How to clean the shower cabin?

Shower cabins are used almost everywhere. But these useful elements of everyday life can be significantly devalued by rapid pollution. Therefore, it is very important to know how to effectively deal with them.

Types of pollution
Obviously, the main pollutant is all the dirt that is washed off during the shower. An equally serious source of dirt is water itself, because dust particles and so on are deposited in its droplets. After evaporation of the liquid, mineral salts and other dissolved substances remain on the surfaces.
All kinds of shower gels, soap, shampoo, and other cosmetics also fall on the glass surface and on the trays. What the different types of dirt have in common is that in old form, they are washed off very, very badly.

Showers contain a variety of materials, and therefore each part must be selected separately cleaning agents:
- So, acrylic trays should be washed and cleaned differently than those made from natural stone or ceramics. It is not recommended to conduct experiments and use household chemicals unknown to you. Yes, and well-known, too, if there is no certainty that they are suitable in a particular case. Never use anything that contains abrasives, strong acids or alkalis to clean showers. It is not at all necessary even to buy something, a good result can be achieved by natural means, you just need to thoroughly study their features.
Under the action of acid, magnesium and calcium salts cease to be insoluble deposits and are converted into a form that can be washed off with water.
- Surfaces covered with lime deposits should be sprayed with a mixture of glasses of kitchen vinegar and 500 grams of water... After processing, wait fifteen minutes and rinse the surface with water, then wipe it off until the slightest particles of water disappear.
- Wipe chrome parts a slice of lemon... Rinse off the juice is not required.

- Heavy dirt often occurs on shower heads. In this case, they should be put in the mixture. vinegar with water (components are taken in equal proportions) and leave for 8-10 hours. You can either disassemble the watering can into parts, or put a bag of solution over it, the neck of which is tightly tied. Do all the work only with rubber gloves! This cleaning method will restore the original shine of the chrome-plated coating and, moreover, reduce its susceptibility to new dirt.

- Using folk remedies, it is easy to get rid of limescale from acrylic and enamelled plumbing. An insignificant layer is enough toothpaste with an exposure of two or three minutes, then the product is washed off with moderately hot water, and the result is achieved.
- It's a good idea to use and citric acid - dissolve a tablespoon of the substance in a glass of warm water and add 20 grams of baking soda, chat the resulting mixture in a spray bottle. 10 minutes after application, you can rinse and enjoy cleanliness.

- Pouring concentrated into the same spray bottle vinegar, spray it over a rusty surface, and after 30 minutes, grim rust stains will be easily washed off.
- It successfully fights against both lime stains and fresh mold baking soda... She needs to cover the right place for 30 minutes, then rub in with a sponge, add hydrogen peroxide and leave to dry.

- Ethyl alcohol or vodka perfectly remove soap splashes: one part of alcohol is mixed with two parts of water. Such an improvised tool can be used for glass and chrome parts.
- It often helps ... Coca Cola: it removes lime, rust and mineral deposits. After keeping the drink in the right place for 30 minutes, spill it generously with warm water from the shower.

How to wash glass?
It is not so difficult to properly wash the glass part of the hydrobox. For this purpose, all those products that you are accustomed to using for cleaning windows and mirror surfaces are suitable. The selected composition is sprayed on glass, left for some time, then wiped with water without additional watering.
You can make the simplest cleaning agent that helps to tidy the glass of shower stalls with your own hands. It will take a combination 200 ml of water and 5 drops of ammonia, their mixture works well when you need to clean the doors without leaving a single stain.
For your information: the addition of 100 ml of glycerin to this composition will help to form a hydrophobic film that stably retains a positive effect.

When all the lines are straight and the walls are even, it is worth using a glass scraper; one of the sides of this tool is made in the form of a sponge, and the other is in the form of dense flexible rubber, which removes all the liquid and prevents the slightest stains.

Washing the mirror in the bathroom, as well as the glass structures of the shower stall, should be as careful as possible. It doesn't matter if you use products made in factories or made from improvised components, they all actively evaporate. As a result, you can face sudden poisoning, if the concentration of the active substance in a confined space turns out to be critical.
It is recommended to apply any drug to an open door or leave one of the paired doors open. If you can get to the inner surfaces of the shower door only when it is completely closed, you cannot spray the composition directly on the sash! In such cases, it is poured onto napkins or sponges, with which they work inside.
It is nevertheless recommended not to take up cleaning with any powerful agent, if there is no other person in the house who is always ready to help if necessary.

At home, getting rid of soapy deposits will help dishwashing liquid. If you rinse a surface, always do it first with hot water and only then with cold water, in no case should you do the opposite. Remember to wipe everything dry with a soft cloth.

How do I clean the pallet?
It is possible to quickly wash the pallet and not harm it only through careful selection of the cleaning agent. Acrylic can only be treated with special compounds that bleach the coating, but do not have an abrasive effect. Rubbing microparticles, having opened a porous structure, provoke an accelerated accumulation of impurities.
To remove small stains that remain even after thorough rinsing with water, you can use a toothpaste with whitening ingredients. To do this, you need to take old toothbrushes with soft hairs, but in no case use hard bristles. The paste must be white. Under the influence of dyes included in its colored varieties, acrylic can be irreversibly disfigured.
If the color has changed in a very small area, you can simply apply lemon juice over the stain for about half an hour or less.

