plumbing cleaning

How to wash an acrylic bathtub?

How to wash an acrylic bathtub?
  1. Peculiarities
  2. What cannot be done?
  3. Recommended remedies
  4. Traditional methods
  5. With hydromassage
  6. We clean up construction dirt after renovation

Acrylic bathrooms are now actively displacing their cast-iron and steel "friends" from the market due to their lightness, ease of installation and a variety of shapes. Therefore, sooner or later, modern housewives face the question of how to care for an acrylic product and how to wash different types of stains from its surface at home.


It is a well-known fact that acrylic was first used by dentists for the manufacture of dentures. Over time, this material has found wider application, including in the production of sanitary ware. In terms of strength and endurance, acrylic is not inferior to cast iron and steel. However, the methods of caring for these materials vary significantly.

Ignoring basic recommendations can lead to cracks and scratches that will ruin the appearance of the bath.

So that the bath will delight the owners with whiteness and perfect smoothness for a long time, follow these simple tips:

  • Do not bathe animals in the bath. Their claws are hard enough to scratch the surface of the tub. If you are planning to bathe your pet, use a plastic bowl;
  • Do not place metal containers in the bath. Gross violation of this rule will lead to deep cracks and noticeable damage to the product;
  • Avoid rough brushes, they will also scratch the surface;
  • About once every two weeks it is necessary to treat the bath with a special agent according to the instructions;
  • Every six months it is necessary to disinfect the tank with a special solution;
  • In the presence of deep damage, the restoration can be carried out using sandpaper and liquid acrylic, but this work requires special skills, so it is better to entrust it to a specialist.

In order not to puzzle over how to overcome old deposits, it is better to carry out regular preventive procedures for the bath. Simply rinse the product with water, wipe it with a soapy sponge after use, wipe the bath dry, and you will not be exposed to lime on the surface.

What cannot be done?

The most significant disadvantage of acrylic bathtubs is poor resistance to mechanical damage. It is easy to scratch the acrylic surface and strip the natural shine of the bathtub if unsuitable cleaning agents are used. Abrasives are harmful to a bathtub covered with liquid acrylic.

So that the bath does not take on a matte shade ahead of time, exclude the use of the following substances for cleaning:

  • Abrasive products;
  • Chlorine-containing preparations;
  • All solvents including acetone. They will cloud the enamel, and with prolonged contact they can cause deformation;
  • Ammonia will also make the enamel cloudy;
  • Formaldehyde is not compatible with acrylic surfaces. Although this substance is rarely included in household products, they are still found.

As it turned out, in order to wash an acrylic bathtub without harm to the product, you need to know some subtleties. Next, we will find out how to clean the bath from yellowness without harm using specialized tools.

Recommended remedies

Today, more and more products are produced for cleaning acrylic products. You can select a tool by trial and error, or you can turn to already proven manufacturers who have managed to recommend their products as high-quality. Naturally, you need to be prepared for the fact that their price will be an order of magnitude higher. Below is a list of the most effective manufacturers of household chemicals.

  • "Akrilan"... The name already suggests that the product is suitable for acrylic baths. Acrylane has a fast action and removes various types of impurities: it helps to get rid of yellow plaque and lime deposits. The drug creates a thin film on the surface of the reservoir, which gives the product a glossy sheen.
  • "Ravak" offers a group of products with different functionality: cleansing, disinfection, protection. Each of the liquids does an excellent job of its task.
  • "Acryl Polish"... The household product is represented by preparations for cleansing, restoring and polishing.
  • "Tim Profi"... Refers to environmentally friendly drugs. Provides gentle disinfection, removes plaque, grease stains, unpleasant odors.
  • "Sif"... Presented as a spray or cream. Does not contain abrasive elements, therefore it is suitable for acrylic baths.
  • Bass. Suitable for daily bath washing.
  • "Cinderella"... Effective spray, but has a pungent odor. It is recommended to carry out work in a respirator.
  • Chister. A good cleaner that effectively removes all types of dirt. It contains a polymer that prevents the growth of fungus.

It is important not only to choose the right product, but also to apply it correctly. You will find instructions for use on any packaging, and we will consider some general rules of application:

  • Liquid products are applied with a sponge and washed off after a while.
  • Spray preparations are evenly distributed and removed after a few minutes with water.

