Microfiber floor mop: pros, cons and tips for choosing

A clean apartment is a guarantee of not only beauty and comfort, but also the health of all family members. Regular wet cleaning will prevent the accumulation of dust and dirt, as well as prevent the spread of viruses and infections. This procedure takes a lot of time and physical strength from the hostesses. Modern manufacturers have developed new models of mops, which not only have a beautiful design and bright colors, but also greatly facilitate the cleaning process. One of the modern devices is a microfiber mop. In hardware stores, you can see a large number of this inventory, which has a different shape, price range and country of manufacture. To make the right choice, you need to carefully study all the properties and parameters of a modern cleaning tool.

The microfiber floor mop is a versatile cleaning tool that absorbs water and polishes the floor at the same time. Microfiber is a modern type of synthetic textile that consists of nylon, polyamide, polyester and auxiliary materials, and also undergoes complex processing on modern equipment for splitting threads into fine fibers.

This procedure significantly increases the number of pores and increases the absorbency of the material. Using a microscope, you can see small hooks at the ends of the filaments that are positively charged and attract dust particles.The area of application of this fabric includes the manufacture of clothing and home textiles, furniture upholstery, sets for outdoor activities and sports, and waterproof products are made from unsplit fibers.

Modern manufacturers produce several types of this textile:
- non-woven;
- woven;
- knitted.

Among the main advantages of microfiber, experts note:
- high drying speed;
- crease resistance;
- hypoallergenic;
- lack of pellets;
- environmental Safety;
- high strength;
- versatility;
- long period of operation;
- soft structure;
- ease of care;
- long-term preservation of rich colors.

The main disadvantage of this textile is the accumulation of fat in the pores of the material and the gradual development of dangerous microorganisms and fungi, as well as a significant decrease in moisture absorption.
This device consists of the following elements:
- plastic or metal handle with retractable elements;
- rag frame;
- fixing Velcro or clamps;
- textile attachments.

Advantages and disadvantages
The microfiber mop has a huge number of advantages over a regular rag:
- simplicity and efficiency of use;
- light weight;
- mobility;
- absence of lint and pellets on the washed floor;
- the presence of a comfortable handle;
- lack of pain during cleaning in the back, neck and spine;
- wet cleaning without the use of chemical detergents;
- the possibility of dry cleaning;
- long period of operation;

- no streaks and wet spots;
- high maneuverability;
- transportability;
- no need for frequent soaking and twisting of a rag;
- the ability to clean hard-to-reach places;
- spending a minimum amount of physical strength;
- the ability to replace damaged mops;
- wide price range.

Like any material, this device has a number of disadvantages:
- the impossibility of cleaning the surface of the plinth with a rectangular tool;
- impossibility of drying textile attachments on hot sources of heat;
- the need for regular removal and cleaning of the nozzle.

Manufacturers produce several types of this cleaning tool:
- with a removable nozzle - a fragile model that has a short period of operation;
- flat with a rotating base - the most popular and widespread model, its disadvantage is the inability to clean hard-to-reach places;
- triangular with Velcro - an unpopular model, for which you need to purchase a special bucket, advantages - the ability to clean all hard-to-reach areas;
- in the form of a brush (round nozzle) with cut strips - a demanded type of cleaning tool, which comes with a bucket and a centrifuge, the advantage is the rotation of the frame within a radius of 60 degrees;
- wringer is a versatile device that requires a minimum amount of physical effort.

There are several types of attachments:
- smooth;
- fluffy;
- with small loops;
- with coarse pile.

How to choose?
The huge assortment of modern hardware stores is sure to surprise even the most experienced housewives. Manufacturers produce several models of microfiber mops. In order to make the right choice of the right cleaning tool, experts recommend paying attention to the following parameters:
- material of manufacture;
- convenience;
- design;
- the size;
- aesthetic appearance;
- type of flooring;
- the level of the final result;
- price range;
- quality;
- country of manufacture.
To prevent the hostess from contacting dirty water and chemicals, experts recommend paying attention to a mop with a wringer and a sprayer.The spin function allows you to quickly remove excess liquid, and the sprayer will help you economically use water and detergent.

A universal model is the "butterfly" design, which has the function of folding in half. The folded mop can be placed in a bucket of any diameter and wrung out thoroughly. The fragility of the folding mechanism significantly shortens the life of the product.

The flat mop with a movable handle makes cleaning not only easy, but also enjoyable. The flounder mop allows for wet cleaning under armchairs, sofas and other low furniture. The handle quickly changes its slope and adapts to any surface shape.

Most of the tools are sold complete with a special container, squeeze device and a set of attachments, which significantly increases the total purchase price. Replaceable mops, a reversible nozzle, a platform with a spray and the ability to install spare parts significantly increase the price of the purchased mop. The main criterion when choosing a quality product is an adequate price. A good product cannot have a low cost.

Subtleties of use
The simplicity of design and ease of use allows the use of a mop with microfibers not only for adult family members, but also for children. For the effective use of modern equipment, experienced housewives recommend knowing and applying a few simple recommendations:
- secure fixation of the rag to the mop using grooves or adhesive tape;
- easy wetting of the working tool;
- the use of only non-aggressive chemicals;
- collection of dust, small debris and crumbs is carried out with a dry cloth;
- the addition of water and detergents is carried out only as needed;
- carry out cleaning only with smooth and light movements;
- to remove the attachment, it is enough to press a special button, which leads to the bending of the platform.

Collecting a large amount of wool from the floor in one go will not work. For a complete cleaning, it is necessary to rinse the nozzle several times. To work with a mop in the form of a brush, you need to purchase a special bucket into which you need to lower the tool in order to wet it or wring it out.
To extend the service life of the microfiber nozzle, it is imperative to rinse the textile product at the end of cleaning warm running water without bleach or fabric softener. The use of chemical bleaches not only makes the product dull, but also destroys the fiber structure, and aromatic conditioners clog the pores of the product and make it unsuitable for subsequent cleaning. It is strictly forbidden to wash products together with terry or wool rags, which leave fiber particles and pellets in the water. Drying items near hot surfaces can melt the synthetic microfiber structure. With prolonged use of this mop, the telescopic or plastic handle may break, as well as in the places where the textile attachment is fixed.

When buying a modern instrument, you should pay attention to the following nuances:
- no exposed plastic areas that can scratch the flooring;
- absence of spools, tears and abrasions on the surface of the nozzle;
- the low price of the product is an indicator of the poor quality of the product and the use of unsplit fibers;
- shakiness and looseness is a sign of a quick breakdown of the mop;
- availability of reliable fastening between the handle and the platform;
- smooth movement of the rollers during spinning - a guarantee of high-quality removal of excess liquid from the rag.

Doing household chores takes a lot of time for every housewife. Cleaning an apartment is one of the most difficult and time consuming household chores. Experienced housewives advise to abandon the usual tools for washing the floor and pay attention to modern products of this group of products. One such tool is the microfiber mop.Convenient, lightweight, practical and modern tool will significantly speed up the cleaning process. A woman can spend the saved time talking with her family or going to a beauty salon.

Before purchasing a purchase, it is imperative to carefully study all the properties of this product and purchase only high-quality products of well-known brands.
For information on how to choose a microfiber floor mop, see the next video.