If the entire pan or a significant part of it is clogged, specialized reagents will be much more effective and economical.
Artificial stone structures can be cleaned with toilet cleaners. Please note that they will have to be washed off with a significant amount of water. Always wear sturdy rubber gloves that do not have a single hole before starting work.
Natural stone care does not require the use of special preparations, one water and a sponge are enough. To carry out active cleaning, use a steam cleaner capable of softening any stains, crusts and deposits. Then they are simply removed with microfiber napkins.

Plastic trays should be washed as often as possible so that they darken less from time to time. For work, polyurethane scrapers, sponges made of synthetic materials and soft rags based on non-woven fabric are used. The enamelled tray is easy to clean with gels, sprays or powders, but it is still desirable that the abrasive effect is not too significant. The tiles can also be washed with whatever is more convenient and easier for you.

We wash the tap
Near drains, taps and sprays, you must use the thickest possible cleaner that has the consistency of a paste or cream. Apply a solid layer of the product to the problem area, wait as long as it is written in the instructions, and rinse well. This solution will save the surface of the tap not only from lime deposits or traces of corrosion, but even from the most stubborn mold. Chrome steel needs to be washed with lemon juice or scrubbed with toothpaste, this will help both remove dirt and achieve a perfect shine.

Removing the blockage
It often happens that the surface is clean, the pallet shines whiteness, but the water still leaves poorly or lingers for a long time. Even constant monitoring and careful cleaning does not guarantee that the drain will always work perfectly. A lot of hair, fine dirt get into the pipes, and it is simply unrealistic to keep track of all this. But you can do prevention and avoid many troubles.
In case of difficulties with the drain, find out if they have arisen only with you or have affected the neighbors on the entrance. Do not try to solve a common problem yourself, it is better to call a plumber. The blockage in the nearest pipe can be removed with a homemade paste, which includes soda and vinegar in equal proportions... After pouring them into the drain hole, seal it tightly for two hours, and then spill it with hot water.A small portion of table salt will help to increase the activity of the product.

If neither the paste nor plunger cleaning helped, it's time to use plumbing cable. You will definitely need an assistant. After inserting the cable into the hole, push it, while someone else must twist the tool around its axis. Then the cable is pulled back and forth several times, after which hot water is turned on at full power.

As for household chemicals, using them to clear blockages in the depths of pipes is not a good idea. It should be saved for later, when all other methods to destroy the blockage on their own have failed. Try to choose a product that has the most gentle composition, this is necessary for your health and for the sewer pipe. Never exceed the prescribed dosage and duration of use!
Anything that will help clear the blockage in the toilet is not suitable for a shower cabin, since there is a high risk of damaging the hose and other plastic parts; under the action of acid, it can break, lose its appearance and the pallet itself.
Getting rid of mold
Mold colonies are bad in that they are embedded in the very structure of any porous material, and if they have already taken root, it is almost impossible to completely remove the fungus, at least at home. Therefore, care should be taken to prevent mold damage to the shower cabin: forced ventilation is used in the bathroom, the room is regularly ventilated and wiped dry. When they wash the cabin pay attention to sealed joints or seams between tiles, this is where black mold always appears. It is recommended to do an intensive joint cleaning with bleach containing chlorine every six weeks.
If, nevertheless, the appearance of a fungal colony could not be avoided, it remains only to restrain its development. With the current cleaning, remove any black spot you see immediately. The lesions are treated with special solutions with an exposure time of 90 minutes. Then remove the dirt using a sponge.
All manipulations are carried out strictly with household gloves. Medical latex ones are not tight enough and cover too little part of the hand.

From improvised means, a mixture of ¼ cup of soda, ½ cup of vinegar and ½ cup of ammonia can harm the fungus. A soft sponge is dipped into the solution, and with its help all surfaces are smeared, first of all, walls and foci of mold. Keep in mind that the smell of this product is very strong, and it can be toxic, therefore, do the cleaning with the windows and doors wide open, or with the exhaust fan turned on.

Rules and Tips
Specialists of cleaning companies and professional cleaners of organizations know “one big secret - it is not so important what they wash the shower cabin with, as regularity of processing:
- Care should be daily, after each use, the hydrobox is cleaned and washed, and, if necessary, washed as intensively as possible. Take it as a rule: as soon as you take a shower, immediately wipe dry any surface. By doing so, you will significantly reduce the risk of stubborn plaque formation.
- Do not use strong preparations, both specially designed for cleaning and improvised products, every day. After all, this can have a detrimental effect on your health and on the condition of the plumbing equipment.
- When the surface is thoroughly cleaned with monthly maintenance, wait until it dries and apply hydrophobic products to help reduce the build-up of dirt later on. If toothpaste splashes, soap and shampoo, shaving foam and other cosmetic and hygiene products get somewhere, remove them immediately. This makes it easier to maintain order and cleanliness in the bathroom.
- When cleaning painted aluminum, never use abrasive compounds, otherwise it will be impossible to vouch for the integrity of the paint layer.Plastic cabins can be cleaned with acrylic bath products, and glass ones with window care products. Even the most versatile and gentle powders are undesirable.
- You need to clean the drain from the blockage no earlier than all the water escapes from it. Better to wait an extra twenty minutes than complicate your job. Sometimes the problem is solved by removing the drain plug and mesh, after which you can remove the lump of dirt by hand, with a short stick or a metal rod. A flashlight can help you find out exactly how deep the blockage is.

For how easy it is to get rid of limescale and other contaminants, see the next video.