The effectiveness of any product directly depends on the regularity of its use. Areas with heavy dirt can only be cleaned the second or third time.

Traditional methods

If you are not a supporter of chemistry or are simply saving your family budget, turn to folk remedies to combat pollution on an acrylic bath. All these simple manipulations for years help housewives to solve the problem of pollution that occurs during the operation of plumbing:

  • The limescale can be removed with citric acid and the whiteness of the bath can be restored. Fill the bathtub with hot water (not boiling water), pour a bag of acid into it and leave it for 2 hours. Then the bath is rinsed and wiped dry. The procedure can be carried out no more than once every six months.
  • Use regular toothpaste to remove stains. Apply a paste with a whitening effect to the stain, rub and leave for a few minutes. Then rinse and wipe with a cloth.
  • A good option for dealing with most stains is to apply a soda solution to the bathtub. After applying soda to the problem area, wait a quarter of an hour and rinse with water.
  • A solution of ammonia and hydrogen peroxide will help remove rust. Mix the two substances in a 1/1 ratio and use a sponge to apply the solution to the problem area.

Regular table vinegar can help deal with extreme dirt. Fill a tub with hot water and pour a quart of vinegar into it. Leave the bath filled with the solution for 12 hours, then rinse with water.

Reviews of these life hacks vary. One method helped someone, but the other did not help at all. This largely depends on the accuracy of all the instructions and the composition of the water itself. Remember, rust and lime is easier to prevent than to deal with later.

With hydromassage

Acrylic products for hydromassage treatments are equipped with special nebulizers that are connected to the pump. This pump provides a high water pressure, due to which water rushes out of the small spray nozzles in the right direction. Sprayers or nozzles are susceptible to the formation of mold, mildew and lime as they constantly accumulate water. It is recommended to clean an acrylic product with hydromassage at least once a month. The process of cleaning and disinfection is carried out step by step:

  1. Fill in a full bath of hot water, but not boiling water. The water level should be slightly above the nozzles.
  2. Stop the pump.
  3. Pour in 50 g of dishwasher cleaner.
  4. Add a glass of vinegar to the water to disinfect.
  5. We turn on the bath in the operating mode for a quarter of an hour so that all the dirt comes out of the sprayers.
  6. Rinse off dirty water.
  7. Fill the vessel with clean water and restart the hydromassage to rinse off the solution and residual impurities.

We clean up construction dirt after renovation

It seems that when the renovation work has come to an end, one can only marvel at the resulting magnificence. However, one more unpleasant moment remains - the removal of traces of this very repair in the form of dirt, dust and debris. A bathtub powdered with cement chips, covered with silicone stains, glue drops and the like is an eerie sight.

Removing debris from the room is extremely simple, but wiping off the silicone sealant from the bath is more difficult, sometimes even impossible. By putting off work until later, you reduce your chances of success. Old stains are much harder to clean.

The only reliable way to preserve the appearance of the bath is to cover it with a film, cover it with a sheet of plywood or cardboard. This procedure will take you a few minutes, but will save you headaches in the future. However, no one is immune from slipping of the "protection", and then the struggle for the cleanliness of the bath cannot be avoided. The most optimal sequence for cleaning construction waste in the bathroom:

  1. Pick up large debris with your hands;
  2. Clean the glue from the tiles, remove the primer;
  3. Sweep away cement dust, moving from the corners to the exit;
  4. Wash all tiles with water;
  5. Wipe the ceiling, if the material allows;
  6. Clean the floor several times, the last time with soapy water.

Cement dust is removed better if you add a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil to a bucket of water. Fine dust particles bond with each other and are better collected. Then you need to clean the floor with detergent and rinse with water. Only then can you start cleaning the bathtub and plumbing.

Any splashes of silicone sealant can be removed with a sander and the surface can be polished again.This method is suitable for removing light dirt.

For information on how to properly care for an acrylic bathroom, see the next video.

1 comment

I use the "Shining Bath" to clean the bathroom. No less effective than expensive brands. I clean every two weeks using this tool. The entire bathroom is clean and free of deposits.


the beauty
